EDIT: Overwatch is TRASH

Nope. We swapped accounts for a bit to test it. My account was still going up and down ~25, his stayed the same.


Interesting very interesting. This is more evidence that the system simply does not function well at all


If you want more; my smurf account currently sits at 64% winrate and it going up/down the same amount per game, even though I was winning 2/3 games on it.

The game just hasn’t realised that the account should be higher. I made it to try and fast-forward my friend back to Diamond, so that he wouldn’t have trudge through ranks for hours on-end while being an unfair burden to the enemy team. Fat lot of good that did.

I’m honestly convinced that, at some point, they changed the way the matchmaker works. I’ve been keeping personal data on-and-off for the past 25 seasons, and only noticed this kind of jazz happening this heavily around season 17 onwards.


Hot take: the players aren’t actually as good as they think they are.


Run…run away and never return


That is around the time that they implemented role queue. They made a change under the hood prior to the implementation around that time.

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df shouldnt need space from his tanks…literal one shot kills on cooldown every 4 or 5 seconds, funky rollout gives 125 seismic slam dmg, uppercut, and 200hp heros or less are gone.


Reading the comments made me feel like I really should uninstall the game, as the community that plays it might even be more toxic than the Blizzard office culture itself, why are you guys always so mean? why does this game attract so many damaged mean spirited children? anyway, off to uninstall :slight_smile:

How this is ” Overwatchs ” fault ? Or what you are trying to say ?

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