Ive gotten an established bronze acc to low masters recently, while I am usually around mid masters. (Got it gifted from a friend who stopped playing)
I am pretty sure a high T500 can easily get an established acc to low gm.
It just takes a lot of games and time with kind of little progress to show. Thats why streamers use new accs.
1000SR is just such a fat difference. Top of Bronze to top of gold (1000sr) is 8 to 60 percentile. Top of Gold to Top of Diamond is 61 percentile to 95 percentile. 1000SR just isn’t the same league of player.
You shouldn’t expect to win every game, but to think anyone could be 1k lower than how they play just seems crazy to me. And that’s coming from someone who thinks OW is particularly noisy and inconsistent as a ladder
Overwatch is trash for healers (and any other kind of team player) because their efforts mark them for handicapping by the MMR system. More information on handicapping in my thread on the subject:
healing really has gotten pretty bad, half my matches now im forced to play dps bap because our dps cant put out even 500 dmg per minute
because only hardcore fans remained and filled lower ranks with alts and smurfs
See this is what people don’t understand about overwatch. Supports job is to not only heal. If you have that mindset no wonder you are deranking. And now I ask you how does a support player reach silver? How do they reach gold? How do they reach plat? How do they reach diamond? How do they reach masters? I mean you said they cant climb so how are their players in those ranks? Stop blaming others and play the game correctly and stop blaming others.
its a team game game not about you sorry but that is reality
No, that will never works, as healer if you focus on killing then you are basically throwing
If you profile is private then we don’t know are you trash or not. Share it.
At low ranks these are all borderline throw heroes due to the mechanics required to do great on them. They’re basically heal/discord bots and most Bronze/Silver Anas are free kills. They can barely hit DPS characters in front of them unscoped with any consistency.
At lower ranks Moira and Mercy are going to get you a lot further than Ana and Bap. You can feel the disparity in healing output going against that combo as Ana and Bap. Most Bap players down there end up playing DPS, which stacks with the Ana’s inability to aim well. You can see how fun this gets.
At higher ranks, this is less of an issue. It’s really a skill floor issue with these characters, which penalizes lower ranked players.
Zens I just go tracer and kill them all game. They’re team is oftne fighting 5v6 because the zen just gets harassed all game and killed, so they eventually swap, anyways.
Brig is also really effective at lower ranks, but most people still play her like she is O.G. Briggitte.
75% of supports below Platinum front line. Doesn’t matter what character they play. Anas and Mercies are often the first characters to die, even on first point Blizzard World defense, because they’re trying to DPS or just standing too far forward in a bad position.
Honestly, the game does such a bad job at teach the basics to players. I am not sure what can be done about this. Most players aren’t wasting countless hours viewing YouTube Tutorials.
play open queue. I mostly play Support Ana/Zen, but sometimes the other roles aren’t doing their job and you’ll need to switch. It’s far less frustrating than being locked into Support only. You’ll still need to make plays as Support though.
ef blizzard, trash game out for years with little to no update just to try and hype for a sequel money grab to just abandon a year in
Seems like you don’t know how this game or heros work, maybe post some replay codes and someones will point out your mistakes why you are at Bronze and even i can say that your team is not holding you back, that is only wrong mindset and usually when you play at ”angry” you make major mistakes.
You also need to understand that year after year the player base has gotten better. Plat in early seasons isn’t the plat of today. If you haven’t evolved/improved it is partially the reason for dropping. While it can be challenging at lower ranks to climb at support-- there are heroes that you can climb with if you become a playmaker and not a straight healer.
I think it might be down to the decreasing population size and with this you will encounter more smurfs, I also thinking smurfing is a bigger thing now than it has ever been.
Another factor, you’re probably a little rusty from being absent from the game.
I’ve been playing since season 8 and I haven’t observed a considerable change in skill levels
I have played since season 1, there is definitely a huge skill difference between the ranks at the beginning and ranks now
As a healer, you need to die less
My friend was wrongfully put in Silver (really janky MMR stuff, he was only given bronze and silver placement games, won them all, and got put in low-silver), so I made a smurf to try and get him back to Diamond (his console rank) ASAP.
Not only is it going to take like 200 games to get there, but, even at a 65% winrate, he was staying the same SR. It wasn’t until we won 13 games in a row where the game finally ‘snapped’ and started giving him more for a win instead of 13Up and 32Down he was getting before.
I don’t know if this is a common thing (I know I’ve never had it that bad), but, without two people hard-carrying games there, I can’t imagine how anyone would have got out of silver. Elo-hell is real, folks.
If he was getting this low SR for wins and that much SR for a loss, that means your friend’s stats were terrible