I'm done and should you be too, you deserve better

Just to preface, I’ve played this game on and off since OW1 Beta. I’m an old man at this point. I made it to GM once, to never get there again in season 3 and hung around Masters/Diamond until I really stopped and now am prolly a High Plat/Low Diamond player if I’m honest with myself. I don’t play enough to really earn being any higher, at least mechanically.

Your time is being controlled, your engagement is being controlled and you’re being lied be too. Everything these days exists to retain and control engagement of people as much as possible whether that be games or social media or whatever. The tactics being employed to do so, are disgusting.

The Matchmaking is awful by design to keep you fixing for that one good game you had. The same happens in gambling. The MMR is hidden to control your lobby and your engagement. It’s why blizzard can derank you and show you a gold icon but put you in different lobbies, they can do what they want really. MMR is nothing more than a way to keep you jonesing.

Blizzard tell you the DPS with 1 elim in 5 minutes is deffo at your rank they promise, you just can’t see it, coz it’s hidden, via a system that allows them to pair players and break their own rules of who can match with who. They’ll tell you the ana with 15 deaths in 2 minutes is for sure your rank, they really promise guys. They promise that even though they de-ranked you, you’ll be playing against players of your previous higher rank, they really promise guys, you just have to trust them the mmr really works the way they tell you it does and not artificially ‘balance’ lobbies.

You have to trust them that they de-ranked you for a sense of progression. Which does anyone remember that being the exact same term EA used for Battlefront 2 horrific business model? Nah, it’s not, it’s to control your engagement. It’s to give you an obligation to play.

That’s without the god awful balance, the awful feeling of tanks and supports, the lack of understanding what to do with them, they don’t even know how their own heroes are supposed to play, case in point, the marketing of Kiriko and Ram being so off point it’s insane.

Just do yourself a favour and stop Blizzard treating you like an addict jonesing for the feeling you got 10 games ago with that one good game that seemed pretty alright and wasn’t a mega stop in either direction.


I deleted overwatch 2 and leaving a game you enjoy and really want to enjoy is like leaving a toxic abusive relationship.

I was toxic too and I was always yelling at players and blowing a fuse in frustration. It just wasn’t worth it.


I think i re-downloaded and tried overwatch 6 times since the game release… each time except the very first month of release, after that i quit after hour or 4 hours tops , that was long time ago… the problem was always the same. Awful, horrible matchmaking makes you want to kill yourself, completely one sided. There is literally no point in playing this game. You can be better eventually but you will get the same experience, you will get thrown into a game where you will simply get crushed nothing you can do, few games like that in a row, than you get a team that you do the very thing yourself to the opposite team… and it doesnt even feel good, it doesnt feel like you are better , it just feels stupid …
Either they are really dum* or they dont know how to do it properly … i think they are doing this on purpose honestly…


Exactly. It doesn’t matter how much you improve when the matchmaking sucks.

You just have to only play with friends. Like that’s realistic though.

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Cya i a few weeks or next season.
Real quitters dont post a essay, they just uninstall & be on their way.
If you have been around as long as you say you know they dont listen to anything the players want.
Be it forums or other social media or streams, we only represent 5% of the playerbase
When you get your head around that then its clear.
You either play & just have fun or ypu move on.
Nothing will ever change dev side

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That’s interesting, because quitting any addiction requires introspection and usually for you to talk about. Maybe I’m just releasing a tension as closure because I’m angry with how this company has treated me. Maybe it’s good to educate people who feel the same way but don’t know why.

I’d probably try to engage your brain before making remarks that are borderline dumb, but then again, you are an overwatch player.


“Bye guys, I’m uninstalling because this game is bad for my mental health”
Most of the forums:
“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out IDIOT LOL also if you ever come back to this game at any point in your life YOU SUCK and LIED!!!”


I won’t be quitting OW2, but I think I’m about to toss my hat for the competitive.
I’ll only be playing when my friends are itching to play and thankfully they’re all casual.

I was randomly tossed into an unranked games where mostly everyone was playing like a bunch of monkeys tossing themselves into death, managing to stack up an amazing 5 deaths to enemy’s 0 deaths.

And all the while, seeing the chat bombarded with “Healer diff”.
Ey, I’m a support- but even I can’t support you out of a stupid situation, know what I mean?

I’m done. I’ll hang my coat on competitive for the time being.


The hilarious thing is that the game by itself is addicting and prior to OW2 it was addicting and (for the most part) fun, adding all this artificial MMR manipulation on top just makes it addicting and UNFUN. It’s just a coin toss at the VS. screen whether or not you’ll win followed by 10-20 minutes of futile button pressing.


Overwatch 2 feel disappointed to me, i never cared about skins, often I had tons of closed loot boxes, but I loved trying to rank up, overwatch 2, mostly this season 2 feels the game is punishing me, I can’t see if I’m doing good or not ( no on fire system) no visible Sr gain or loss, and now this derank bullcrap, that’s it… I can’t take anymore, I don’t have the time or the age to theses bull crap

Blizzard is sinking this game


i guess we were spot on even more then. you are actually addicted and you didnt mean what you said and are actually just looking for attention. maybe work on more self reflection then and instead of blaming how the game is a pos in every way imaginable write that you are an addictive personality that can not quit things that make him unhappy and start from there…you will get much better and more fruitful replies when you honestly pinpoint the real source of your rage

If you deleted the game why are you still posting on the forum?


Because I still want to play with friends and because I stumbled upon here to learn about my suspension for verbal abuse LOL

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US20200114268A1 - Rigged matchmaking and handicapping teams.
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US20190091581A1 - More rigging featuring Overwatch (abandoned).
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US10561945B2 - Rigging for teamplay and “player likeability” featuring Overwatch.
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