Nah, it means that 1/6 games, I am queuing flex. I wouldn’t be if the system wasn’t there.
Well, I’ve been Moiraing a bit lately, on support. but with team mates
Nah, it means that 1/6 games, I am queuing flex. I wouldn’t be if the system wasn’t there.
Well, I’ve been Moiraing a bit lately, on support. but with team mates
The game is dying because of poor decision making.
Including the decision to not fix dps queue times.
I maxed the tickets. Tickets do not work anyway, it only brought more chaos into game.
Yeah that is going to happen when the majority of the roster of the game are shoved into one role.
This going to happen when players came to play FPS game.
If people are leaving the game because DPS queues are long, that just means less time on your DPS queues! Be happy!
If people are too ignorant to find out that you can DPS as a tank and support while still fulfilling their role… then that’s on them.
It has been a year of people leaving and the queues are still bad and progressively getting worse for support.
Yep, pretty much why I stopped playing DPS when I switched from console. I don’t think I have the patience to wait 10 mins just to shoot at shields
This makes zero since whatsoever. Elaborate.
I think the underlying problem is they just adopt the roles of MMORPG without much thoughts. Also even in WoW, tanks are rare and a group needs only 1 tank while DPS has 3 places. The tank role and their playstyles just aren’t popular and it is well proved over a long time IMO. If they wanted to make a group needs the same number of rosters from all roles , they shouldn’t just adopt that of MMORPG.
And the core part of fun in FPS is aiming and action elements, and Blizz emphasizes those elements for some of the DPS heroes at the highest level, not even seen in other FPS games, while they blatantly take that elements from tanks. I think it also contributed to the low popularity of tanks.
Yet we still want to nerf tanks
No the reason is 222 ( that made queue time a nightmare ) that was necessary because of Dev’s inability to fix goats
To be fair, GOATS was unfixable - you cant balance tanks to be strong VS 5dps and not be overpowered if you stack 3 tanks together. Same was true about healers. 222 fixed that.
If people arent playing as much, its probably lack of content more than anything else.
Buff Symm’s piercing orbs ( 2.0 )
Give another character ability to shoot thought barrier ( not a lot dmg but AOE )
Buff Hog’s dmg against barriers
Buff Orisa’s fortify
Nerf Brig’s inpire radius or ult
add Ashe
increase Dva’s bomb dmg
and other ideas
Well yeah, he is technically correct.
Long dps que causes them to que as tank and feed their brains out as hog and (add any other offtank here) and that makes me not want to play.
I’ve been getting pretty fast queues on quickplay for DPS. 3~4 minutes.
Blizz should have tuned the game to 1-4-1 instead. Which makes sense considering the vast amount of DPS-heroes they have implemented.
Maybe they could start with small things. Give on fire point to supports for support things and tanks for tank things, not just kills. Reinhardt can get a potg with a good shatter and a bunch of follow-up kills, but when was the last time you saw a Mercy PotG? Moira getting PotG for support things, not coalescence kills?
Also, hey, I’ll get lynched for this but removing mass rez >> healer exodus >> not enough support players.
There are more supports than tanks but back in the day when there were mass rez potg’s, there were more supports.
This is partially an end result of that. And of other things. Gutting tanks. Letting DPS get away with nonsense OP superhero abilities but supports apparently need so much balancing and reworkig to make them “fun to play against”.
Fun to play against means easily killable. So not fun for the other player.
This is a zero sum game. One team wins, the other loses. One group of heroes gets lower priority, there will be fewer of their players around. You wanna make the oh-so-exciting-to-watch (sigh) OWL star heroes shine because they generate viewership and attract players - You have to tone back pesky tanks and supports who inhibit them. You do that, there will be fewer tanks and supports.
So that’s my answer. If and when those become exciting, flashy, rewarding, potg-worthy roles and heroes, dps queues will shorten, but many dps players won’t necessarily like the changes.
DPS Q times are the reason the game is dying, lets face it.
So tanks and supports are quitting because the dps queues are long, but dps mains who are actually affected by it aren’t? This sounds weird to me ngl.
This is true, shame they didn’t do it this way. Allowing you to stack so many and how easy they are to obtain is a big flaw in the system