Dva was OP, get over it

Last time I checked every game was GOATS, and if someone didn’t pick GOATS, they swapped to it once they started losing. (Diamond, South America)

I still believe a nerf for D.Va should be in the making at least, but on this part I totally agree with you.

I can’t give a reliable opinion on that, been a while since I played comp, but as far as my friends tell me, it’s business as usual with GOATS in the upper-middle belt of the ELO.

I agree, but they just did by nerfing D.Va. I don’t want bunker to be great, but I think this GOATS circus has been gone for too long. I’m truly sick of it.

Yes it absolutely does. D.Va is a must pick on pro play, a nerf to her is huge all around.

No it is not. You just don’t get it. Defense Matrix is for peeling, and preventing damage. By stopping your shooting, the Matrix’s role was already served.

I’ll just take a wild guess and say you don’t understand jack about this game.

Read the garbage you wrote. Do beams coming through it and covering sides really matter when Defense Matrix’s ability is not to absorb front-line damage, but to strategically eliminate key ultimates and damage to an ally?


Diamond’s statistics for this month have Brigitte at a 1.47% pick rate, lower than Torbjorn as well as every other support including baptiste.
D.Va is the second-least picked tank in diamond this month, pulling just ahead of Orisa (3.51% and 3.37%, respectively). In GM, Orisa and hog are the most picked tanks this month.

Again, GOATS is basically dead on ladder

Except pros are playing GOATS. This nerf doesn’t affect GOATS in any meaningful way because it’s a close range deathball comp.

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And D.Va is a staple pick on GOATS. A nerf for her is huge, because everyone and their dogs play D.Va.

Holy hell. Well, Overbuff’s words over my friend’s, I guess.

That’s surprising. I’m skeptical about bunker truly trumping over GOATS once and for all. I think it’s just people experimenting, this is a turbulent time for the meta, I think.

Besides OWL, I don’t see goats much, especialy not in quickmatch where I play.
I also don’t see D.Va that often and outside of goats I never had the feeling, she is OP or imba in any ways. I like to play her as support-tank and she does well.

Blizzard need to find a solution not to balance every hero around OWL at the cost of normal gameplay. D.Va is not the only hero that suffers from this problem.

It’s going to basically guarantee that every game will be bunker comp especially in lower elo.

D.Va is a replaceable slot in GOATS. Zarya is not.
Regardless, again, it doesn’t matter that it’s a nerf because it doesn’t particularly effect D.Va play in GOATS.

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I wish Orisa would be used in less stagnant comps… I love her so

Thing is, Orisa was made for stationary comps. I like her as well, but she enables the most mind-numbing of strategies.

also find it interesting that ana is pretty much the most picked hero for the vast majority of the ladder. Where are her nerfs?

Antinade just got an indirect buff and it’s already highkey busted, so

Guess I’m thankful I run her whenever I want (in qp) and not necessarily with bunker comps. She’s a monster on hollywood def first point

Lets list the heroes that counter dva and which of those got buffs

Reaper (buffed multiple times)
McCree (buffed multiple times)
Baptiste (buffed)
Mei (who got buffed a little while ago)
Sym (buffed)

Rework of armor/health to 400h/200a from 200h/400a
Rework that nerfed DM but added missiles
Nerf to number of missiles per volley and splash damage
Nerfed damage to micro missiles impact damage
Nerfed defense matrix cooldown to 2s
Nerfed defense matrix length to 10m


I seriously start thinking that OW devs follow pickrates to determine who should they nerf next
but they ignore every easy to use DPS

OnlyOWL pickrate at that. Zarya’s outpicked D.Va for like the past year lol


I think citing 70% is a little ambitious but we’ll see if it really changes anything. I doubt it will, and D.va will remain the strongest off tank.

Perhaps there will be more situations where she’s exposed to the enemy, but that’s the whole point of having a defense matrix.

or you know… it could be because people complained and they were still meta bc they were never the problem.


i agree with OP. Good Changes by blizzard.

No one has had any problem de-meching a D.va in ages. Since she got her missiles she’s been very easy to kill. She melts like butter and her severely nerfed DM hasn’t been enough to save her own skin. DM has been just enough to keep her useful in some matches, so long as she has extremely attentive healing. I suspect these posts saying she is OP are troll posts, it seems so brainless to say.


I can demech a full health D.va on Mercy she’s def not OP lol.

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Even symmetra can demech dva with her lasor beam from start to finish and dva still cannot kill symm point blank who strafes just a bit, since micro missiles are that inaccurate.

That says a lot about how easy dva is to demech, considering winston always wins against symm 1vs1. Symm is the worst hero in this game and has the slowest TTK and cannot even headshot, what does that say about dva’s ability to tank other heroes when they will demech her at least twice as fast?

Dva melts like butter under the sun even against worst damage heroes while rest have been powercreeped to insanity, so much that what she used to counter now can easily counter her back.


ANy hero with a high pickrate will never go above 50% winrate. When Mercy was a mustpick and was used 98% of the time, her winrate never went above 50%. Why? Because she was used on both teams in a game and since one team always loses and one always wins (or draws), her winrate will stay at 50% especially if shes used all the time.