DVA is useless now


yeah I worded that badly. She isnt the CAUSE of it or whats keeping it alive.

How is balancing around a lot more people playing the game useless? Quiet a few of them are capable of making an OWL but there is a finite amount of room there or they just don’t have the time to commit to owl. Its silly to act like that ladder doesn’t have a ton of quality talent too that just need a shot to shine bright. Or can’t prioritize ow to the point that is required to mantain an owl roster spot.

Yeah if you have to narrow it down to one person then Lucio is the reason for Goats.

Zarya/Rein/Brig Brawly comp works because of that speed boost.

I dont care about talent. Balancing around ladder is pointless because of the inconsistencies/lack of teamwork. Ladder isnt how Overwatch should be played.

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False. Speed is irrelevant to why GOATS is alive, only in the GOATS v GOATS. Boops, AoE heals and Defense Matrix are why GOATS is so good at holding points.

She is not useless, she just fulfills her role of being tank badly with her gigantic critbox and the recent nerf

lul, zarya is the current weakest tank in gm

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literally a torb nerf when torb has a pickrate less than 1% in owl

I believe that was a solo run by Jeff considering his Interview with Stylosa.

She should get an extra half second on DM. Make her more defensive.

I’d love for the ability’s duration not be the same length as its cooldown tbh

The problem with it before was that you could just flicker it on and off and have ridiculous amounts of blocking. 4 seconds was a bit much, so they lowered it to 2 seconds of uptime. With the latest CD (which I believe is at least double at 2 seconds) they might be able to get away with increasing some of its uptime again.

They’re a little heavyhanded with chopping D.Va’s stuff in half (or doubling it if it’s a cooldown).

Everybody is always looking for that flavor of the month overtuned hero to play and it’s not dva anymore :rofl:
Are the dva and mercy mains gonna start a union?

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-_- Zarya is not the issue. Neither is/was D.Va, but it wasn’t Zarya.

The amount of people on these forums who have no clue what made goats good is staggering.

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Dva is impossible to get to work now. She is only useful only in a specific comp with teamwork at the highest degree working perfectly, which is not fun, nor fair.

If she cannot be tweaked to be fair, then they need to make a different change. Dva doesnt do anything great anymore, and she only does slightly decent things across the board.


The hyperbole is real haha. She’s fine, she just lost the ability to stop everything with minimum effort.

Because stopping everything with minimal effort is not hyperbolic lol. Forum logic at its finest.

She can stop some things at the highest effort. That is objectively true and not hyperbolic.

Your not understanding things all that well if you think pro play is how things should be played. Pro play isn’t how the game should be played either. Trying to argue that things are how they should be played in pro play is ignoring the flaws of pro play.

Like the fact they are literally constantly playing for their jobs and thus are more incentivized to not take risks than they are to take them. Or how about the fact that they play in environments (what ever as a team they deem best whether it meta or possibly new meta) where they literally are trying to focus on one thing and one thing only? You know how different the meta would be if the teams were more fluid in terms of who plays together? Keep any group of 6 together for any period of time and you get very standardized in what you do. And Owl league has multiple standardized groups of 6. So of course they are going to eventually as a unit standardize.

Take any group of players of 6 and they will be an eventual standardized comp between them with enough time together and eventually a couple backups. One group might be team turret (torb, Sym Bastion) the other might be team sniper and another team might be team lore (aka an all ow team or an all talon team). Just because they standardized a comp through time together doesn’t make there team comp more valid.

tld rversion: Acting like there is a set way of doing thing is the reason we have comps like goats dominate in the first place. And also sucks out all the potential for growth. So in short the idea that there is a set way of play or what we should balance for is bad for the game.