DPS playing too badly and pretty much throwing every match?

For like 4-5 matches in a row, I’ve had people who barely do any DPS, stand in bad positioning, or just don’t switch?

Before that I was getting competent DPS for a while. I don’t know why they’re now nowhere close to the same skill level.

It’s mainly double snipers and hitscans that do ?.

I wouldn’t mind, but they they spam the ‘I need healing’ function despite not putting out any counter pressure, so our tanks + healers are under so much pressure that we can’t heal them anyway.

It doesn’t really make sense to me that our tanks and healers can have lots of awareness of mechanics and common strats, but the DPS are just playing solo and dying 24/7. The matchmaking just seems scuffed.

I’ve just started playing reddit lucio because it’s more fun than not being able to heal my teammates because they’re out of LoS or may as well be AFK.

And if it’s true that they’re matching decent players with bad players to see if they can carry:

Please tell me how I’m supposed to hard carry double sniper who aren’t killing anything as a support. Please tell me.

If that’s really true then it doesn’t even makes sense because the DPS clearly have the most potential to carry a match. Why should tanks and supports be put through bad DPS and be expected to carry?


DPS is very difficult at the moment, and theres so much spam damage we pretty much constantly need healing


Well we can’t heal you if you’re out of LoS or not doing enough pressure in a bad spot.


Just did placements and my last 3 games I had DPS that just kept feeding. If the DPS was alive, they’d push in no matter what. Though to be fair one game even the tanks were doing it.

Anyways first the season is still pretty fresh and it’s the weekend. One of those alone is often a brewing grounds for worse than usual matches. Mix both and it’s much worse.

Second, as a healer main I’ll just say you’ll get use to that. Just gotta learn to position yourself best you can to try and heal them without sacrificing your safety. Comms can be good (ie: telling Doom to get near the door for heals) but generally depends who is over extending. Also one of the bigger reasons Moira can be so good right now. Her fade lets her extend further in with much better chances to escape, plus she can just toss a heal orb to hopefully give them some health even if she can’t see them.


If they are spamming I need healing you’re probably not healing very well.

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And you clearly can’t read very well. Try again. Come back to me when you’ve grasped the points made in my post.


Are your tanks constantly advancing towards the enemy? Or are they just sort of pussyfooting around/on the point, waiting for the fight to come to them?

There’s a lot more to tanking than simply laying down a barrier and receiving a win. There are some really… interesting players who queue for damage, but for the most part they mean well and most intend to get picks for the team.

However, if you’re attacking Numbani A, your Soldier/Ashe take the high ground (as they should) and your Orisa continues to feed nicely into the Junk/Phara spam chute that is the incline leading up to the point, it is hardly the damage players who are the issue.


What’s your sr?

Currently I’m around 2k sr.

Game is full of idiot feeders. I’ve given up tanking as it’s too infuriating. Nobody wants to group up and use barriers. And I’m a poor off tank.

But having luck on Lucio. I play him quite aggressively, trying to duel isolated enemies. I also seek out every duel that’s happening across the map and try to swing them.

Lucio is fast enough to keep up with feeder dps to help them out, and slippery enough to get away if it goes wrong.

Everybody has to deal with crap idiot feeder dps.

It’s the supports and tanks that cope the best that climb.


You sound bitter. Perhaps a break from the game is in order.


Won’t make a difference to my observations on matchmaking in this game and in HoTS.

The matchmaking ends up being toxic because good tanks/support and bad DPS.

No, if there’s a lack of counter pressure, DPS dying too fast in bad spots, and on watching the replay they’re aimless and show a severe lack of knowledge when it comes to mechanics and positioning, it’s the DPS. Lets not even go into accuracy.

The healers and tanks are usually surviving well, but it ends up becoming one-sided because the DPS aren’t putting enough damage out.


If you are good you are climbing slowly, and play with and against better player.
But you are complaining at the forum i guess you stuck.
So you belongs your current rank and you deserve it. That means you are as bad as those ppl you are talking.

Type yourself to higher rank good luck


I doubt that it happens every match you get into. In the games where you get useless mouth breathers for teammates, just quietly take the L and avoid a player or two if needed.

The inverse is also true, and I’d reckon occurs more often. Why should good dmg players be matched with pussy tanks who dance in the choke all game and be expected to successfully 1v6 the enemy team? This kind of attitude is why most dmg players never go into team chat, or appear to not want to work with the team. Far too much is expected of them and when they fail to meet those expectations it turns into verbal slaughter.

Playing damage is fun, but it’s certainly no easy task.


This so much. Had DPS games where the tanks just utterly refused to go forward, and me and the other DPS would have been instakilled if we pushed up without them (another thing you get yelled for.)

But everyones crying about how nothing’s dying while our Orisa forgets part of her job is pressing the MFing W key so we can move in.


You need to be good enough to Carry Bad Teams,
Or you belong in this rank.

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If you honestly think the dps are always the problem, i guarantee that your gamesense is a bigger detriment to your team than the DPS

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Your “bad DPS” are likely support or tank mains placed at an SR they don’t belong at.

Because the placement algorithm is flawless and totally accurate.


dps is 90% of the community , it would figure most noobs play it.

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I feel like this is an unfair assessment that too many people seem to parrot.

Be honest, if they were playing less aim-intensive heroes but still couldn’t do anything, would you be here with complaints too?

There’s just not enough info here. What was even happening in the game, because what you’ve said is too vague to glean anything from it.

My experience is that way too many people have absolutly no idea what is happening in the match. So they automaticly blame dps.

In reality dps cant really do much when healers are bad and tanks dont even know which tank to pick to not be useless.

Bad tanks will do a lot more dmg to the team than bad dps.


Can you show us recorded example of game where is stuff you are talking about happening?