DVA is useless now

I feel like you play a lot of flank Dva

She could hold a single button and stop everything in a massive cone provided she had the juice to do it… sounds like pro owl plays to me.

Now she has to manage it instead of spamming it like a strobe light and can’t cover an entire choke at the same time. Move on and play someone else if she’s that IMPOSSIBLE.

I think you’re time travelling from the cooldown nerf months ago


Get over your blatent bias i beg

It’s a little overwhelming

The wails of sorrow started there and I mentioned the size as well, prob should have said the size part first but w/e, same sentence.

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Think they missed that nerf maybe?

Must of just been mixed up with the others tbh easy mistake

Sure thing also the whole of hanamura dont forget

ez matrix xo

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Hope y’all like DPS mains that never switch or communicate because I doubt I’ll bother with D.Va in comp on main after this.

Every nerf, I try to get a handle on it, relearn, and come back? But now? Nah. There are 3 off tanks, having a pick rate this low is like having a 1-2% pick rate on a DPS hero. She was balanced 3 nerfs ago and they just keep piling them on. It’s exhausting. My DPS play is a good 500-1000 SR worse than my tank play, but at this point why should I care?


feel free to try and pick and choose my points to death so you have a leg to stand on in this argument :+1:

“Your making this easy for me”

Also very well said,

Your not the only one who feels exactly the same if that brings any comfort to this gross situation.


It’s only a -5 difference, c’mon guys.
I sometimes get on DVa only because my team doesn’t have a tank, but if you haven’t read through the developer comments, sometimes changes have to be made to make it less oppressive. Besides that, every time she ults, she says that voice line that was kinda asking for one.

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Maybe start using Dva as an Off Tank and not as a fat DPS and you will see that Dva ist still a very good pick.

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Game 1 after nerf
Around 7k damage blocked
Game 2 after nerf
Around 10k damage blocked

Im actually playing more smart now


Zarya or Brig. But i think that with this bug fix of Brig’s armor + the not going through barrier thing she’ll be counterable now.

Funny thing is even before any of the dm nerfs, dvas win and pick rates were just average. It was owl players complaining about dm being op and then low IQ forum posters watched the videos and were like “hey yeah! DM is op! Let’s go complain on the forums!”


I never specified OWL ever. Scrims in general are how the game should be played.

You’re the one that jumped to OWL.

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If she is OP is OWL (which she is) then she is OP. Just because everyone else is too trash at the game doesn’t make a hero not broken.

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If defence matrix is so good at holding points and oh so important, why is that Dva is the first thing swapped out of goats comp in favour of sombra?

Oh, because she doesn’t actually defence matrix many things in goats and it’s not actually that important. Zarya beam and Rein melee is still the bulk damage goats is doing and Dva can only stop few volleys from Zen or one firestrike or couple zarya orbs.

NYXL did a fine job countering enemy quad dps with pharah without a dva and they just had rein stand on point and block stuff with a barrier on Horizon.

Lucio is the single most important character in goats because of his speed and sound barrier allows engagements on your terms and countering enemy ultis, boop helps but the speed is still important. Aoe heals are nothing compared to Brigitte’s repair pack burst heal and lucios spend most of their time on speed. Zarya bubbles allow reinhardts to actually engage enemy rein without instantly getting melted and give Zarya that juice so she can start melting people down and build her fight winning ulti. Zarya/Rein combo doesn’t need a dva to alternate their defensives.

Out of the defensives in goats, Dva’s matrix is the last one they need. Barrier blocks more things, more sustained damage and most importantly, shatter and Bubbles block even melee attacks and anything that needs line of sight. Matrix doesn’t block melee or lasor beams which are the biggest source of dps in goats and the only ulti she can rarely eat is graviton surge, which she feeds to zarya anyway with her mere presence. But having matrix is still more viable than running a roadhog and wrecking ball or double main tanks, because it can block few things more to supplement rein barrier and zarya bubbles. However it’s far from gamebreakingly important since you can sidestep firestrike and neither is Dva as a whole.

Therefore, even teams like NYXL with one of the best dvas in the world have subbed out their Dva for SBB’s subpar sombra gameplay to give him more experience in playing sombra. And more and more teams keep doing this, even if they do not succeed because their sombras are kind of bad at this point. But they are certainly willing to keep swapping dvas for sombras because they think they can win or it’s very important that their sombra plays get better. Because they are thinking of keeping sombra in and dva out in the near future.

Such character and their abilities are obviously not very important if teams are this willing to dump their dva’s.

Nobody cares about your magical private scrims with no statistics or how they should dictate game balance. Or jayne’s scrims. People only care about actual, real statistics and real matches between OWL teams and real ladder gameplay and metas.


No one cares that you scrim btw

Literally beat me to it, time you learned though

She isn’t though, sorry to let you know.

Fact your mentioning owl in your argument is a joke btw

If dva was OP in OWL, then we’d have some winrate stats for it and she’d be played 96% of the time just like lucio.

However, she has the worst winrates out of all goats characters and she’s the first one swapped out. She has less damage blocked, less hero damage done, less ulti kills, less ultis blocked/eaten, less final blows than rest of the goats heroes and only her K/D stat is any good due to inflation caused by her passive and infinite tickle spray for elims. Rein, Winston and Zenyatta’s even do more hero damage than dva does. Nothing in Dva is statistically OP and gameplay wise, she hangs back, takes high ground and sprays damage and hopes for the best or gets demeched instantly. She’s not even required to win the fight, like NYXL did on Busan. Outlaws lost every match they played Coolmatt on as Dva and then proceeded to win each match they had Danteh play sombra instead.

Dva’s mere presence doesn’t make her Overpowered hero, you gotta have some bang for that buck and Dva doesn’t have that.

Literally the definition of “not Overpowered” when the char is not picked as often as the rest and does not win as often as the rest. Moth mercy was played in every single match because you would lose if you didn’t play mercy.

Plenty teams are winning with sombra and without dva in their team. Dva is not required to win. There’s bunch of teams in Contenders too like Clockwork Vendetta who don’t use dva and completely sweep the enemy teams, those including enemy dva’s.

Facts don’t back up your made up feelings about Dva’s state of balance.


But? What about all my scrims?

Im relevant i swear?!

Couldn’t agree more, they’d get real eventually if there capable

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