Easiest Unranked to GMs DPS?

Hi, I’m kinda new to the forums and had a question.

So pretty much I have peaked 4.3k on my main account and now I want to do an Unranked to GM on DPS, what are 3 characters that are easiest to do this with?

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If I had to say the 3 easiest and 3 hardest then I would have to say for easiest it’s Tracer, McCree and Echo and for the 3 hardest I would have to say it has to be Pharah, Bastion and Widowmaker.

Hope this helped!

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if ur soloq prob mccree/soldier

soldier is ez self heal


As a McCree main this was easy to do and just yesterday I finished the Soldier 76 Unranked to Gm. Thank you so much!

Omg, you will be smurfing and you are so scared to fail that you need to play easiest hero? come on, do something challenging and play worst hero.

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Ok then, what characters do you suggest?

Sombra and do not switch even if everything depends on you switching. Carry it with Sombra to GM.

Or if you decide to switch for whatever reason switch to Torb or Sym.

And fyi is your “unranked to GM” being recorded in any way?


welp if you pick low pickrate or low winrate heroes you get the easy sr until diamond where the performance based sr stops.
if you know how to doom and the rollouts you get decent rewards and an easy climb probably until low gm, where the character gets less effective.
another one that’s an easy climber is hanzo, if you hit shots it’s easy sr cause performance based and you win basically by existing.
if you don’t believe just try… you’ll see

No they are not being recorded due to my FPS dipping from 250fps to 15fps.

When I did the McCree to GM there were no switches at all. Same for the Soldier 76 one. So thank you for the suggestion of Sombra. I think I’m going to do the Tracer and Echo ones first (already half way through Echo to GM) and then I will do Sombra, Bastion, Pharah and Widowmaker

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Why would you even do an Unranked to GM though?


I don’t like playing with GMs cus it’s not fun, but playing in Bronze/Silver+ is fun

So you like pretty much stomping matches and ruining the entire ladder… is what you’re saying?

Yeah i’m not here to judge people though honestly that’s just pretty stupid.


To give you an understanding of the type of person I am, I used to 2 trick Mei and Sombra just to ruin everyone’s fun. This also applies to ladder

How about not doing it so that you don’t ruin dozens upon dozens of games for other players.

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Or hear me out, you don’t go and ruin lower ranked games :sunglasses:

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I mean i’d get it if you just liked to play those heroes, though i don’t see where the fun is in ruining the fun of others.

It’s like you’d make a hobby out of ruining peoples lives.

Depends on the meta.

But my bets are on Echo

Swap windowmaker you pleb

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stop screwing around and play on your main account instead of making the stagnant ladder even worse


Stopped reading at rollouts