D.Va is confirmed to be getting BUFFED next PTR

I mean if you messed with her damage you could easily overshadow the like of hog, and threaten the usefulness of Hammon.

And if you were to mess with the likes of her DM, then were back to the vast majority of hero’s to no longer being able to use their kits. Which in turn makes the game kind unfun. As instead of games being won by team that is getting the most out of their abilities and team work. It is instead the team with the d.va thats is oppressing the most ults and abilities.

so the boosters seem to be the only ablity on d.va at the moment to be actually safe to buff without edging out the vast majority of other hero’s.


Buff sombra too while we’re at it :frowning:


Wait, are we putting Sigma in this meta?

Imagine all the ultimates getting eaten up!

Blizzard? Sigma gets brain freeze.

Graviton Surge? Ask D.Va how it tastes.

Dragonstrike? More like green dragon roll!


…are you serious? Lol.

DVA used to be a thread. She’s a joke now.

the only threatening part of her is her ult on maps where hiding isn’t so easy.


[insert gif of Donkey saying let’s do that again and Shrek grabbing him and saying NO]

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Wet paper bag that flies more often is still nothing more than a wet paper bag.

What a useless buff, all it will manage to do is make stalling worse and make people motion sick because we can’t apparently even walk at normal speeds anymore oh no, we have to fly around for basic movement.


As I sayed u just don’t know how to play d.Va.

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Where did they hint at a Hanzo nerf?

so when is innocent doomfist getting a buff?

Buff? DF is already quite strong IMO.

I absolutely agree. She doesn’t need a cooldown buff for her thrusters. She needs a health buff by either making her crit box WAY smaller or giving her more armor. There’s just too much damage for her to surive through anything. She also needs the movement penalty when firing reduced by significantly.


Uh, what?

Never. That hero should never get buffs. He’s not even bad as he is.

Now if they can nerf Mei, that’d be great. :smiley:

NVM you’re a 500+ hour Doomfist main. :roll_eyes: Your hero is already busted, calm down.


This should make her better vs. Mei, and give her a way to jump in, engage, and quickly dip out. Like I’m thinking it’ll make her more mobile like Hammond + the ability to eat projectiles + gain height.

I don’t think this should be slept on.

Literally doesn’t address ANY of the problems D.Va has right now.
Guess we will have to wait another 3 month to see what they come up with next.

Probably 5% increased Micro Missiles speed :joy:


Just flying in an out with matrix and peeling for people isn’t going to outvalue doublebarrier however. Immortality peels fine enough.

Dva would need to survive and provide actual impact by killing people and not just nyoom around, matrixing random people who will die right after matrix runs out anyway, feeding just as much and not being able to fly around anyway because she’s a huge heal hog.

Then there’s the fact that matrix itself is insufficient peel tool nowdays, too short, too thin and doesn’t block beams or melee. Anything you try to envelop in your matrix still shoots past the matrix and boosting into people you want to block remains as suicidal as with 5 second booster. Majority of the things she blocked with 15meter matrix she no longer can’t block with 10meter matrix and shorter booster cd doesn’t help her in this, because she has to get into their face to block it now and getting into their faces means getting punished.

To demonstrate what I mean and why booster cd won’t help her block important abilities any better. You can’t nyoom into enemy team because you will just get punished. You gotta play corners like any other tank, but range is insufficient in blocking attacks and ultimates from safe distance away.

AND if all her value will be like, spamming booster and peeling for as many as possible because we know dva WONT be able to engage anything, might as well play Zarya honestly, who doesn’t need to fly around to peel.


D.va Needs a buff, but maybe instead of touching boosters - go with extending range on her primary gun or reduction to cooldown for Matrix?

[I’ve played with booster cooldowns - the only ones that ever really felt great were the reworks that put them on a meter like Pharah’s boosters.]


This isn’t even what D.Va needs. She’s fast enough as it is. She needs more sustain and a small range buff so she doesn’t need to be so close to damage.


Thia looks really nice lets see what they do :grinning:

I think it can be pretty good to counter snipers , specialy hanzo who has too much movility even if he does crazy dmg at all ranges. And she can come back faster to her healers

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Put booster on charge, put cooldown to 1s. Put matrix to 12m, cooldown to 1s.

Set crit damage on Meka from 200% to 150% or so - to represent the fact that it’s not hitting her head directly… just a somewhat weaker portion of the Meka.

Mobility, DM, survivability. She’ll be good.

Alternatively, gimme the ability to switch to her blaster while in meka so I can poke from range.