Elo hell might owe you 50sr, but not 500

First of all, a question - why do you think, that account history is not in effect?

How would that work - simple, Blizzard has all of your gameplay stats and is able to compare them to in game stats of other people, playing with the same heroes you do (PBSR). Certain ranks have certain performance indicators, otherwise “Bronze to GM” raids would occupy a lifetime instead of days. For example, I’ve seen a Fitzyhere’s video of such run. When transitioning from Gold to Platinum he gained over 100 SR.
Why the system does that? It identifies him as a player of much higher rank. How does it do that? By stats comparison, it is the only way (I don’t think, that Blizzard implemented some hardware-based mechanism to determine who is playing).

If the system is able to analyze a player’s performance in a single match, it is able to do so retroactively. All in-game stats for an account are stored PERMANENTLY in a database on Bliz servers. It is accessible through the game interface. It would be foolish to assume, that all this data is not relevant, because in that case, why even bother gathering it and storing it, all you need for PBSR is actual data for a single match?

The following paragraph will be about ranks below diamond, where stats matter (simply winning games matters for 11% of total players - a sad fact about this game). Since OW is a game of large numbers, the matchmaker is designed in a manner to omit player’s peak performance moments. Player’s rank is not determined by popping off. It is determined by maintaining a certain winrate with certain stats for a large number of games. If you play rarely, matchmaker is not certain about your MMR (Scott Mercer quote, I believe), resulting in large SR swings. To the matter at hand. If your account has been played for several seasons for more than 100 games, matchmaker is certain about your performance. Your average stats are known. If you haven’t improved radically, your performance will not differ much from season to season. A quote from Kaawumba’s post (https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/how-competitive-skill-rating-works-season-14/278920):

This quote I can confirm as I can see stats for my new account, which is Plat right now. I maintain 52-55% winrate easily on this account. On my old account, which started out in Bronze, I barely maintained 50% winrate at low gold. I have improved, but not that much. But new account plays very differently, than the old one.

As for actual proof - I don’t know, what will be proof in this case. Probably, devs coming to this topic and labeling my assumptions as correct ones.

I would answer sooner but your post was too long to do it on my phone.

First part of your text is right, if you play good enough PBSR will help you climb below Diamond. You dont have to be GM to have benefit from it tho. Even getting like 27 would be enough for climbing with 50% winrate. Only difference between someone who is not already higher ranked and someone who already is the speed of climbing.

Yes all account numbers are stored and visible but it doesnt mean ranking system and matchmaker are using them to punish you as you think. You have two ranks in competitive, real visible SR and unvisible MMR, which is based on what blizz said not exact number. I think players can talk about it as exact number even if reality is little bit different, we just kind of can imagine our MMR based on PBSR.

MMR is your actual hidden ranking. Yes, “ACTUAL” and its going up and down pretty fast as you play and performs in games. Its not using your old data from season back, why would system do that? There is absolutly no reason for that.

I know many people who were stuck in their ranks for a long time and eventualy they climbed. One of my friends was low diamond for a long time and just recenlty like 3 seasons back he climbed into high diamond, then master, then grandmaster and his peak is even top500 now.

I was plat many season and I climbed into diamond for the first time 2 seasons back. I know people who are playing on accounts which they dont own and they climb on it every time if their elo is higher, even just 2 ranks. On accounts which were stuck in bronze or silver many seasons.

Why cant you just accept the fact that you and other are simply not good enough to climb? Is it that sohard to admit it to yourself so you and others are trying to find excuses in system? I have no problem to admit I belong in High plat where my account is right now and I am not good enough to be in diamond. I know I can be, but at this time I am not.

If you think blizzard and system is keeping anyone in certain place in ladder on purpose, you are deeply mistaken. They dont have any reason to do that.

Elo hell owe me a spot in the OWL, but Blizzard is working against me to keep me in diamond.

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Posted two days ago in a different thread:

Pick one.

I dont get it, in one topic we talked about OW 2 and here we talk about climbing, two completely different things. I dont know what I should pick, please explain.

You either don’t know why Blizzard would repress accounts, or you accept that Blizzard makes profit off alt accounts.

You cannot have both.

What the hell are you talking about? Most of alt account is bought by people in gold +, some people in diamond+ have a lot of accounts. And they clearly dont think theirs main accounts are being repressed.

There is no such thing as repressing accounts by blizzard, its just in your head. I guess you are one of them? One of the people repressed by blizzard, forced to play in low elo even when you are good? If you are serious about it, record idk 15 games in row and show us how blizzard is forcing you to be in low elo. Or link me anyone, anywhere who recorded certain number of games so you can prove your crazy theory. I am 100% sure we will tell you why you/or anyone else is in place you/they are. And it will not be because of blizzard. It will be because of skill.

Why do you think most people who believe in this are in bronze and silver, some gold and only few in plat? Because when people climb into plat and + they actualy start to understand basics of the OW , how to play and how rankings works.

