Dva isn't op, rein is

The reason that dva has such a high pick rate is because she is the only character that has/can do her job, kinda like how supports are the only good healers,

Dva has a unique job, but she’s not op.

Now on the other hand you have rein, there’s a hero who shares a job with him and a hero who can do his job, but rein is better in almost every aspect.

Need to attack, rein
Need to defend, rein
Dive comp, you should play Winston but rein can work
Goats, rein
Pirate ship, rein or rein + orisa.

He’s just better at everything.

If you need a good ult rein has the best (yes I think reins ult is better than zaryas but only by a smidgr) it charges fast, it casts fast, it’s powerful, it has a long duration.

Now let’s say you want to counter rein’s ult… Rein!

His ult is really weird and buggy, I’ve Teleporter out of the ult to the side and have been stunned, he stuns through brig shield somehow and the payload doesn’t Los check him.

I mean orisas ult at its base is better but the issue is that it takes a long time to change and there are so many ways to counter it.

I’d also like to mention that rein synergies with alot of heros very well and has the second highest pick rate.

Rein has a shared job but is easily the best at it in almost every way. That’s the definition of op.

On the other hand it could just be that orisa is garbage and Winston is only good in a few comps.


So Dva isnt OP because she she’s the only hero that can do her job while Rein is op for basically the exact same reasons?


You just spoke ill of Reinhardt.

You can’t do that here, hide.


Other heros are main tanks that block damage with shields.

Dva is the only hero (other than genji (he also has a high pick rate)) that can stop the enemy from hurting your team/cobpleatly negating damage in all ways

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Winston is a dive hero with a shield that has the health of Brigitte’s and Orisa is a stationary pushover. Reinhardt is the only assault main tank, and is the only one with a mobile shield.


…No, it’s because there aren’t enough main tanks to pick from. Reinhardt is the only jack-of-all main tank we have. Orisa is a defensive anchor and Winston is a dive-harasser.

When there are more non-specialized main tanks, Rein’s pickrate will go down.

I think you should stop focusing on pickrates and focus more on common sense.


And yet even on defence he’s bounds above orisa while orisa on attack is hot trash


Orisa by design is hot garbage on attack. Being stationary, she’s non-dynamic and being a non-dynamic hero in this game lands you straight to the garbage bin. Don’t be surprised.

Rein can move his shield and actually assert aggressiveness.

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Rein’s the only tank that does what he does. That’s why he’s viable in situations that require that specific job. This thread could have been avoided with like, 3 seconds of thought.


It’s just that there aren’t heroes who can do what they do.

Orisa is an anchor tank, but Reinhardt is more mobile. A mobile hero with a shield will protect better than a hero who place a shield.

Dva… Well, Dva can do many things. Her kit is very versatile. And because of this does she has great synergy with other heroes and can she play in many metas. Who can replace Dva in a match and offer what she offer? Dva has DM on a meter which removes projectiles and hitscan, great mobility, second life, a zoning ultimate that can get multikills and she can deal a decent amount of damage. She is the jack-of-all-trades in the tank class.

But I don’t think Reinhardt (and Dva) is OP. There is just a lack of options to pick from.


A jack of all trades is a master of none. Rein is the best at all. Orisa is a worse anchor tank than rein,or at least that’s what some bastion mains say (bastion is an anchor)

Orisa sets down shield but you can just get a new pov and that shield is no longer helping the team as much, orisa can’t react/change sheild fast enough


LOL honestly.

Talking about Rein in any way shape or form is a death sentence.

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HeX, I’m sorry dude, but I think your understanding of the game is just not very good. You’re not likely to find a lot of support for what you’re saying.


It is a bummer that rein is typically better on defense than orisa and better on attack than Winston, unless you’re in the small subset of players that can efficiently dive. Even then, you usually want Rein instead.

The “job” rein seems to be better at is tanking. In the large majority of scenarios.

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Feel free to trash talk him all you want, I got other heroes to play so if he’s gutted I won’t be miserable but Im simply not buying OP’s logic

I agree dva is not op. easy to play yes but her playstyle requires good game sense and reaction at high ranks.

Rein is strong right now. shatter is still weird. Im not sure if they fixed the shatter voiceline yet but that was so delayed for the longest time and his ult is a lot harder to react to since they removed the wave effect of earthshatter. Rein already gets ult fast but playing against a beefy tank comp he can get ult again in less than 15 seconds. Not sure if getting more shatters and wiping ults is better for goats or not to be honest. Also the range of shatter is very far considering how fast it happens.
So i feel that the devs should:

  1. Fix the timing of his ult voiceline
  2. Decrease ult charge by 15-20%
  3. Reduce distance of shatter, but not by much

or at least 2 of those fixes. my only worry is that nerfing rein alongside the brig nerf will bring back full dive. which may be why the devs are waiting before touching him yet

What nerf do you have in mind?
Reinhardt is popular because he is the only mobile shield tank, nerfing him isn’t going to allow others to fill the role.

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It’s kinda funny how no one talks about Zarya.

Nerf shatter and buff the other main tanks (specifically orisa)

He’s op for main tank status so we need to reset the bar

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rein on pirate ship is actually awful


rein’s dominance in the meta comps from the amount of healing and armor that allows for hyperaggressive brawling to be dominant
in previous metas, orisa was objectively better than reinhardt on defense

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