DPS playing too badly and pretty much throwing every match?

The dps have no the most potential to carry games that isnt true at all tanks are the carries in the game mojority of the time and healers you seen it with goats comp. Where you dont need dps to win. So i am a dps main myself and we need at least a decenct tank composistion to do anything at all we are so limited to what we can do from the space that is created. And this is what the community doesnt understand i main sombra and i can be really effective at my job but i cant do anything without my tanks i feel it. We are so restricted without a main tank and sigma isnt a main tank at all not anymore due to his nerfs 1 second on the barrier so id look at your tanks first before dps now are they alot of crap dps out there yes they are but you should always look at your tank line up


Then as a dps pick sombra and either hack the hanzo or zarya to stop the combo

That what the community doesnt understand its the tanks thts are the play makers and the tanks make the dps look good without a decent tank combination it feels sufficating for dps because there litary cant do much

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I agree with that.

About sombra hacking hanzo or Zarya, yes sure, but i was trying to explain to him that not only dps can make a big play and stop/negate the enemy ults.

DPS is literally the most aids role in the game to play in most matches. For a role with a ton of different playstyles available, basically only 3 heroes are viable.

So stop writing paragraphs of “my DPS suck” and git gud


Please respond to this.

I think the DPS player base, at many ranks, is characterized by its capacity to get away with substantially leaner showings in overall game sense, strategic positioning and/or simple conscientious habits like peeling, dying/retreating/waiting for your team to respawn in order to avoid staggering.

A large enough chunk of their match ups can be won with a couple good teammates, a clever flanking game, blood lust and strong mechanical skill. Some comps or even individual play styles/skills will require more coordinated deliberate play and end up making them look totally incompetent.

Many people who can be successful in the other roles are also choosing DPS a bit less frequently outside of 6 stacks as it means faster games… Which could exacerbate this at bit. I don’t know.

Lastly it’s not too unusual for people of many skill levels to occasionally play video games while using drugs and alcohol recreationally. Raw mechanical skill will be diminished more severely at lower levels of inebriation than positioning or game sense.

For example I struggle to explain, outside of a stroke or traumatic brain injury how this highlight from a high plat game could exist in a population that far to right of the bell curve…

Its very short I’ll summarize. I slowly killed the bastion at point blank range while standing completely still with a half a load of micro missiles and Divas primary fire. Then I put a stationary Diva bomb down right in front of his corpse… Mercy panics and pops rez… Hilarity ensues.

I think Stylosa quoted someone else who basically said a third of your games you can’t lose, a third you can’t win. In the last third you find the competitive experience you play the game for.


Yeah. I’m having the same issue and this is more of a rant cause I got to let this out somewhere.

Before I start, I play healer and DPS. I win more matches on DPS, but I need to place on healer and tank. Anyway, there’s so much that goes into picking a DPS now due to role queue. You not only have to work with the comp, but counter the enemy team’s comp as well as work with the map given. Lot of common sense and communication.

Story time: I was healing, and I just got a game in King’s Row; on defending we had a Tracer and an Ashe… No one in my team saw the issue. The problem?Neither of these characters will be on point defending and will die very easily if not skilled. Not only that, where can Ashe easily set up to snipe on defending? Unlike Widowmaker who has grappling hook, Ashe needs to use the stairs. How can healers get to Tracer if she’s near enemy respawn just teleporting around a mob of enemies behind a wall (which is what she did and died back there numerous times). So from the beginning I knew we were going to lose. Both DPS refused to change to prove me wrong; of course we had the 12 yo all like, “Peace and love! Your attitude is so negative! Maybe it’s your attitude making us lose!!” She’s 12 so who cares, but the bad DPS were like, “YEAH!! You’re such a drag!” UGH!!! In the end, these silly people played Ashe and Tracer the whole entire time, both attacking and defending; they only changed at the LAST second, and you know what I mean. That moment when the payload is INCHES away from the 3rd point and they suddenly go soldier or something more useful. It annoyed me so bad, I hope they all added me to the avoid list.

We need a bigger avoid list.

Maybe in a team based game.

But the dps set the pace of the game. If they select Genji and just feed 1v6 all game, supports and tanks going to have issues supporting him.

Support ults are there to support teams. Tank ults are often set ups for team follow up.
But dps can ult and get a quad kill, etc.

I think that part of the reason so many dps feed us that they’ve gotten away with it so often before.

Over extended and playing 1v4? Hide behind corner, send in rip tyre and win the 1v4.

Dps have the best tool kit for getting themselves out of the trouble they invariably find themselves in.

Dps, at low elo at least, are the least team dependent heroes, and least likely to work with teams.

If they were more team oriented they’d be climbing.

If they refuse to use barriers, group up and expect heals when massively over extended, it’s up to the supports and tanks to play around these goofy bastards.

Might be why I’m doing so well on Lucio. I can help dps win their duels and speed them out of danger.

Right now playing support at low ranks is impossible. You must carry every game that means you must have top heals and also most of the kills damage etc.
It is just not fair that this role is so not dependant of others.


agree only dps that are playable now is reaper doom or sym because they can survive… The rest are useless mcree against double shield nope genji… LOL…

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  1. ask them to swap
  2. if they refuse pick zen and do some damage
  3. if you lose the match say “oh well” and win the next one.
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Yeah asking them to switch is fun. 2 seconds left of the match and they’ll switch to something else. Fun.

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you lost me at “pick zen”

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Yeah, I’m done. Just got a level 24 with no ranking on my team who did nothing for the whole match.

The matchmaking in this game is bad. Cya.

‘Competitive’ lol

Okay, I got my rant out lol

If you’re healing, you’re pretty much a hostage until the game is over if more than 4 players in your team are bad. However, in those situations that it’s just the DPS that’s bad, then depending on the map, game type (payload, capture point, etc), and the competence of the remaining players, you can go Moira/Lucio for DPS/push + light support on tanks when needed if you have a good 2nd healer, or Zenyatta/Baptiste if you have decent shield tanks. Again, it really depends on how reliable the remaining players are.

Unfortunately, it’s the player base, and there isn’t much we can do about that.

I really want to blame the children on how horrible the comp games are, but I’ve met some really annoying adults who are far worse.

I can answer that question.

Post number 4 in that thread sums it all up pretty nicely. And you can look up the actual patent in question. It’s all there for you to read at your leisure.

"Recently it was slipped that there are legacy values. Then take this Blizzard Activision patent into account:

“[0016] In another example, if a player has been performing poorly (e.g., getting killed at a rate higher than the player’s historical rate), the scoring engine may dynamically adjust one or more coefficients to match the player in a game that will improve the player’s performance. For example, the player may be matched with easier opponents, matched with better teammates, and/or placed in a game that is more tailored to the player’s preferences (e.g., players that play in games more closely aligned with their preferences tend to perform better).”

From: `https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160005270A1/en

No words are really minced there. We need this quote to be unequivocally rejected that nothing of this sort occurs in Overwatch.

Or that the abstract for this patent describes matchmaker specifically placing people with unique skins in games with people without them, to encourage purchase of those skins."


What a way to ruin a great game. It’s a shame.

I disagree, its completely possible and you dont have to carry every game with gold medals.

Sorry I should’ve said (assuming you don’t have the aim of a bronze mercy main) Pick zen and kill the DPS.