Dva isn't op, rein is

Zarya keeps Symmetra from being playable and her ult is super hypocritical. I’m up for nerfing her

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Nerfing Reihardt isn’t going to make a bunker tank viable for his position. Shatter is fine as is (with all this cc), and Orisa is a bunker tank whereas Reinhardt is a mobile shield.


A big reason why I pick rein in comp is that everyone knows how to play with a rein. If I pick Winston or Dva I have to make sure they know how to play with me and that is far from always the case

Trust me, it’s not just Zarya keeping Sym unplayable…

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Zarya keeps Symmetras right click from being spammable.

Trust me I know what keeps sym from being unplayable (80 hour sym main)

Sorry, but if you think Reinhardt is OP, you’re pretty stupid.


a lot of people have this weird idea that orisa and reinhardt being main tanks means they’re designed to be interchangeable

orisa is by design way better than rein on defense (outside of goats meta anyways) and is pretty good on maps like sanctum, well, and junkertown

what we should do is change the meta so we can’t just w + m1 through a bunker comp since that was suicide last meta

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I seriously don’t think any tanks are OP. Hammond is kinda underpowered tho

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well his ult is op. and with brigette in game he is a must pick now. but yeah not exactly overpowered, just super meta

Zarya bubble, Brig shield, Roaghog literally being a meat shield, Symmetra wall

This username coincides perfectly with this statement.

I totally agree. People don’t realize that Orisa is a completely different playstyle and focus compared to Reinhardt. Reinhardt is good on attack, but an attack Orisa (besides KOTH) is straight up suicide.

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you are very misinformed. there are only 3 main tanks.

and they are all map based.

if you run dive you pick winston. rein is really terrible at dive because he cant even do it.

in deathball you pick rein.

if you want to hold one specific point orisa. this one is very tricky because it only works in 2 ways. either you hold a spot because it’s too dangerous to move because of boop kills (like well or sanctum), or the spot you are holding is moving (pirate ship). thats it. the only 2 times to run orisa… EVER…
and you never run rein with pirate ship because he’s useless until they get in your face and if they are close and you drop shield to engage your bastion is exposed, which is the whole focus of pirate ship

Reinhardt suffers from lack of options, not being OP.

You have less than an hour on Reinhardt. I suggest you go put at least a few more hours into him to understand the true nature of his role.

I only have 28 minutes on him, but the little time I spent playing him, I realized quickly that, while it’s easy to put shield up and be where you’re needed to be, it’s not easy to know when to charge/attack, who to charge/attack, how to charge without getting dodged. His ranged attack isn’t exactly easy to use effectively and his ult is extremely situational.

All in all, at first he seems really easy to play, but in order to play him well, he’s actually pretty hard.


This is the truth.

Possibly. It could also be argued that Orisa should be changed to be more universal than just a defensive main tank specialist…

This should be in bold letters at the top of the forums…

Look, don’t talk about Rein. You don’t even play the hero. Without any perspective actually playing him anything you say is meaningless. Don’t defend a hero you like (D.VA) by trashing another that you don’t understand.



My alternate account is for tanking…?
I have 27 hours on him, and 43 on orisa

Everything you’ve said here is horribly biased or just blatantly false. You don’t understand Rein or the other tanks. You should probably go play them for awhile and really think about them before making ridiculous posts like this…

Above you ^ I explained I do in fact understand tanking

Insert popcorn

insert baguette

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