why ruin mystery heroes with a mind bending boring game mechanic, if you want 1HL then there is quickplay and Comp.
Oh I know it’s not a priority…this has been asked for on here by many since as far back as I can remember…it’s clearly not a priorityif nothing has changed…doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be a welcome change for many…
Many (including myself) would be fine with an alternate version as I said above (as in a sea párate game mode altogether…
and in terms of complexity for the devs I can’t imagine it’s a very hard change to not allow the game to give you a hero that’s already selected…that’s how the regular game works anyway…probably a on/off switch
Why ruin it with it? I’m sure you find knowing you lost with x minutes left on the clock very exciting…that’s never caused any negativity or anyone to leave an overwatch match…ever (you think leavers are an issue in qp/comp…lol)
I wish it was that easy…
Despite their size, they have a very limited number of people that can work on any one thing at any one time.
It’s a network of developers and in order to incorporate what you’re asking, it will take weeks if not months.
These QOL changes are stuff they work on here and there in between working on the actual game as a whole.
Sometimes, if they have time, they’ll knock something out of the park in a day or 2 days, or they’ll spend more time on certain things if the schedule allows it, but the main focus is working on developing the game as a whole.
I guess this means heroes, maps, and all the back end stuff. Throw events in there, and it already looks like a pretty full schedule.
That being said, I agree, just don’t touch No Limits.
It’s the last remnant we have of the original game.
tried playing MH, enemy got 3 winstons and 3 syms. shudder. usually you will be winning then last 2mins enemy will get a decent comp and you will keep getting a dumb comp and its gg. you need to love randomness because it is certainly random.