DVA is useless now

Her pick rate has dropped a bit, and is currently 2.95% in GM and 3.85% in average.

This must be the first time that her pickrate has been so low, but still, I wouldn’t call her useless with these stats.

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Stats or not, the range didn’t need to be touched. The main thing that needed change was the visuals. Just make those more apparent because even pros were having trouble seeing them. And they did that. The range nerf wasn’t needed. Just make the visuals clearer and then pack up.

Nobody even complained about DM’s range from what I saw until after the nerf was released on PTR. Nobody made a big deal out of it until after it was getting changed, and then all of a sudden you see people saying that the range was too much and it needs nerfs, even though nobody even brought it up before.

That being said, the range nerf probably won’t change too much. Saving people from Hook may be a bit tougher, but otherwise, I can’t think of many other instances where you’d really feel the difference. But that doesn’t change the fact that they nerfed something that didn’t need to be nerfed.

Between that and how people are telling D.Va mains yet again to adapt and “git gud” (even though that’s what we’ve done for every other D.Va change), I don’t blame them at all for being so frustrated about the nerf. I wouldn’t necessarily call her useless, but I would say that the range was never an issue. The whole “useless” thing is most likely just hyperbole to express how frustrating the nerf is, anyways.


Lul xD made my day. !!!

Played one game with her so far. It was fine. It’s whatever. Unnecessary, clunky, just like the other nerfs. She’s not useless.


i was pro nerf d.va and then she got nerfed and became perfectly balanced but then she got nerfed again not sure why she got that nerf


Yeah, then you can see the next nerf that’s coming on the PTR and get ready for that!

Seriously though, her pick rate has been dropping slowly but steadily (not exactly ‘plummeting’ but definitely not healthy) for quite awhile now, since the cooldown nerf really, and accelerated by the armor/boop nerfs.

This nerf will just maintain the trend, there’s no need to wait to see how it pans out, the trend was already there before the current nerf. It might accelerate a little, but it certainly isn’t going to reverse by adding another nerf on her.


Sad thing is, the devs no longer want to rework heroes. So that is ruled out as well. Just another nerf we will have to adjust to I guess.

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Her overall pickrate went down with ±0.5% over the last 3 months, not eaxctly a big decline. Also, she has had a high pickrate for pretty much her whole lifetime (at least since the first DM rework). Is it really that of a disaster that she’s seeing somewhat less playtime? Actually I’m happy to see different pickrates shifting for a change.

Look, I don’t necessarily agree with the latest nerf (honestly, I don’t really have an opinion about it), but crying on the forum that a hero is useless less than a day after a nerf hits hasn’t helped anyone yet.

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when will people realize it isn’t the tanks that caused goats


D.Va is suffering because the devs only look at OWL again.
She is the best tank in pro play no doubt, but she was fine for ladder.


Has not anyone heard the phrase “the straw that broke the camel’s back”?

This is it. This was the final nail in the coffin for regular DVA play. At least with her dm range before you had the ability to cover damage sources from many different angles. Now, you can really feel damage squeeze by you.

It makes it so that when you are behind your team, and want to cover them from damage, if they are not immediately in front of you, you cannot protect them.

After this many nerfs, and now with the cooldown making dm uptime non existent, and nerfed range, and dva has barely any sustainability, she just melts, cannot get in close to do high damage, cannot mitigate damage. What is she good for? She can block some of an ult, sometimes. Not much else.


Only 2% of the playerbase is managing around 10k where average is only 6k . So yeah ok… dude


We heard it after every D.Va nerf. Lets wait at least one week for a proper stat.


You my friend are not thinking this through.

I see Sombra Or Mei in every game I play these days. How can that happen?

I’ll give you a hint: I am a Sombra / Mei main.


This, and all because of the old Blizzard forum rules, alongside Slade trying to be respectful and keep all D.Va discussion to one primary area. He had to keep making more after the old ones were locked due to no longer having room for more posts. If it weren’t for that rule there would never have been a “mega thread”. Also, more and more trolls kept filling those threads and making them fill up sooner, thus inflating the number it had at the end.


she is still doing good tho in grandmaster she has a 4% pickrate with a 52% pickrate, calm down

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D.va has been very bad on ladder (slightly better in GM, but still worse than other options) for some time now.

And yet, she is still irreplaceable in organized environments, even with this new nerf. She will continue to be until they completely remove her boosters or her DM. It’s very likely D.va will be nerfed further if someone doesn’t come up with a magic strategy that removes GOATs from OWL (which no one will).


Still a great character to use and she’ll still have a strong foothold in higher comp setups.

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You say that, yet that’s all you’ve used to based your opinion.

DVa will be fine, just like she was after the last nerf, and the nerf before that, etc.

You DVa mains need to stop overreacting. Your hero has been meta since Season 2/3ish. You can sit out for awhile.


This is the main thing right here. We are tired of being told the same old thing each time, and always by the same exact people.