Here it is for ya folks. Ladies and gentlement, get ready for the Pac-Man meta! So on this next PTR it seems that Jeff/other devs have strongly hinted at:
Dva needs help, but under NO circumstances should she get Booster on a 3s CD. That is literally insane, as if flankers didn’t have it bad enough already.
it seems they are listerning to the top player base for this PTR patch after the fail of the nerfing shield one (who didn’t change the tank line up and made something even more aids to play against)
we can expect a nerf for hanzo mei orisa sigma bap then imo
Look at GM pickrate on overbuff, it correlates extremely well with hero strength and always has. It’s the best metric we have for which heroes are strong and weak.
They’ve said they’re doing internal tests on making IF “less oppressive” but Jeff wasn’t there for the test so he didn’t know yet how it turned out and they wants to do more testing.
None of this confirms what’s going to the PTR or in what direction it will ultimately go once it gets there.
We just know they’re doing some internal testing on things.
I’m glad to hear from the devs what they’re trying finally- but we should be careful about potentially putting words in their mouth.
It’s a huge reason the devs don’t like to discuss what they’re up to on the forums- when they have complete freedom to do so (within limits)