Dva was OP, get over it

Dva is the worst possible character to flank with.

If you play with sound on, you will hear dva clanking around the corner, trust me. Even reinhardt makes a better flanker because he can crouch.

But having abilities doesn’t make her really good either, not after all the nerfs she’s gone through in a row with zero compensation. And she can only get herself a new mech if she has just ulted, it’s not really a good use of ulti to remech, especially when she’s so fragile currently.


Now that I think about it, you’re completely right.

Also, to add onto this (although this may be an unpopular opinion so, fair warning):

Aside from dive, D.Va has never been a meta defining character. She has been in a meta, but she’s never been a meta hero herself. She’s just been viable because of her versatility.

IIRC in S3 Triple Tank, D.Va was being used in low ranks but higher ranks took her out for Zarya pretty often.

In the Year of Dive™, she was the go to off-tank because she could keep up with all the high mobility heroes.

Following Brig and the rework of Hanzo, we didn’t see too much of D.Va. The go to tanks were Rein/Zarya during Grav Dragons and Double Sniper.

And in GOATS, while she is a strong pick, she’s more of an enabler rather than what defines the meta. And she is typically the first to get swapped so they could get Sombra and EMP instead.

So, aside from dive, she’s been a viable pick, but hasn’t been meta. The Year of Dive™ is the only meta where D.Va has been a defining hero. Everywhere else, she’s either been viable with Zarya being the better option, or viable but having some sort of tradeoff. Like exchanging Zarya’s damage for D.Va’s bulkiness for Triple Tank, for instance. Or for a more general example, exchanging Zarya’s range and ultimate for D.Va’s mobility and DM.

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Ana is literally the most played Support (I think, that or she’s tied with Lucio)
Baptiste is a worse Ana, that’s why he’s not played (and why he’s getting buffed)

“Let me quote a characters’ abilities to make it sound OP.”
Never fails to make me laugh.
Nere did it better though.

(Two errors btw, Orisa can block 14 ults and her shield is 900HP)

Do people not read posts ?

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Dva is not OP.

Maybe she has a bloated kit and is she too versatile, but not OP.

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He recently got discord nerfed lul

Please provide any statistically meaningful evidence that current version of D.Va is overperforming.

dva was OP in 2017

if you still suck against her now that’s a you issue lol

yet the strat for grav is just DM your team, don’t need to block sustain damage if your team is smart, what I was trying to point out is that DVA CAN DO IT ALL AND THEN SOME, she is the swiss army knife of heroes. she is bad at nothing and excels at a lot of stuff, DM is the single best tanking ability in the game

Saying all that yet DM only blocks as much as Zarya bubbles. yawn

Shields will always be best tanking abilities in this game, hands down. They can block both burst and sustained damage for far longer duration than dva can.


Defense matrix has specific uses and is just good at those specific uses, such as blocking pharah and reaper ults or eating McCree high noons and stalling hog and soldier ults. In no way shape or form is it the best tanking ability in the game. Barriers are far more flexible and block several ults just like DM.

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I just don’t think nerfing DM range by 5m is something worthwhile, but who knows


i was waiting for this

see y’all in a few months folks

You are picking some very specific things to try to make it sound like dva is op and has much more than others. you can really do the same thing with any of the other tanks, but that doesnt mean anything. its just bias.

all tanks can eat/block ults, dva can just eat other ults than the rest and thats what makes it special. dva is useless against some of the ults that other tanks can block easily.
also she can never deny “all damage” in an area, she denies a different type of attacks but some attacks go straight trough DM. having a junkrat icon you should know this with the riptire being a good example. there are attacks that other tanks can defend against which she cant.


You mention early on, there is no was here. You don’t seem to understand characters getting gutted and rightfully being nerfed. Anyway you tell people to adapt but you couldn’t adapt to play against D.va’s current state? Okay mate.


It actually reduces the space D.Va can potentially protect with it by over 70% (which is a pretty big deal if you ask me):

D.Va will need more buffs if 2-2-2 happens, actually. So will most of the tanks, and many DPS will need nerfs. The current balance is very significantly affected by trying to kill 3/3, which has pretty much succeeded outside of pro-play.

Top of the ladder is already showing where endlessly nerfing tanks and buffing DPS leads though… 4 DPS meta is coming to a pro league near you the moment they actually succeed in killing GOATS this way.

That nerf was minor to 30 percent to 25 percent. That was mainly do to damage threshold. Plus he still avereage above a 4.2 pickeate. Granted he never been as strong since mercy meta ended.

Didn’t realise Mercy still needs more nerfs, let alone D.Va. Hilarious though that you say Mercy needs more nerfs! :rofl: If anything she needs power adjusted in various parts of her kit as it’s just a mess. But, this thread isn’t about Mercy so I’ll leave it there.

Honestly though, why does D.Va need more nerfs still?

(in response to a reply earlier on in this thread)

I also love how some players say others should adapt and get over it, or more basically put… play another hero. “Stupidity is not a right”. If a hero is broken, say… Bastion hasn’t seen much light of day at all, then they should be addressed and not left to rot and also expect other players to move on to another hero. Especially those who main tanks or supports, since they don’t have a lot of choices compared to ‘damage’.