DVA is useless now

Unfortunately this is false. GOATS exists because it excels at keeping compositions (other than the mirror matchup of course)off the point through constant heals, boops and space taking. If Widow and Hanzo were to be deleted all that would happen is that we would lose 2 heroes essential in triple/quad DPS.

In a game where there is 1 objective at a given time, the team that can stay on the objective will win hence we have GOATS.

What needed to happen. If every hero that receives enough criticism for being to strong was changed, we would have an entirely different hero from one introduced for the first time in ptr to what would go live.

No one does. And I dont particularly believe anyone who says they do.

When Mercy was reworked many people rejoiced, particularly the ones that hated Mercy before.

Time needs to go by before you can make a change that will adjust balance.

A number change or anything else that may seem insignificant can have huge ramifications.

Damage/healing numbers changes the rate of ultimate charge gained, as well as interaction with other heroes, etc.

Its not meant to be good for D.Va. Its meant to be good for everyone else. Thats the point of a nerf.

Dva was not a problem for everyone else. She so easy to counter and pick on. This nerf was not needed in any way.

Now, she is unable to tank, she is unable to do damage. What does she do? Contest high ground with boops? She melts the instant you even try to do that.

Shes not good for anything over the course of a match. Only good in tiny moments. Thus, she is now in f tier.


If that was the case she would not have to have been nerfed.

As she should be. She is a very easy hero to play and should not be the most picked across every rank as she was.

It was and I would probably nerf it more by reducing its maximum duration but I would rather wait atleast a month before changing it again.

She still can, even though it is not her primary job.

As far as I am aware, the nerf to DM does not affect her damage output.

Yes as well as dive the enemy team and harass supports.

Same was said about Mercy after several nerfs and she is still holding strong.

It has not even been a week. If anything D.Va needs another nerf.

And even if it were true, heroes like D.Va, Mercy, Reinhardt, Brigitte, Soldier: 76, Reaper, and Pharah should be F tier or atleast near the bottom.

They are all extremely easy heroes and atleast for the first 4, I don’t think should be picked anywhere near as often as they are nor have as much impact as they can give, especially when compared to other heroes that are much more difficult to play.

LoL! That’s rich.

Slade side-tracked plenty of un-related threads. Not as many as some of the other people he encouraged in the mega-threads, but more than none.

The dev team has no idea what to do with her which is evident by the conflicting ideas from the team on what they want her to be. She was supposed to defense matrix riptires and be very defensive then she was a bruiser and got her new ability out of nowhere.

Now she basically feeds more than roadhog at this point.


I only ever saw him tell others to cut it out and move to the mega thread to keep more derails from happening. He did however defend himself when he was attacked for doing that.

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Dva is pretty useless yea.

I’m also fairly sure the area at the end of matrix is now smaller too than what it used to be.

I guess I just have to bodyblock and sacrifice my mech to block all these literally 30 second high noons these mccrees keep spamming now. I don’t have eyes at my back to make sure everyone is behind me when I matrix.

“Just fly into the mccree” yea no I don’t like flying into enemy teams across chasms and then get demeched by their dps anyway and sacrifice myself. But apparently that’s the only way now to counter this.


I did notice this, not only is the reach less, the actual width of the end of matrix is so much smaller

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You were not using DM to protect others anyway, why does a few meters less make a difference?

You’re not looking at the picture carefully. He was trying to protect himself and the Winston. The Winston died because DM was too short to catch the High Noon shot.

My solution was just to uninstall and go play better games. No shortage out there.

Blizzard has next to no talent left. The last year has made that extremely obvious.

Delete Dva Crit Box.

It’s a terrible design to begin w/.

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As a Pharah Main I agree. Idk why they would change her when she was fine to begin w/ but I guess that’s the rollercoaster ride that Blizzard call “Balance” adjustments.

DVA players just move on to cheese of the month and learn Orisa and Hog. Dive > Goats > Clockwork/Bunker variations, it will come full circle by next year maybe and then you can play DVA again.

Feels bad though. Look at how much they altered her around from initially being.

They should have left it at adding the Missles. Everybody was happy. Both Dva Mains & everybody else included.

I actually thought the release d.va with the dm without ressurce meter was the best balanced form of dm.

She is fine, for real every game i still see a DVA and people owning. So why does she need a buff?

And every tank melts way to fast in my opinion. That is a different story. Except Roadhog, but that bish can heal himself at least.

Your personal experience is meaningless compared to statistics here.

Tier / Pickrate / Winrate
GM: 3.12% / 52.02% (fourth picked tank, bottom third in WR)
Master: 2.52% / 48.79% (least picked tank, 0.01% above Sombra in WR, 3rd from bottom)
Diamond: 2.64% / 51% (least picked tank, 5th from bottom in WR)

She’s barely in a fifth of games (mostly in bronze and silver) and she certainly isn’t “owning” anyone.