Easiest Unranked to GMs DPS?

McCree is very easy to solo carry with - if you’re good that is. The actual easiest way to rank up would be to play a healer; Mercy has a secret passive that makes her invisible to the entire enemy team while she’s reviving, no matter how close she is to them, but only if you’re below platinum, so that should make things easier.

If you wanna actually put in effort then you should try your luck with McCree. If you’re a really good McCree you can singlehandedly carry a game.

Well you won’t be playing with any bronze and silvers if you do unranked to GM. Unless you throw your placements and a bunch of other games after that which will get you banned.

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I imagine that’s the intended effect lol

Don’t think he will.

There’s pro de-rankers playing with multiple bots now as they realise enforcement so piss poor, they don’t get banned for it. So can harvest bronze accounts multiple times faster.

And when a GM streamer smurfs in bronze for the lulz and doesn’t get banned, you know there’s no enforcement.

Yeah I realized through the 11 Unranked to GMs I’ve done with different characters that no you don’t get placed Bronze/Silver. Personally I always got placed in Diamond each time