DVA is useless now

Ah oke, great well. This is the first time in her whole existance that she isnt a MUST pick basicly. What do you expect? DM was way to OP, the ability itself is OP. I dont know how the devs can adjust her to be good again.

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

D.Va was trash from release to Nov 2016, and for a few months after her nerfs of Jan 2017.
DM wasn’t “way too OP,” it had more than enough counterplay even when it was 4s long on a 1s cooldown. A lot of heroes can just ignore it, like Zarya, or force it off, like Sombra. Mei can do both.
DM is necessary to counter certain abilities. What would otherwise block Moira’s orbs ? Blizzard ? Firestrike ? Graviton Surge ? Halt ? These abilities would have no non-ult counterplay.

The only people who ever thought DM was OP are people with a lacking hero pool, or unwilling to play how you’re supposed to: “Switch to counter.”


I am a flex player, and I often switch to counter others, even if I am a mainly support main, that’s my preffered role, And I think D.va was overpowered ever since the Micro Missiles till now. I’m glad she’s going, it makes my life as an Ana/Moira primarily player life much easier.

I think your problem lies there. You’re typically the second part of my quote.


I said, primary, but noticed I said I also flexed in the first part of my statement, or did you skip over that ?

I just love how hyperbolic the the title of this thread is.

Yes her pickrate has dropped significantly, and yes this probably the lowest she has ever been since season 3 (which says a lot btw), but she’s definitely not useless.

I looked over your profile, but I haven’t seen much D.Va counters in your most played.
Your most played D.Va counter is actually Sombra, at the 16th spot in your roster. Then there’s Brig in 20th, Doomfist in 21st, Mei in 23rd and Zarya in 24th.
In your Top 10, the following heroes: Ana, Moira, Hanzo, Widow, Roadhog, McCree, Soldier, are supposed to be countered (for the first 4) or partially affected (for the rest) by D.Va.

There’s what you say, and there’s what I see.

Then what are D.va counters ? In your opinion, because I do good against d.va with Hanzo, Mccree, and soldier… So ?

Not to mention Roadhog, Hook her, blast her in the face, leave her at like… super low, finish off with another blast or the help of your team.

But no arguments from us can change the facts. She is not as good as she once was.

You do well with those heroes because D.Va has been trashed. And in Hanzo’s case because he’s OP.

D.Va counters should be:

  • Hard counters: Sombra, Zarya, Symmetra, Brigitte, Mei
  • Soft counters: Zenyatta, Wrecking Ball, Doomfist, Reinhardt

She is not good, period.


Wait, you still think Hanzo is OP ? What patch are you playing if I may ask ?.

Oh but she still is, she is still the same old dive tank used during you know… Dive. And she is still seen a lot in OWL, even if she’s (finally) getting replaced. It was tiring to see d.va every single match in Quickplay and OWL. She deserved her nerfs in my opinion.

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Current patch. As every burst DPS, Hanzo is OP.

She has been overnerfed. She doesn’t have the damage she used to have, to the point that Winston, Reinhardt and Zenyatta all deal more damage than her in GOATs. She doesn’t have the defense she used to have, DM lost a lot of its power, to the point where some consider it weaker than release DM.

It’s actually amusing seeing her replaced by one of the worst heroes in the game.

You should get your eyes checked. Ana is the hero in every single game of QP and Comp. And now she’s going to be in every OWL game too.

Why ? All of her stats were bad after Dive died. The only stat that was high was her OWL pickrate, and it’s meaningless on its own.


Hahaha… Yea if that was true. Accept it or not, but d.va was in pretty much every game I played until she recently got nerfed again.

Just because people don’t know how to play her does not mean she is the worst hero, she is really, really good, after all, why else would the OWL teams pick her, and not someone like Hanzo who you think is so OP ?

See my previous point, she was in way too many games, And I got tired of seeing her, that’s why they are deserved in my opinion, disagree all you want, I won’t change my opinion.

Yes, she has reasonable damage now, remember when micro missiles first got added, and before they got nerfed ? Yea… She’s back to reasonable levels now.

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Just check the stats: https://www.overbuff.com/heroes

Pros play her for her scouting and she works better with coordination. But she is one of the worst heroes in the game nonetheless.
They don’t play Hanzo because he can be bursted down by Hanzo or Widow, even before the actual teamfight begins.
Squishies are too vulnerable to burst damage, so pros, always picking the least counterable team comp, go with 3 tanks and 3 supports, or now with 2 tanks and an invisible squishy. Can’t burst down what you can’t see.

That’s not a proper way to balance the game.

Dealing less damage than Winston, Reinhardt and Zen in OWL is “reasonable” ?
From Diamond to GM, Zarya deals 1k to 6k more damage, while blocking about as much. What does D.Va has going for her ?

You’re just like every other D.Va hater I’ve seen. You don’t want balance, you’re on a personal vendetta.


9nth picked hero with a bigger winrate than Ana which is the first picked hero… And your point was that she was trash, was it ?

I mean yea, but here we are now, where she is nerfed.

Well yes, I don’t want her to be the top pick of every situation for a bit, when she has been out for I dunno… Maybe 2-4 seasons she can come back agian, then I would not mind.

Pickrate is 40% of Ana’s but “D.Va is in every game” lel
But that’s not where you should look, look at the upper tiers, Diamond to GM. These people know how to play the game.

Oh look, we’ve come full circle.

I’ll give you a hint: don’t come discuss balance if you don’t care about balance. You’ll get burned.

When has she been the top pick in every stiuation ?
She was only a top pick during Dive, which is, you know, where she’s supposed to be a top pick.
For the past year, Zarya has been the top pick at the off-tank spot, until recently, when Roadhog took the spot.


Wow, you should work for Blizzard.

“Sure those patch notes were awful but eh, watchyagonnado?”


For stating my opinion ? Okay. Then let me play with the fire. I’m not afraid of getting a few burn wounds.

Oh I dunno… since Micro Missiles got added ?

Yea, those were overpowered, and they got nerfed… Same as d.va. :slight_smile:

If you’re okay with sounding ridiculous because your opinion is the complete opposite of the facts, then fry away.

So basically you’re complaining that D.Va was the top off-tank in Dive.
The mobile off-tank. In a mobile meta.
Because she hasn’t been a top pick after Dive died.
For the record, before the rework, Zarya and Soldier would contest her spot. That’s how bad she needed something.


Again, you can provide as much evidence as you want, clearly Blizzard disagrees with you, why else would they nerf her ? I 100% support Blizzard in nerfing her, I don’t always agree with their nerfs and buffs, but this one was justified in my opinion.

She hasn’t been must pick since Grav/Dragon about a year ago. Rein/Zarya took over and dominated the ladder, then she got pulled in as part of GOATS. Once GOATS started dying on ladder she was dropped for DPS. Before the nerfs Roadhog had double her pickrate in the upper tiers.

The only standout stat she had was her OWL pick rate. That’s it. She was aggressively average in every single other stat we have access to.