D.Va is confirmed to be getting BUFFED next PTR

Hell yeah! I cannot wait to never play Pharah again :crazy_face:

I think I should start one tricking Doomfist at this point. Pharah’s getting nerfed by neglect harder and harder with every balance change and maining her feels more like some masochistic kink than legit gameplay by the day. She’s a total gimp already.

I read the entire thread to this post. And I haven’t seen one Hanzo confirmation at all.

I am not sure what you are talking about. Like… If you are expecting specifics, there are none. We just know he will be getting changes on the next ptr.

Truly confused why they just don’t revert her previous nerfs. But okay… I guess buffing her boosters works. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Remove the movement penalty from Fusion canons while your at it. :rofl:

And where is that information revealed?

Hopefully that works.

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Unfortunately, there is more chance of Chibifox dancing the naked fandango outside the Sydney Opera House than Blizzard even considering a positive change to Bastion, so yeah :frowning: - I don’t think it’ll happen.

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Dvas problem is that pretty much all front-facing damage is doubled due to her ridiculous critbox that is also center-mass.

Fix that and Dva will be just fine.


That’s…appreciated I guess? But rather underwhelming. I wonder why they nerfed the heck out of her survivability, her usage and win rates plummet, and they reconsider her mobility of all things?

She just always dies too quickly as a tank. I was hoping for at least something with her critbox or additional armor. It is my hope that since they finally noticed her, that they will continue to monitor her pick and win rates after this. If she still doesn’t get a healthy pick/win rate after this, they should have the next buff lined up without delay.

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Maybe they want to turn her into the glass canon of the tank class?
(Not that it would match her damage though.)

Excuse the term, please, but a “glass” tank of any sort is an oxymoron. It doesn’t work on a conceptual level, and I have my doubts it could ever work in the game.

Besides, you know what they call something that doesn’t have much survivability but does a lot of damage? The DPS class.


I actually like this change. Always thought it would be great to have a lower cd on the boosters these days when DM usage is quite limited due to low ressource meter and additional cd.

It helps to change position quickly and prevents hard feeding when being too close to the enemy team (which you kinda have to be quite often due to the limited DM and weapon range). While I find the current DM range okay, it still happened that you found yourself with your pants down once you ran out of DM meter and boosters being still on cd.

It also helps to hunt down high mobility heroes.


d.va pilots a meka made of paper

she literally feeds them (and the supps lol)

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nerf hanzo, doomfist, mei , reaper and revert mcree fire rate and dva will be a good pick again.

also nerf sigma and orisa dmg.

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There is no confirmation, just an echo chamber.

It comes from that video where Jeff is talking about ‘PTR participation and how it’s really low despite sweeping changes to tanks, so if they were to put changes for >random hero< on the PTR… (there would be even less interest)’.
Random hero was Hanzo :man_shrugging:

Endless complains about ‘unplayable’ heroes, meanwhile playing a flanker only makes sense when you’re smurfing or an idiot. The main reason flankers still see pickrates is because this game has a fair amount of smurfs and idiots.

You want tanky tanks, tanky dps and tanky support, it essentially is still the same philosophy as goats. Heroes that have any kind of nuance to their game play have long been replaced by heroes that bring big numbers and/or denial of big numbers.

Not to be that guy…

But this is rather dramatic

I understand it’s important to be careful how we phrase things as the devs are but Blizzard’s lack of communication should not be linked to our discussion/excitement about what they say.

Who wouldn’t be ready to talk about what’s going on the second we find out when we’re in the dark almost all the time?

It may not be perfectly phrased but any information coming from a secondary source should be taken cautiously. How things get around has nothing to do with the devs

I’m not saying don’t talk about it

I’m saying be careful how you spin what the devs have been saying

“Dramatic” or not- the forums have accused the devs of breaking promises they never made and straight up “lying” about things they never actually said in the first place.

Like it or not- I know 100% that this behavior does deter them from coming around her and talking about things.