Elo hell might owe you 50sr, but not 500

if you imagine the bell curve and zoom in, you will probably see little peaks and valleys. The tops of the little waves are probably 100sr apart (this is my estimate)

so yeah, maybe you’re being cheated and you just can’t get over the next hump, but if you barely can get over that one, you definitely don’t have the skillz to get over the wave after that.

Every gold, “If I could just be teamed with Diamonds…” um no, just no


finally a decent thread here


It usually takes me about 300 SR to feel a difference. So 2800 vs 2500 I’ll notice an uptick in difficulty. But 2600 vs 2500 feels the same.


It’s not Elo hell at that point is it, it’s just your true SR range. Each tier can be divided into sub tiers and these sub tiers vary in skill the higher you go, to the point where (don’t quote me on this because I can’t find it, but I think someone said it in their stream, probably Jayne) that 4.3+ each 100 SR varies so much that it can be considered a new tier of skill.

High plat and low plat definitely have a noticeable skill gap. I’d say plat and above, up to GM (can’t comment much on that because I haven’t played there) are split into 3 tiers low-mid-high which all feel noticeably different. Gold and below may have such subtiers, but they aren’t that different in terms of skill. The SR gap between each peak decreases as you climb imo.

Diamond is probably like each 167 SR, because 3-3167 is a bit different, 3167-3333 is pretty different, and 3333-3500 is even more difficult.

Golds in a diamond game are pretty yikes lol. I’ve had that happen and the gold went tracer. Yeah…he we couldn’t take first.


Agreed. I find that you will float around a 200-400 Sr range (400 being the absolute maximum).


So in the past day, I’ve lost 200 SR. Maybe 3 hours of gameplay. I can guarantee you zero of those losses were my fault. About half the matches 2 people selected off tanks, and 3 people select DPS. That’s already game over no matter what the match is. I try to help the team by picking a healer, but it really doesn’t matter what I do at that point. The other half the matches the DPS do literally nothing all game. Like they charge out in front of the shield and die before the rest of us even engage. And it’s not once, it’s non-stop the entire match, even on defense.

Elo hell does exist, because stupid doesn’t get punished enough. You fail horribly, you lose the same amount of SR. Then you get matched against a team with 2 people that fail horribly, so your team wins the 5v4. Now you’re back to where you were. When people leave your team, you get punished even harder, because your stats are obviously going to be lower when you’re in a 4v6.

Now I will probably eventually get back that 200 SR, but it’s demoralizing having 8 games in a row with short bus teams that either don’t have a mouse or are trying to lose. And probably 6-7 of those losses one of the worst players was the one complaining about someone else.

There is no way around this, other than 1v6’ing the other team. If you cannot do that, you are stuck in ELO hell. Also, I disagree about the 300 SR thing. I think there’s certain points where skill is noticeable. Below 1650ish is when it gets really bad. From 1660-2300 has been identical. Actually the attitude has gotten worse the higher I go, and the skill is no different. People are even less inclined to try to work as a team, and more inclined to cause drama.

Aaaaaaaand that’s where we stop reading because you’re clearly delusional.


this is actually facts holy

3 hours of gameplay -200 sr and nothing was your fault? It depends how would you define fault. This is team game so every loss is your fault from 1/6.

Nobody is saying you lost games because of you. But if you actualy had smarter hero picks, if you had better comunication with team and better skill, you would not lose these games.

As you go lower in ranks its more easy to get out of those ranks.


climbing is about a lot more than just being good at winning duels and fragging. i think that is where a lot of people get confused about their skill in this particular game. most 1v1s are lopsided encounters anyway due to hero kits, so there are always those Reaper or Genji mains who think they’re the hottest thing on the planet for being in the killfeed in a few fights, then rage at their team.

someone is always gonna land killing blows in every fight, it doesn’t mean anything. it doesn’t mean you’re actually skilled at the role/hero and it doesn’t mean you were carrying. this game is about so much more than petty crap like that.


There is only so much you can do when your team doesn’t listen, doesn’t speak except to berate each other, and you are a solo support. My only other option is to ignore the fact that it is a team game, and pick something like soldier or Mei that is self sufficient and try to solo the other team. And after these last couple days, I think that’s my plan. I also think I’m going to mute team chat entirely.

The truth is, you play an influence in how a match goes or at least cushioning a loss.

Be the first to speak in your matches. Run mic checks with your teammates. There you’ve dictated the atmosphere towards a more positive one, given that you’re naturally respectful. Create plans such as where to push. If you’re attacking on Numbani and your line up consists of Genji/Tracer/Winston, it would be best to avoid the inside rooms.

