EDIT: Overwatch is TRASH

i feel op’s frustration
it’s become abundantly clear that regardless how you play this game, the forced 50% wr will ensure that you always have at least one underperforming member.
I’ve been paying attention in my last games.

The games i lost, i either had team members with 30-45% winrates on not only their most played heroes but the the hero they played that much.

For all u babies who cry “what if they only had a few minutes on that hero”

that’s not what im talking about.
I check people’s hours, main rolesX main heroes, and previous season percentages.

I check when i win too to make sure and low and behold, rarely anyone with below 50% on winning teams.

It’s no secret that people dont know to play this game at all aside from
“my hero has this much health and someone told me this character hard counter this character, but for some reason i keep losing to a character i should be countering”

The ranks are all a mess and skill rating does not even remotely measure actual current skill for most people

seconded. I have played all 3 roles at around the same level (3000±200 sr), but healer is by far the easiest to carry on and the least susceptible to active throwing by your teammates. This is because healer is the fundamental role that must exist for overwatch to be played properly. tanks + dps doing their job without healers is not really overwatch.

But healers + dps doing their job without tanks is just overwatch while getting stuck at chokes repeatedly till ults are charged, and healers + tanks doing their job properly is just OW with a lower kill ratio. It’s only when healers are throwing that the game becomes unplayable and your team gets 4 kills but still can’t step on the point.

And with healers if you just keep your deaths low enough it becomes very hard for the enemy to push fast just because of the number of ults you are putting out. Yes you may still lose because of a poor time on attack if you don’t make up for other players’ lack of kills, but all healers can get kills and even if you lose it will be a reasonably interesting game.

healer is probably the role I enjoy playing the most because i know that my teammates can’t screw me as hard as when I’m playing tank. No kills? who cares, at least we’re alive and fighting


lol. then stay hardstuck. uninstall it again. complain all you want. you forget that the longer people play, the better they become. People improve over time. If you don’t get better, you’ll fall behind (like what’s happening to you right now). I’m just messing around in my support role with low rank friends and I got plat. I’m not even that good. In fact, it’s tanks in higher ranks that are having a difficult time due to supports having too much utility. don’t be a bot / healbot and you’ll do fine


If you were ever meant to be in platinum you should be able to relatively easily climb to at least gold with zenyatta, especially if you duo with a decent support that will always make up for your lack of healing and enable you.

Zen does so much damage esp with discord that bronze/silver enemies will not be able to survive for very long, you can contribute with shieldbreak allowing your team to win the shield war almost every time and you can then proceed to butcher their tanks with discord.

Not to mention if you duo with a mercy who can damage boost you now and then you’re literally the only character in the game who can use a 60% damage boost at will outside of an ultimate(bap).

If mercy boosts you and you throw discord at your own targets the whole world will melt before your eyes.

If you can’t do this, you were never meant to be in platinum and you truly belong in bronze/silver.

Focus on improving your aim and positioning in that case.


I could carry myself out of bronze silver and gold on Lucio without even using speed boost.

You are as bad as those bronze players.


its one thing if im not play well its completely another thing when you have proof matchmaking purposefully handed me pick phases that are full of sandbagging NOPE’

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This goes for literally any role. They all work together.

I mainly play DPS or doomfist I should say.

I can’t do sht if my tanks never create space nor if I never get healed.

It just kinda goes all hand in hand.


“Overwatch is Trash” there I fixed the title for you OP. Doesn’t matter what role you play this game is garbage


Everytime I do the tanks and dps are unable to target down the discord enemy.

I end up with gold damage, kills and heals go figure

Main Moira (kinda the only chara I like) here…'been in gold for a few seasons but just gave up and uninstalled the game. There is just no point. I’m always a praised gold healer, keep everybody alive during big pushes, aggress or finish their heals / low life as soon as possible, but teamplay at bronze / silver level is just non-existing, impossible to climb back. Not sure how I did end up with a 10% win rate…The rule “1win-1loss is your level” just doesn’t work.

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You might need to play other supports.

Moira relies on team staying close knit.

If it’s all just death match, then could try to frag out.

To climb out of bronze you need mechanics and to frag out.

Just healing isn’t enough.

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How you finding him higher up?

I think I need to polish up my mechanics, and learn other heroes.

Some games, when an enemy Echo is murdering your team, you need to play hitscan, well, as often your team can’t hit her.

I just took a decently long break and tried to do a couple placements and not much has changed…

I think you should rename this post as Overwatch is trash

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Here is explenation why you dropped and cant climb.

It doesnt matter what you were, you are not anymore. Because you didnt play enough to improve while others did. And now you blame team mates.


The last time I played an echo she flew too low. I booped her into the corner. Hit her a few times and finished her with a melee.

I never really get bothered by echo. Echo is only an issue if her team is playing around her. Which you won’t see even in masters.

Echo is still the strongest dps currently but she relies on her tanks playing the correct tanks to enable her playstyle or she won’t do anything.

Usually I only have to switch in a double shield scenario or more so lately we have some boosted trash one tricking mercy.

To carry the game you need to kill.

Charge the attack as Zen and kill their supports in one shot.
Jumpy Jumpy Reddit Lucio hardly gets killed.
Both ults are extremely valuable.

Mercy is probably the worst in Bronze. Even if you boost or rez your team, they’re still deadweight.

They fail to understand they need to carry the match in order to climb.
If they play trash heroes for that rank or as healbots, they get no value and lose.

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You really do not understand how the game works

You are definitely right :slight_smile:

Its not like you will be dead weight. Its more about you being unable to compensate for bad players as mercy.

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I remember ML7 losing his first gold game as Mercy. He played flawlessly, but couldn’t make enough impact.

He figured the only way he’d climb would be by getting 3+ kills per valk.

Got easier as he climbed though.

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I think he was lucky he still won enough games while he had after placement bonus. It would be interesteting to watch him climb on established low gold account.