(EDIT: i dont actually think they hate tank players)

It started with tanks taking the blame for “Tank Meta” when in truth it was Ana-does-way-too-much-on-her-own-and-healing-is-OP Meta.

Ever since there’s been an unrelenting assault on tanks with the goal to make them as weak and unfun to play as possible.


yeah torb wont counter that.

the only thing stopping goats is that you cant convince people to play it.

thats literally it, if goats wasnt the most boring meta ever people would play it pretty much every game.

hell contenders teams are winning finals only running it… pretty sure world cup teams have been running it too( not been keeping up with it )


20 characters…

are they in a bad spot, yeah, but people will always play them, its the same reason why there always was and will be torb and sym mains, some people just dont care

Goat is only good if it is unexpected. To where it is abused on early control point captures or CP. It is easily counterable.


i mean you should tell that to literal contenders finalist teams…

Considering people run comps like goats it is not surprising why.
However the times when someone picks a second tank are also hard to find.

maybe if we finally get a fun to play main tank, the things may change.


You’re basing this off on Contenders, I’m basing this off on competitive. it’s two different worlds we’re talking about here. The communication is WAY different on competitive and contenders.

i mean the dumb hamster is a main tank really(kinda)

its just that hes a dumb gimmicky hero in general.

they honestly havent added anything cool to the game since Ana and maybe doom is he wasnt so frustrating to deal with ( hes a cool hero to play though )

Moderator: Edited to remove the word cancer. Use of the word cancer in any non-medical context is considered toxic and may result in the suspension of forum privileges.

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okay so its pretty well known that communication and coordination is the best counter to goats…


if LITERAL CONTENDERS TEAM cannot counter goats…

you think people in comp are somehow more coordinated?

he is not. he runs around and disrupts. He is incapable of defending the team

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hes more of a main tank than an off tank.

“terminator daughter” lol

Again, still basing it off on contenders. In competitive it’s different.

I think tanks are fine now, except Rein who need his bugs and exploits fixed. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s really just Reinhardt that sucks to play from a gameplay perspective, you spend half of your match being juggled.


How so?
The purpose of the main tanks is providing cover for the team and to push forward. Hammond only have a personal shield and can’t pretty much protect anyone but himslef. He is more like roadhog but with mobility like d.va

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I don’t think the dev’s hate tanks exactly. They just hate anything that slows down flashy DPS kills. As big flashy kills make OWL look good so Supports, Tanks and any kind of defensive move that stops those big flashy mutli kill DPS moves has been constantly nerfed while DPS burst dmg goes up and up.


I think the new ult from Torb might indicate that the Devs understood how Brigitte ultimate breaks the game.

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its not really that simple.

and tbh i cant really say im 100 % correct.

but most comps ive seen have involved dva and hamster.

where he takes on a monkeyish dive role