DPS Q times are the reason the game is dying, lets face it

Unless you are cutting orisas fortify cooldown in half, it’s not the buff she needs. She’s low mobilty tank with a shield that can’t adjust. She’s built to hold a position and can’t do that because her shield is practically non existent. She needs her shield seriously buffed to have some actual uptime. Nothing else is going to fix her and is only dancing around the issue.

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They did … it’s called openQ.

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Basically yeah, the DPS are the fun characters to play and a lot of people (myself included) would rather wait 2x or 3x as long to get a DPS game then Tank. Before role queue I would play tank and support way more often, but now that I can just choose to play one role why would I bother unless I really enjoy the other options?

I’m not saying they should remove role queue, but it’s definitely a problem. Maybe they should make you queue for a second role and if you can’t get a game quick enough you have to tank/support? Then people might throw games though.


Requiring 2/6 players to play a role that not even 1/10 even want to play is killing the game.

The actual tanking quality has also gone to complete @#%$ since those passes were introduced.


It’s not que times.
The quality is so bad that most of the time that I want to play I just turn the game off after first qp match, because it’s just atrocious how MM balances teams.


I wish I could play dps but my time is very limited, so I wind up playing flex queue (read: tank)

I actually like playing tank. It’s my favorite role. That said, they key to fixing DPS queue times is to make more tank players. So, how do we do that? What would get you to want to play tank?

Yes. This right here is exactly what they should do. It would not require any kind of role queue. You would simply make it the optimal comp. So people can still run other comps.


After role queue hit my quick play times were like… <2min for tank, ~7min for DPS, and about 2-5min for support.

After PPs hit the game I routinely see even DPS sitting around 4-6min times in QP now. With PPs in usage my queue times for DPS and support on PPs are not instant like tanks, but they are 1-3min at most.

The nice thing about having a higher win rate on tanks is that I can really hit a true 50% win rate or higher and that means I get 3.5pps per game which means I get 3.5 DPS games with support level queue times for playing 1 game of tank.

i dont think it helps either were everyone wants you to pick rein or zarya and if you dont they automatically assume your throwing. brings a lot of pressure of people who want to play tank and have an enjoyable experience since they have only 2 choices or be hate flamed eventually.

i think if the roster was 17 tank heroes 8 support heroes and 7 dps heroes then maybe things would be a little different?

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I highly doubt blizzard would ever go with 1-4-1. With the current structure of all characters Jeff mentioned that teams with a single support would tend to revolve around who could KO the enemy support first since after that team fights would completely shatter. If no one wants to play tank now, you’d simply swap the position over to no one would want to play support as who wants to play the highly valuable target that has absolutely no defenses against bulk damage.

Supports can resist some minor fire due to healing, but they can’t survive massive damage like tanks can at all because tanks have the abilities and sustain to sponge multiple attackers. Supports at best can counter like one flanker on them.

Offloading into 1-3-2 was probably the best hope to change things possible to avoid situations like that because of how vital healing is in the game for stalling or pushing asymmetrical positions. Its makes more sense to push tanks into the 1 category most easily turning them into pretty much a team’s juggernaut.


if doing it would improve my chances of winning I wouldn’t mind playing a support especially in a high pressure scenario like this gets my adrenaline pumping

They need to find a way to make tanks more enjoyable to play. It seem they are going the brawler route with tanks in hope of attracting dps players, but I am not sure if that will work, since we already have Hog and Zarya and people still do not want to play tanks.

All those things would significantly nerf single shield comps.

Why would people want to play tanks, if they are still short ranged, big targets, while there are long-range small DPS.

With shields and other defensive mechanics getting crushed time and time again, evasion is your best bet at survival, and tanks have hard time evading anything.

Me, since I evade and avoid damage, like DPS do. But for that to happen, you actually have to hold keys to your team’s survival, rather than “you can buy them 1-2 extra seconds of life, hope that’s enough” kind of support.

:thinking: Does this make all Mercy players lovers of cat and mouse type games. They thrive on the chase and being chased?

Do I dare expand this and say does this reflect them into other parts of their life? Would my own love life ideally be a constant ordeal of being chased? Would I prefer a life more filled with death defying actions?

The pandora’s box has been unleashed!

Buff Symm’s piercing orbs ( 2.0 )

Give another character ability to shoot thought barrier ( not a lot dmg but AOE )

Nerf Brig’s inpire radius or ult

add Ashe

increase Dva’s bomb dmg


It’s more of a mind games - you develop literal sixth sense of enemy on your track. Mine dates all way back to TF2, where all I had to escape enemies was 2nd highest running speed in game.

To make whole “cat & mouse” chase enjoyable, you actually have to hold something very important. In TF2, it was ubercharge, that makes your teammate unable to die for 8 seconds.

Maybe it’s just me. My second TF2 class was Spy, and it had that kind of “living on the edge” feeling too - walking among enemies, knowing, that any second your disguise may be revealed, certainly has it’s thrill.


That is also why I do not enjoy playing tank. To me they need more survivability and be more self reliant. I am one of the few who actually like shields to be stronger. Orisa needs stronger shields if she is to work on her own, with a weaker fortify, but they won’t give that change for fear of double shield meta coming back.

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All they achieve is making tanks less useful for their team, making them unable to ensure survival of their teammates.