Easiest Unranked to GMs DPS?

So you want to ruin the game for a bunch of other players. Who will likely report the holy tar out of you for smurfing and cheating and abusive game play.

Well good luck.


That isn’t smurfing.

That is still an alt.

If they take action to manipulate the system and pretend to be something they are not… That is smurf.

Simply being placed plat/diamond and ranking up is just an alt account.

That last line was such an exaggeration. How does doing an Unranked to GM in ranked ruining peoples lives?

It does when player is gm in gold-diamond because such player will break balance of match.

Well it was more something that fit your personality, as you said:

To give you an understanding of the type of person I am.

I thought you meant that you were a person that ruins stuff for others, so might aswell make it an option that you’d make a hobby out of it.

Yes and every alt disrupts the ladder. See for example my thread that details some of the math behind that statement.

Alting is less severe than smurfing. But it still disrupts. Should it be as hard punished? Not really, because players are less aware that duplicate entries into a competitive environment shifts their advantage, and punishes those who wish to compete only once (i.e. pay2win ladder).

Who is at fault for alting? I blame the system designer(s), who favour greed at the cost of integrity.

You math is all fun and games. But not relevant. Especially as they haven’t told you how everything is calculated. So nice hypothetical explanation.

Doesn’t mean anyones done anything wrong.

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Can you explain how it’s fun and games, with math? Like maybe use some structural refutation, counter-logic, or math that says otherwise?

If you’re going for diligence, if you’re trying to improve the game and community: then stop blindly denying any bad press, and fact-check line-by-line what I’ve outlined.

Which is exactly what I said. Alting (i.e. smurfing delta --> 0) is on the designer not the end user.

No. I just know that someone doing unranked to GM isn’t causing any issues, or even ruining the game for anyone.

Outside of that you are overthinking it and wasting your own time and energy.

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You just know? I’ll stick with the math then, gypsy lady.

Its very personal, depends on which heroes you play. For me
1st half of the way is Soldier76.
2nd is Hanzo or Torb.

Yeah. Because I play the game instead of trying to mathematically justify it.

Plus your maths is dependant on SR calcualtions factoring numbers of players… That just isn’t the case.

No it is not sir, it is algebraic. The damage grows faster than the absorb. The signal/noise is reduced with every alt. And every alt makes the SR rewards a constant-sum not zero-sum experience.

It doesn’t though. You just get +/- 25sr. Nothing more complicated.

Also not relevant to the OPs post.

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It absolutely, positively, inarguably is an issue.

Every game they’re in that they throw to drop to Bronze is a game ruined for 11 other players.

Then, once they’re in Bronze, every game that they play in during their climb back to whatever rank they actually are is a game ruined for 11 other players.

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The throwing bit 1000000% yes. But that is a ToS issue and can easily be deal with.

But I will never understand how someone trying to win a game you are meant to try and win is “ruining” the game.

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If they’re a GM on a lower rank smurf/alt/whatever and trying to win then absolutely it ruins the game for others since they’re not meant to be in those lower ranks.

I will never understand how some people do not understand this.


Ban them at the deranking bit… (or for buying a pre-levelled account if that is what they’ve done)

If they haven’t deranked, they haven’t done anything wrong if they are just playing the game.

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Explain why they need to play on more than one account? Every duplicate disrupts ladder integrity, whether intentional or punishable. As GMs they really ought to know this. If they’re doing an “unranked to GM” educational challenge for more clickbait cringe content (that really should equate to a perma)…

Then I’m going to get a GM account and do a playing 1 handed for amputee awareness charity event or maybe a blindfolded or nosounds challenge to educate people on disabilities.

I mean why not? Either option makes people lose games they would have otherwise won. But the later is more humanitarian.

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Who said anything about need?

They can just do so if they want.

Plus pre-role que it was a pretty good thing to avoid some toxic behaviour (because people are fragile and can’t stand people not playing their mains)

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