About profit, yes blizz is making profit from alt accounts and its a good thing so they have money for supporting OW and other games. But them forcing some individual to be low ranked so they will buy alt accounts? Dude, lol…

to say that Blizz holds SR’s lower than they actually deserve to increase sales of alt accounts, is quite a bold statement, and I think the burden of proof would be on you.

and to say I can’t disprove it, is not proving it, yeah??

I never said Blizzard represses SR.

I said you cannot believe that there is no incentive for Blizzard to do such a thing, while also accepting that alt accounts are a cash cow for Blizzard. Those two opinions are mutually exclusive. That is all I said.

Also, I’d point out that your assumption that most alt accounts are bought by people looking to play down is just that: an assumption.

denying an incentive is ignorant, I agree

all new OW accounts are bought by people who already own OW.

these two things seem to be pretty obvious, although not cold hard facts… they’re pretty obvious

First of all, I don’t think so.
I was saying only this:

  1. Account history matters.

  2. If you have improved and know it, but cannot climb with an account, which played for 3+ seasons, buy yourself a new account and start fresh.

I also think, there are certain design flaws in the system, which cannot be fixed now. In essence, they did not design this system on purpose, but by mistake.

I’m not worried about climbing. I’ve reached platinum and proud of myself.

You haven’t mentioned, that PBSR gains and losses are affected by teams SR difference. This difference NEGATES good player performance. And this difference is in Blizzard’s control - their matchmaker tosses people around to make teams. It would be hilarious to assume, that there are not enough online players to create two teams with minimum SR difference. I’m playing in two most populated ranks in OW and yet there are significant differences in teams SR.
So, you not only have to beat players of the same rank, playing the same heroes, but also you have to beat the differences in teams SR, which is in total control of Blizzard. I can provide some examples, if you’d like.

if account history matters, (which the devs never said it did in numerous posts about MMR) then it matters very very little. Probably lesser than PBSR matters.

PBSR gains and losses are affected mainly by your performance, yes in some games it will not be that marginal when your team is favorized, but in that case you should have more easy match. When i play comp,teams have pretty much same sr and games are created by mmr anyway. So you could see difference in team sr but in reality teams mmr is the same.

I dont know how more i can convince you really, i know many people who were stuck and when i watched their game play, i knew exactly way. Because of mechanical skill, game sense and other factors. But account history was never factor.

No need to convince me :slight_smile: I have proof, that is significant enough to me.
Unfortunately, all you have written about PBSR, I cannot agree to. I have data, it says, that PBSR is affected by teams SR difference a great deal (±5-6 SR). It makes a difference in the long run.

Hmm, its hard with you … :smile:

Lets say there is a guy in bronze 1300 sr for example. He is constantly around tgat number all 12 seasons. And now another guy helps him with coaching, review his gameplay, give him tips and tell him what to fix. The bronze guy will start working on it and is getting better .

Now tell me how exactly is his history of being 12 seasons in bronze affecting his chance to climb when he is getting better now. Can you explain it?

Edit: lets say guy from bronze was losing and gaining -+ same sr before being coached.

It is hard with you too :slight_smile:
Why people hire coaches? TO CHANGE! The guy after the coaching does not equal to the guy before! If the coach is good enough, the bronze guy will gain necessary knowledge to be not bronze, but higher. Isn’t it obvious?
It’s basically not a single person playing.
What I was talking about was - trying on your own, without boosting (radical in-game stat change), coaching (radical whole gameplay change) or some other type of help from the side.

So its pretty much impossible to climb as someone being in same elo for many reason without outside intereference or changing the mindset because natural learning procces by watching things in games is very slow for some people. But history of account is not the case nor the negative factor affecting sr gaines or quality of games. If you will play the same way absolutly without outside interference, your chance to climb is extremely lowered. But fom the fact that you as dividual dont care enough to be interested in game and how to get better. Its more psychological obstacle than ingame obstacle then. Nothing done by blizzard or matchmaker.

Edit: as for me, i am very good at analyzing things and i am curious guy so for me it wasnt problem to climb from mid silver to platinum just by playing the game without outside help. I simply gained knowledge by observing stuff in games.

I didn’t explain it clearly enough. My main used to be diamond for like 3 seasons, then I managed to hit masters. The second account only got to 150SR of my peak because I was unable to play at that rank even on my main at the time. I’ve been trying to climb on that account and climbed from 3.1 to 3.4 with no issues so far.

If the difference between where you belong and where you ate is only 50 SR, that’s not actually “elo hell”.

So. You already belong to 8% of entire player base, and managed to climb even further, to top 3% of entire player base.
Of course, you have no problem with climbing in this system! You are already at the top. I know, there is a significant difference between Diamond and even Masters. But from Gold to Plat perspective - difference is HUGE.