Easiest Unranked to GMs DPS?

How they smurfing??

They are buying an account, leveling it, and trying to win games and climb.

That is all everyone should be doing.

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They said:

but playing in Bronze/Silver+ is fun

How would they be able to get the knowledge of how Bronze/Silver is like?
If a GM is playing at their best in placements, then they won’t get put in Silver.

This already practically proves that he is smurfing.


Eh, this is quite wrong actually.
Noone should be buying alts at all.
This ruins the integrity of the competitive ladder, it riddles it with inactive accounts and it just puts players down the ladder in the process.

Smurfs throw matches, so those in the team will get lower… a thrower is not something in control of the team, this means the players are dropping due to something that isn’t meant to happen.

Now alternative accounts aren’t people throwing, though if higher ranked players are using these then it results in power not being balanced in a match.

Imagine having a team with 5 golds and 1 GM vs 6 golds, that’s just not fair and this will most definitely mean that the team with 6 golds will lose… meaning those also get lower onto the ladder due to something wrong happening.
There is a matchmaker so GM players don’t get matched with gold players, though using an alt account makes sure the matchmaker cannot do it.

That aside, why do you think people should do this?


They are still just trying to win and climb.

Them getting to bronze is an issue. After that the climb isn’t an issue

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That still is an issue though.


Yes thats smurfing, dont try to play dumb buddy. Anyone who is GM and creating new account very well know that he/she will play way below own skill=smurfing.

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Only if they take action to be lower.

If they just level the account and end up plat/diamond. Theyve donenothing wrong. Not their decision where they place.

Creating alt if you are already GM is taking action to play lower.

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Rare upvote for you Zax. Every alt disrupts ladder integrity. They either correct for it with SR redesign/responsiveness or they start paywalling. I can live with people using 2 accounts (one to peak try and one to derp a bit). But the whales with 4+ need to be out of the game.

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No it isn’t.

If you buy another account and play normally. You’ve done nothing wrong, it is exactly what any new player would do. It doesn’t matter what rank you are.

To feel good, to degrade others, to feel worthy, to let others feel bad–shall I continue?

Lol, if you are GM and create alt you very well know that you will be placed way below your rank because highest place you can place diamond and you have to be lucky. All these GM or masters who want to play heroes they know how to play are smurfing. Thats a fact.

There is only one exception, if player is actualy playing heroes he doesnt play on his higher account.

I didnt say you do anything wrong. But you are smurfing if you you do it as GM :slight_smile: Yes, buying new account is not against rules and if you try to win, you are not breaking any rules, but that doesnt mean your actions are not smurfing anyway.

Look at Samito who is constantly doing unranked to GM runs in one sitting or what not, go look at it and tell me thats not smurfing lol, come on dude…

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Zax, I am confused:

  1. You tell everyone who complaints about smurfs to learn from them but condemn them at the same time?
  2. He is a good player, so admire him, ah, no wait, you cannot tell him! to send you a vod, right?
    Have a nice Sunday

Yes, because complaining about them will not make you climb ranks.

I dont condemn anyone, smurf as you want I dont care :). I am just saying what is smurfing, thats all.

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Well, Zax, I tell you this: you are the born politician, everything you say, you can turn into something that supports your view-point.
Go politics, friend, you will thrive.

Smurfing is term used by player base and differnet people describe it differently. Also its not mentioned in toS. I am not politican and I dont want to be. But I am not blind, GM asking for easiest hero to do another unranked to GM will obvioulsy smuring, anyone who claim something else is delusional.

This my opinion has nothing to do with my arguments what do to in game against smurf. Your only chance how to deal with situation to get something from is to watch smurf closely and learn something new.

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So you want to ruin the game for a bunch of other players. Who will likely report the holy tar out of you for smurfing and cheating and abusive game play.

Well good luck.


That isn’t smurfing.

That is still an alt.

If they take action to manipulate the system and pretend to be something they are not… That is smurf.

Simply being placed plat/diamond and ranking up is just an alt account.

That last line was such an exaggeration. How does doing an Unranked to GM in ranked ruining peoples lives?

It does when player is gm in gold-diamond because such player will break balance of match.

Well it was more something that fit your personality, as you said:

To give you an understanding of the type of person I am.

I thought you meant that you were a person that ruins stuff for others, so might aswell make it an option that you’d make a hobby out of it.