Enforced 2+2+2 & Role Queue Interest Thread

Like and bump if you would rather see that Blizzard enforces 2-2-2 in Ranked and Competitive Overwatch, and then instantiates mandatory role queue with enforced roles.

Pros and cons with responses gathered from comments of this thread and previous threads:


  • Everyone gets to queue for and play the role they want to play, at all times.
  • They can give you an SR for each role, so you can enjoy games of your skill level regardless of what you want to play.
  • All the tank metas in the pro scene that no one ever really liked will be gone.
  • No more troll switching (ie players who switch from healers/tanks to DPS after losing a round thinking they’re gonna solve the problem) in ranked.
  • Pro DPS players don’t need to know every hero in the game on a pro level anymore.
  • There seems to be a lot of players that stopped playing the game, that are going to come back to the game if this was introduced.
  • They can add indicators in the lobby informing the players what roles are needed in the queue right now, so that fillers/flexplayers can be rewarded with getting games much quicker.


  • It will be harder to adapt to all circumstances (for instance, you cannot switch off Soldier onto Winston to counter that Widowmaker anymore). But you still have options! Either counter her with Genji or ask your tanks to deal with her. Teamwork?!?!? GASP!
  • Brigitte may need a buff, since she is only ever proven to work in triple support comps. I am also all for not buffing her. Or deleting her.
  • Queue time will be longer for DPS spammers. Good! If that discourages you, you’re probably a sh!t person anyway. I as a DPS main wouldn’t mind this at all if it meant that I didn’t have to deal with having to fight for the role every single pick phase.
  • You have fewer options to do anything you want. If you’re the kind of person that prefers doing anything you want to creating a balanced and healthy team environment, then play a solo game?

Its enough in ranked/comp.
Each class could have its own sr.


Sure. I’m open for that. I don’t play QP anyway. I edited my post now…

However, wasn’t that exactly what they did with hero restrictions? They started off in ranked/comp only, and then after a while they introduced it to quickplay as well?


I certainly support 2-2-2 forced role que…but for Competitive Mode only. The more casual game modes can be left as-is.


And by Competitive Mode, I assume you mean ranked AND the pro scene? Because introducing a competition that you cannot train for when playing on the ladder is unlike what any game has ever made, and it’s bad game design.


I do not believe that the Pro scene needs it enforced, as they already understand how the game is played. Players on the ladder however, need to develop a good base understanding of the game. Blizzard intended for “Competitive” Mode to be a farm system for OWL, but it’s so broken that it’s not even close to that.

I could see even something like, enforcing 2-2-2 below Diamond, then after that point, allow some of the more nuanced team comps since coordinated team play below Diamond is pretty much non-existent.

Players need to have choice taken away, not given. Giving players choice is what’s made “Competitive” Mode broken AF since day one.

Force 2-2-2, learn fundamentals and climb the ladder that way. After that point, then you can start thinking about going Pro and utilizing exotic team Comps.


I’ll explain to you why it’s needed: Currently, the pros have discovered that Goats (triple support, triple tank) is by far the most efficient strategy to win games in Overwatch. But they hate playing it, and the watchers hate seeing it. The whole few-to-no-dps meta has been prevalent many times, and this is bad because DPS is 1. by far the most entertaining role to watch, 2. by far the most popular role to play and 3. by far the most diverse role.

Enforcing 2-2-2 would also make balancing a lot easier. Actually, if they do enforce 2-2-2, they would probably have to buff Brig quite a bit.


Petitions aren’t allowed. This thread will probably get locked.


Nope, there are other comps. Don’t have to be a pro to run them.
If you want a certain comp by all means form a group and run it. Add people as friends and follow up in discord.


Count me in brother.

It’s not that I want to play a certain comp. It’s that I want to play a certain comp AND play against a certain comp AND watch pros play certain comps AND never ever see ridiculously boring metas like Goats emerge ever again. Solve that with LFG.

Because god-forbid we let our opinions be known. Role Que has been brought up over and over and over in Dev interviews and they keep dismissing it.


I’m in favor of role queue too. I’m just letting you know that blizzard doesn’t allow petition threads.


Thanks for the info. I changed it to Interest Thread =)

What META Comps are being consistently run and correctly applied below Diamond? Hint: None

Forced role que would take nothing away from 90% of the Comp ladder because 90% of the Comp ladder isn’t coordinated or skilled enough to use META comps in the first place.

Player choice is what’s gotten us into this mess with Ranked Mode. Time to remove it and force players to coordinate at a base-level (the Hero select screent).


This would be about the only thing that would bring back some of my interest in the game.

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2/2/2 only makes comp too restrictive and goes against the core values of hero switching and being able to adapt to all circumstances.

The game would become stale and boring really quick.

I’d prefer a more open option, where you still have 3 flex slots but youre still guaranteed to have a main tank and 2 healers so the comp stays functional at all times.


Same here. I’m playing other games for now.

I disagree that the game would become stale. On the contrary, I believe the stalest games are the ones without DPS heroes. And healing and tanking is just too strong to be able to balance it properly, at all times.

Edit: Also, if you are an enforced DPS and need to switch things around, just switch to another DPS hero. There are plenty of them, and if there are certain ones that cannot be countered by other ones, then solve that by adding new heroes.

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This is a fallacy that a lot of people like to throw around. How much Hero switching and “adapting to circumstances” is actually going on in Ranked mode? Below Diamond, next to none.


How is it a fallacy? Not using an option and not having the option at all are 2 different things.