Even Gamespot is talking about matchmaking

And also LHCloudy isn’t happy with stuff adjacent to matchmaking.


I don’t get it, how does he know that he is 5k SR? Maybe top1 is 4.7k?

Too long. Did not read.

you can pull your stats but no clue how he knows the others

this is how


Thank you, didn’t expect that ppl actually find this out, holly!


That’s funny, the game has never been this toxic.

It’s made valiant attempts in the past but this iteration is just too strong.

  • No or a negligible amount of actual rewards for playing
  • Terrible matchmaking leading to even more of a blamefest
  • No actual improvement in the amount or quality of content they promised in exchange for the price gauging
  • No improvement in balance in exchange, more like the opposite.

Already a better story arc than Season 2 competitive.


they just ask blizz and they get told, kragie did it, they said he was 5k. Lhcloudy is most likely in that same boat as he is in the number 1 tank spot right now, and has been for a while.

The matchmaking is shoddy but this is a stupid article.

Firstly, Blizzard has done a terrible job at limiting toxicity - I see no “dedication”.

Secondly, this “dedication” has no causal relationship with the poor match quality.

At the end of the life of OW1, we had the same problem of silvers and diamonds together.

Transparency and match quality are separate issues and he’s conflating them with nonsense logic.

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