Do you pick accordingly to your comp, not just 222, but do you pick to synergize? I see you play Brig heavily, cool, but consider situations where Brig may not be good. Solo healing on attack would be a likely one due to her heals being on cooldown unless she puts herself in danger swinging at dudes. In that case, Moira may be better.

Some things to consider.


Ok this isnt new info…

The problem is the soft throwers locking and one tricking and not flexing their way down to plat.

Where if they want to carry they could.

Game broke withour hero sr


yeah I never play Brig when I’m solo healing. But here’s a scenario for you. Tell me how to fix this.

I’m on soldier 76. We don’t control the point. I take the high ground, start shooting at junkrat, almost kill him but he does his bouncy crap and gets behind a wall. He gets healed to full. For some reason, baptiste, ana, orisa, and junkrat come charging for me. I sprint away, they keep following. This leaves a genji and roadhog on point against 5 of my team. After about 10 seconds of this, moira on my team tries to save me. She dies instantly. Now the 4 people on my team have already died so I jump off the cliff.

Next match. I’m soldier. I get high ground, almost kill their healer a couple times. They dive me with junkrat, lucio, dva, and mercy, so I jump down by my team. Now for some reason, rein charges in the wrong direction and hits nobody, and mercy and dva both charge after the rein. I kill all 3 while their backs are turned. Then their junkrat and lucio kill me. At this point it’s 5 on my team against lucio, junkrat, hanzo. My team doesn’t even push forward, they sit in the choke. I res, sprint back, run through the choke onto the point, kill junkrat, lucio, and hanzo. I get killed by rein, dva, mercy coming behind me. Now my team decides to join me on the point. By the time I get back, all 5 of them have died to rein/dva/mercy.

Explain this:


These are my two accounts. bronzeshmurf is the new one, and I use it for 2 seasons, already Platinum. oldphardt is the old one, and it was used for 7 season, NEVER rising above 2400 SR.
BTW, if you start with “Silver Gold and Platinum are basically the same thing”, you might as well don’t start it.

Annnd this is where we stop, boys and girls.

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All those losses were your fault to some extent. 2 offtanks and 3 DPS is never an autolose. What causes that is the general attitude of the community that somehow these compositions are an autoloss, when in reality forcing people off their main role is sometimes more harmful than allowing them to play it, even if it leads to a “suboptimal” comp. I’ve easily won games with 5dps before. Charging into a team in front of the rest of the team is not just a DPS thing, it’s a gold thing.

There’s always someone that fails horribly in a match. As long as it’s not you, you’ll climb.

Yes, which is why you stop after the first two losses, take a break, clear your head and come back.

Nope, you use your team’s plays to capitalise on enemy mistakes, or you make plays to allow your team to capitalise on them (less likely to work below plat/diamond). If you’re a support player you need to focus mainly on your main tank and your better dps. Also, you should dps a bit yourself when viable, especially if you’re an off support.

Comes down to ego. People can tell who’s not pulling their weight the higher you go and you’re more likely to get flamed. That being said, communication and strategy also improves.

The skill difference between those tiers isn’t massive though. That being said, you should come to your average SR across both accounts if you play enough games.

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You completely miss key thing: across those seasons I’ve managed to learn something :slight_smile:

My feelings says something else, but i am not sure they use all the data from the start of when you started game. But when they do it all depends on how long did you try out all different kind of heroes to look what you like. And when did you start serious learning the game.

But just watching logically to an average, this number could be a lot higher then 100 SR. And it isnt more the difference of SR between accounts but the number of games you need to play to get +100SR.

If you add 2+2+2+3+2+3+3+6+7+8+8 = average 4.18.
So a new account where you learned the game and heroes a lot faster you get these scores: 6+7+8+8 = 7,25. So the question is when always getting 8 on the first account how long will it take to also get at least a 7 average? Howmany 8 do you need to add? And this are just 11 numbers … Do this with all the games you played on for example a gold or plat(border) account where you at first halve of all the seasons, didnt understand the game. Or were playing to wrong heroes or something… So lots of games where you get low scores. If the system still uses these scores to calculate an average, it will also take lots of high scores to get an average higher then X. While you can get that average on a new account in a few games.

We dont know how MMR works. I still have a feeling if i really wanted to i could climb out of gold also with this account. Yes i only get like +4 or 5 SR extra on my normal SR even if i played very well and i had stats in that game equal to the average master player playing the same hero (%direct hit +crit, damage/10min etc…) While on my new account i would get like +20 to 30 extra on top of my normal win SR. So it just will take a while longer to get to my real rating.

True, but if you’ve learned something your main should climb. It’s the same reason why neither my main nor any of my other accounts are in gold, where I started. And all of my accounts reach the same SR eventually.

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