DPS playing too badly and pretty much throwing every match?

Hitscan will never break shields. They’re probably trying to get high ground and/or go around them.

Tanks and supports who think they just need to exist to let the dps carry are really annoying. You need to make plays too. I’m an 18 season dps main with a little off tank and started playing support last season for the queue times and I feel like I’m the most active on Ana. The APM ceiling on that hero is so high. Up there with genji.


Well if you can’t reason that the DPS are supposed to carry more than the supports and tanks, and if said DPS are shown to be lacking in replays, as was clearly stated in my post. I can’t help you.

If you can answer this:

I’ll concede the point and move on with my life. If not, my complaint is still viable.


I’m here after watching several replays and observing my team in the match.

Yes, because their lack of accuracy wasn’t my only point. By ‘aimless’ I meant in terms of positioning, damage output, efficiency.

When I said:

The point was that before accuracy even factored in, they were playing badly.


I’m quite literally watching the replays of my DPS milling about and not outputting damage until the enemy is on top of them.


Well here’s the problem. In the replays the DPS aren’t even using the tanks. They’re Junkrats that go for face-tank kills on the attackers doors, and then stand in LoS of the enemy when holding a corridor instead of ricocheting for safety.

Other DPS that run in solo and die when the team isn’t grouped.

DPS wasting ults for no reason.

It’s not worth the effort. Other than the high amount of leavers in that loss chain, most of what I’ve written was observed in the match and in the replay after finding out what went wrong.

Tanks are bigger carries than DPS. Its just that they are not fun, and nobody knows how to play them.

In general in Plat and down…nobody even recognizes that they got carried by a main tank that absolutely destroyed/outplayed the enemy tanks. They just think that they (DPS/SUPP) had a good game.


I agree that the tanks can carry to a certain extent, but with the DPS behaving as explained from my rewatching replays, there’s no way it would amount to anything.

The DPS just have a lot more kill potential and damage output.

God i love this gem.

“Hey this a team based game, buuut if you want to rank up you have to practically have the skill of a smurf 2 ranks above where you are to carry half your team in a game designed as a TEAM BASED GAME or you deserve your rank lul”

Because that makes sense.


As a support too.

Comes to something when you have to switch off Mercy because you’re getting no hit indicators at all from a Junkrat.

Dps are not supposed to carry more than other roles. All roles can carry equally.

So what, show me one of your games with bad dps and i will find there many mistakes done by support and tanks too.


You really must be trolling.

So can I, this thread is clearly about experiencing bad DPS on my team though.

Why should i be? Its the truth. Every role can greatly influence oucome of game.

Soldier doesnt have to kill genji to prevent 4 deaths on your team, zen can ult to negate his dmg, ana can sleep him zarya can grav him to make his ult useless. Every role has ways how to carry.

There werent even dps in last meta…

Do I really have to explain this? DPS clearly have more damage potential in general and with Ults, which means a well played DPS can potentially score more kills and carry the team. Even by default of being a DPS with a high kill potential Ult you have a higher chance at carrying.

E.g. Reaper Ult vs Orisa/Winston/Mercy/Lucio

in 2-2-2 there are 2 of them.

Yes, i am just trying to explain to you that you dont need dps to carry games. You can do same as tank or support. What is your rank btw?

Answer this and I’ll concede that point.

Try playing DPS for a change.

Once again. especially in this meta where tank and supports are significantly stronger than dps.

Dps rely on tanks and supports. Viable dps are as follows. Bastion, Mei, reaper, doomfist. Two of which reaper and bastion need to be enabled.

To everyone playing barrier tank and saying dps don’t use the barrier.

I don’t need your barrier unless I’m torb, Ashe, McCree, bastion. I either have the mobility to not need it or the ability to self heal or quickly reposition. This is the problem with gold, plat, diamond and everything below.

You need your barrier. You will feed and die trying to push a choke and if you sit on point without a barrier all you are is an ult battery. Your off tank needs your barrier and your supports need your barrier.


Your chance to hardcarry game with two completely useless heroes will be close to zero. But these games are very rare.

You saying that you had two snipers not doing anything is one thing. Reality can be different if you would check their game play in replay from their eyes.

I had games as sniper where i could not do much because enemy team was cooperating and my healers ignored me so i could not do much. Or tanks just never pushed so there was a lot of preassure on me from enemy team. You can simply say that your dps was bad without analyzing the reasons why they werent doing good.

I can be better dps than enemy dps but if he is pocketed while my mercy is pocketing full hp rein instead of me, i will probably lose dps duels anyway.

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Except if I play a DPS with high kill potential.

They did play snipers which are heroes with high kill potential.



Post must be at lea

I hear ya. On the flip side, I keep getting healers who dps vs heal and Mercy’s who have no clue how to boost.


Yeah and I am getting brain dead tank players who cant pick right hero or even push.

Thats why its not just the dps, every role matters the same.

You can have better dps but if enemy team land grav+dragon every time and support refuse to switch to zen or baptiste, they are basicly throwing.