DVA is useless now

devs need to take micro missles out of the game.

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Ah yes 98% of the playerbase just hasn’t figured out how to use it in the past 4 years.

Remember when people said the same thing about Sym 1.0 & 2.0?


Yeah I know you guys can eventually figure out how to press a button, I’m saying being good at using it. Majority of players are in plat, they don’t know how to use it, 2 percent are in the higher elos, they got their cause they know how to use it. Does that make sense?

Meh. Buff her primary fire a bit or give her a slightly larger crit multiplier and I’m Gucci.

Shes fine.

theres a lot of parallels to what you are saying to Mercy and guess what Mercy is fine and almost even better after the nerfs.

Just like Mercy, D.Va hasnt changed at a fundamental level and she can still do exactly what she could before. Its just a bit more difficult to do as it should since she is an extremely easy her to play and have an impact with similarly to Mercy.

That isnt D.Va’s job.

Putting pressure on the enemy team by diving an isolated target. Peeling for her teammates by body blocking.

As it should be since it isnt her job

As a tank, this should be the case/

Thats an opinion and not necessarily true for everyone. A lot of people feel that way about Mercy after her nerfs and shes still fun to many

As was Mercy’s after the healing nerf, but overtime it normalizes.

Its too soon.

Before any change should be made, you need to wait at least a month to see how it pans out and sometimes even more if there is a slight pattern emerging and changing something soon could skew that when you never know how it might pan out.

If you make balance changes too fast you end up like Heroes of the Storm.

They used to make balance changes every other week and many were something along the lines of nerfing something, buffing it slightly, then reverting and and buffing it to more than what it used to be and then nerf it a bit, resulting in it being almost the same.

You can look at these changes occuring in Overwatch a bit such as that with McCree’s fan the hammer damage and other things.

While its easy to point out things like Mercy’s original rework being overpowered and taking too long to be changed, at the time no one could have known and too many it was a welcome change to what was there before. in hindsight it shouldve been changed sooner but there was no way to know unless you wait to see how things are changed, and one week is too short of a time frame for that.


Last year, people like you used the same argument when Brig was released, and what ended up happening?

Ignorance is not an argument, and because you lack the foresight to forsee what is going to happen is not a logically sound stand.



Now pls push that button, Jeff…


DVA is useless now


If he’s going to force 2-2-2 they’d better revert some of the changes they made specifically to hurt GOATS.


35% winrate, check again buddy, it is 49.57 it has probably dropped though because of the changes cause people are getting used to them

O NO the hero that can do everything, fly, eat CD’s/ultimates, have burst damage, have one of the best combo ults in the game, has pretty much been S or A tier for 99% of the games life IS A LITTLE LESS VIABLE?!?!!? SAY IT AINT SO

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You just entered the pit of :fire:. because D vs one of those hero’s people either love or want destroyed. I fall into the like category because I main her so my thoughts are biased. These new changes mainly visual first person perspective on D Va. Look awful and adds way to much the screen.

She has the best damage blocking ability in the game.
No matter how many off tanks there are DM will naturally always be one of the best damage blocking abilities out of all the tanks.

What are you talking about D Va has taken a back seat for over a month. Because of Bunker Meta. Her useagerate in the last month has gone down farther up in rank you. Before the nerf she wasn’t a A tier hero on ladder. She was a b tier hero.

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Oh no the charcter that has literally one competior for defensive offtank and 2 competitors period is seeing play oh no. Can’t let a hero that is in a needed category to not let this game be solo tank fiesta (which not even dps should like) be used.

And when I say not even dps should like solo tank I want you to actually think about what solo tanking actually means. Solo tanking means that one charcter is enough to stop 6 people’s damage sources. You are really telling me you find that idea palatable as a dps? Does it not make you feel empowered as a dps to know that it takes multiple sources of damage mitgation to slow you down compared to one barrier?

Wrong. Dm pales in comparison to barriers. Barriers not only block more things of damage but also shuts down almost all source of healing/support ultimates. Lucio, Zen, Brig all get both there base heals and there ultimates stopped 100% barriers in addtion to blocking everything Ana and Baptiste do and Moria base heals. The only thing that Dm gets is Ana (which barriers also block), Moria Orbs And Baptiste gernades (which again barriers stop) supports are very much some of the most vital parts of any composition.

And to go back to your orignal talking point of damage/ultimates barriers pretty much the only thing that doesn’t get stopped is moria orbs and fire strike (which Zarya can shield). Everything else from Sym turrets to Mei freeze (at least barriers can slow it down a bit or ignore it completly in the case of Zarya) barriers stop. And the list of ults stopped by both is long and barriers actually have a longer list.


Except Zarya has nothing to do with GOATS and if they nerf her further she will be useless in a 2-2-2 setting? This is so brainless. The DM nerfs were never going to kill GOATS, it just makes her harder to play.

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But balance around ladder is pointless.

She is fine. Git gud.

She is far from useless. The change isn’t even that bad.

If that was the case they wouldn’t have nerf Reaper life steal or nerfed torb. The devs are trying to cater to multiple groups. I wouldn’t call that pointless because their not trying to alienate the people on ladder. The issue is that no one can agree on how the game should be balanced as people interpret balance differently.