DVA is useless now

Never said my personal scrims. Scrims in general. Anyone who scrims is playing the game how it was meant to be played. Please get some context, thank you.

All the people complaining about D.Va being weak are below Diamond and tbh I can understand that. I’ve seen the D.Va’s down there.

D.Va is the only S tier hero and has been for a while because of her utility inside a team environment (ie: scrims, the way the game was meant to be played). You want the Dev team to balance around the way the game was meant to be played or the 4 DPS we get in ladder?

Maybe because Coolmatt is one of the worst Off tanks in the league?? And Danteh is the best Sombra in the world?

Why are you looking at GOATS v GOATS when’s I said that DM is one of the things that’s keeping GOATS alive, which means what’s keeping it better than other comps. Literally any other example other than a GOATS example would have worked…

Umm… sure…

Statistics will never count for utility. Or Ult charge denied. Or Space created through boops. Or abilities forced, but hey those are all the things D.Va is good for…

Clockwork Vendetta comp only beats the garbage teams. The comp is a complete clown fiesta.

Tbh I’m done with talking to plats about balance it breaks my head. Get me one person above 4k who thinks the D.Va nerfs were bad/unnecessary/thinks D.Va isnt the best hero in the game and I will believe you. A T3 coach would work too because all the ones I’ve spoken to say she’s broken and has been since her 1st major rework.

Oh now you know how it felt to be a Roadhog main after he got a sledgehammer to the face, D.Va can stand to be in the dumpster for bit…considering she has never been there before since she has been good in every meta since the game came out.

I don’t play dva but I don’t like this nerf tbh

You are right in a Goats Mirror MatchUp. But against Spam Damage (Junk, Bunker, Hanzo), DM is so important.
TBF you sometimes see Sombra Goats against Bunker, but only cause EMP is the strongest ult in the game, and its so good against Bunker.

Because Dva has the least synergy with the rest of the team.


Yup welcome to nerf land where Symmetra and the gang lives at.

They don’t like to nerf trending comps. Not in their style.

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GOATS can reasonably be stopped by nerfing instakill or by making pretty much all heroes that regularly partake in GOATS useless. Currently the devs seem to gradually be working towards the latter goal.

Nerfing instakills makes GOATS stronger, and gradually nerfing them will mean that they will need to become useless in 2-2-2 because of how strong the synergy is between the heroes.

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Thank you, finally someone understands literal common sense.

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Get over yourself

“If i can’t play with my toys niether can you” lmao

Your “common sense” is talking down anyone who isn’t at your sr as if they don’t know what there talking about you clown.

And i swear they were your scrims? Not the first time you’ve thrown your weight around and mentioned it actually.


I think he is not doing it based on SR, more like based on the nonsense the people write.

Has anyone tried to eat Ashe’s dynamite yet? It felt wonky before this nerf, but it’s basically impossible to eat now, super irritating.

Ive no problems eating the dynamite.
But now are replays in the game, so you can look at why you have problems with that

98% of the playerbase is terrible and havent figured out how to do most things, my guy

Also, @OP, Dva has been really really really really good for 12381923 years. Theres damage blocking abilities and then theres jesus and the lord almighty blocking. DM could block a lot of things from a good distance away. She will still be picked a lot, will probably remain meta.

When your alt is hardstuck plat

Those scrims went far lmao

Still content enough to talk down to everyone who says otherwise though

Sure thing

Instakill is the reason GOATS was come up with in the first place, because tanks don’t get insta-deleted by a god-aim Widow from across the map, lucky generous head hitbox Hanzo spam or an equally lucky generous all-around hitbox Rocket Punch snuck around a corner.

To properly put GOATS in its place, instakill needs to go, continuous damage dealing needs to get buffed and heals need to get nerfed. Or in short, just double all health pools and increase the damage of continuous damage dealers somewhat.


Defense Matrix just feels too hard to get value out of now.

Wish we could have 4s matrix back and remove missiles :confused:


Bc bullets disapear at the 15m range and magically reappear behind you, killing your team.
Yeah… :sweat_smile:
If a gm can get value, so can you…

Cause Zarya doesn’t need nerfs, Zarya succeeds in tank heavy comps because of synergy. They’re not dying because there’s too much sustain, so she lives and thrives longer.

But once there’s less healers and tanks, she’s not as strong. Zarya lives and dies based on team comp.

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BBBUT WE ADDED MICRO MISSILES FOR HER (after nerfing her primary fire too)” - devs probably


Just to mitigate her damage, only reason they made missiles tbh

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