DVA is useless now

And her winrates were already the worst among tanks now her pickrates dropped. Mccree had great pickrates but cuz of slightly bad winrates they gave him a machine gun


Na keep DM. People don’t understand that D vs tank she supposed to block damage. But, nope even though she one of lowest damage block rates of any tank.

Soon as people realize it isn’t goats that caused goats. If they’re not blaming tanks, they’re blaming healers. Yet very few ask why people are playing goats to begin with. And even more recently, the even tankier bunker.

this made me laugh


D.VA is still being picked even after all these nerfs because she’s the only hero that can do what others can’t.

God, how many times must I repeat that goddang sentence on this forum?

This proves to show that even though D.VA is trash now, she’s still forced to be played since nobody can replace like Rein/Orisa, McCree/Ashe, Ana/Baptiste, Genji/Tracer, Trob/Sym, Zenyatta/Moira and so on.

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The nerf hardly changed anything about her, save for some situations where she’d eat ults at max distance. She’s still the same overall, and still one of the strongest tank picks.

I’m not saying that to imply that she needs more nerfs because nothing’s changed, I’m just saying that this nerf doesn’t hinder your gameplan as D.Va.

Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,


Misleading visuals were corrected by the new visuals, DM didn’t need a nerf on top of it.

missiles ruined any possibility of making her ever balanced

She pretty much got the Brig treatment. A really strong pick and kinda OP in a 3-3 comp but constant nerfs now make her ONLY viable in 3-3. This means only good for OWL and the much more scarce GOATS you see in ladder. Even then she’s likely to be replaced with a Mei or Sombra or maybe a hammond/hog.

I both really liked these characters and maybe they did need nerfs, brig especially, but they got constant nerfs and no compensation. Changing the range, fine, but maybe revert her cd nerf. Same with Brigs sheild, with all the armour nerfs either lower her bash cd or increase her shield health to off set the loss of tankyness.

Not nerfed enough :joy:

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I think this is a really bad argument. We shouldn’t be like “it’s fine to be underpowered because buh buh meta” (d.va likely isn’t underpowered but you see this with other heroes too). The goal should be every hero be viable. A hero being over nerfed detracts from this goal. Oh no, D.Va was picked a lot in a level only a few people not including me play. I shouldn’t have to settle for less because of that.


It’s wild because D.Va has been useless 11 times at this point after each nerf, yet she’s still around and in a state where the next nerf will make her become useless.

Almost like she’s never been useless and probably won’t be with this change.

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OH MY GOD finally someone with eyes and sense


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Most people aren’t arguing this, though, besides OP. The point is that the nerf didn’t need to happen besides the visual change. It’s arbitrary and people are fatigued of having to adjust every single time. So now we have to adjust to something unnecessary

And she was useless at launch thank u


And you are a fool if you dont understand that we have exactly 3 offtanks and a whooping 2 of them have any sort of defense. So I wonder why she gets picked. People wanting to punish a hero for being one of a few role that is needed is absolutely dumb.


Only because again we have a whooping 2 off tanks that have any sort of defense. We have a huge lack of options and people want to make options in the most limited category in the entire game worse constantly.

True. I’m pretty confident we’re going to get another tank next. Hopefully that alleviates some of the burden of not having a lot of options.

If offtank was a numerous as dps I am confident that she would be giving the worst dps in the game a run for the money for worst hero in the game and that was several nerfs ago.

Actually playing today Dva means playing mostly baby Dva.
Mecha is erased and you almost don’t have time to do anything.
Just stop releasing new heroes ( the last hero realease I really liked was ana…) and work on heroes already on the roster.


So her Overall pickrate has gone from 4.82 to 4.22 in the last three months minus one day (-1 day to exclude the patch release day.)
That’s an 8.3% decrease in her pick rate. Substantial, but not too alarming.

However, Master goes from 4.51 to 2.91 for a 35.5% reduction in pick rate, and Grand Master goes from 6.24 to 3.82 for a 38.9% reduction in pick rate. Those are some alarming numbers.

The numbers including patch day are, as expected, dramatically worse for D.Va, and I don’t expect them to increase.

Perhaps not, maybe having the two defensive off-tanks at the bottom of the charts and Roadhog being the only strong off-tank is good for the game. I don’t know.

However, all of these numbers we’re talking about are before the current nerf went live. The point is D.Va is already in a mediocre position - not in the dumpster, but definitely unfavored. Quite simply, you shouldn’t give any more nerfs to a hero who is already sinking. And yet, they did.


Not my fault only 2 percent know how to use dm