The reason that dva has such a high pick rate is because she is the only character that has/can do her job, kinda like how supports are the only good healers,
Dva has a unique job, but she’s not op.
Now on the other hand you have rein, there’s a hero who shares a job with him and a hero who can do his job, but rein is better in almost every aspect.
Need to attack, rein
Need to defend, rein
Dive comp, you should play Winston but rein can work
Goats, rein
Pirate ship, rein or rein + orisa.
He’s just better at everything.
If you need a good ult rein has the best (yes I think reins ult is better than zaryas but only by a smidgr) it charges fast, it casts fast, it’s powerful, it has a long duration.
Now let’s say you want to counter rein’s ult… Rein!
His ult is really weird and buggy, I’ve Teleporter out of the ult to the side and have been stunned, he stuns through brig shield somehow and the payload doesn’t Los check him.
I mean orisas ult at its base is better but the issue is that it takes a long time to change and there are so many ways to counter it.
I’d also like to mention that rein synergies with alot of heros very well and has the second highest pick rate.
Rein has a shared job but is easily the best at it in almost every way. That’s the definition of op.
On the other hand it could just be that orisa is garbage and Winston is only good in a few comps.