Devs keep acting like they want more Tank players. Well it’s well past time to commit to that.
And one of the main things has been keeping “Tank Busters” from melting through Tanks too easily.
And so far, that’s been mostly good with Reaper and Tracer:
And way back in the day with McCree, whether he no longer dealt full damage and headshots with guys right click
But there is one gigantic oversight which I really struggle to understand why it’s still an issue.
When you combine a pre-charged normal arrow with StormArrow, you can dump anywhere between
475 damage and 990 damage onto a Tank, in 1.5sec.
Throw in a damage boost, and that goes up to
617 damage to 1235 damage in 1.5sec.
And while Reaper/Tracer/McCree are kept in check by needing risky close range positioning to unleash that firepower.
Hanzo can do it for free, every 10 seconds.
Which is a lot more often than Reaper/Tracer/McCree get to spend at close range with a Tank. (Throw in the needed time for mobility/escape cooldowns, and how a Tank can just choose to just not be in close range with McCree or Reaper)
Additionally, a Sniper or Sniperish hero, that outranges all other heroes besides Ashe/Widow, should be vulnerable at close range, and at least forced to run away.
And to an extent, Hammond can deal with Hanzo. But this glaring issue with Hanzo is a large part of why two of the most fun Tanks in the game, and Winston, aren’t used much are any ELO in ranked Competitive.
You see Reinhardt mains complaining about “I dropped my shield for half a second, at full HP, and I’m dead”. And it was probably a Hanzo involved.
You want more Tank players? Then get rid of Hanzo’s “Delete a Tank” button.
Hanzo may have needed it when he couldn’t horizontally run away from Dive Tanks. But now with Lunge, that’s on a 5sec cooldown, and moves him 8m away. He does not need or deserve to just fight his way out easily, in addition to just dodging out of the way.
That said, here’s what I would propose for Hanzo
Storm Arrow
- Arrows reduced to 3, down from 5
- Damage reduced to 50, down from 70
- Cooldown reduced to 7sec, down from 10sec
- Travel distance increased to 10m, up from 8m
- Cooldown reduced to 4sec, down from 5sec.
- Hanzo would still be able to launch 275 damage to 550 damage in 1.0sec
- He would be more evasive than he already is. Able to stay in his ideal attack ranges.
- He would have his cooldowns ready to go, much more often. Leading to much more fluid gameplay.
- High skill Hanzo’s would still be a strong threat if they reliably land headshots.
The biggest change
- More and Winston usage to ranked ladder usage.
- Generally a huge sigh of relief and thank you from all Tank players.