DPS playing too badly and pretty much throwing every match?

  1. ask them to swap
  2. if they refuse pick zen and do some damage
  3. if you lose the match say “oh well” and win the next one.
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Yeah asking them to switch is fun. 2 seconds left of the match and they’ll switch to something else. Fun.

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you lost me at “pick zen”

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Yeah, I’m done. Just got a level 24 with no ranking on my team who did nothing for the whole match.

The matchmaking in this game is bad. Cya.

‘Competitive’ lol

Okay, I got my rant out lol

If you’re healing, you’re pretty much a hostage until the game is over if more than 4 players in your team are bad. However, in those situations that it’s just the DPS that’s bad, then depending on the map, game type (payload, capture point, etc), and the competence of the remaining players, you can go Moira/Lucio for DPS/push + light support on tanks when needed if you have a good 2nd healer, or Zenyatta/Baptiste if you have decent shield tanks. Again, it really depends on how reliable the remaining players are.

Unfortunately, it’s the player base, and there isn’t much we can do about that.

I really want to blame the children on how horrible the comp games are, but I’ve met some really annoying adults who are far worse.

I can answer that question.

Post number 4 in that thread sums it all up pretty nicely. And you can look up the actual patent in question. It’s all there for you to read at your leisure.

"Recently it was slipped that there are legacy values. Then take this Blizzard Activision patent into account:

“[0016] In another example, if a player has been performing poorly (e.g., getting killed at a rate higher than the player’s historical rate), the scoring engine may dynamically adjust one or more coefficients to match the player in a game that will improve the player’s performance. For example, the player may be matched with easier opponents, matched with better teammates, and/or placed in a game that is more tailored to the player’s preferences (e.g., players that play in games more closely aligned with their preferences tend to perform better).”

From: `https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160005270A1/en

No words are really minced there. We need this quote to be unequivocally rejected that nothing of this sort occurs in Overwatch.

Or that the abstract for this patent describes matchmaker specifically placing people with unique skins in games with people without them, to encourage purchase of those skins."


What a way to ruin a great game. It’s a shame.

I disagree, its completely possible and you dont have to carry every game with gold medals.

Sorry I should’ve said (assuming you don’t have the aim of a bronze mercy main) Pick zen and kill the DPS.

If your tanks arent useless enable them and let the carry role which is the tank role carry. If your tanks are useless accept the loss and move on.

Dps very much can’t pop ult with nothing done from their team and kill four.

What happens when a dps pops ult with no support. A tank either a: blocks my entire ultimate with a shield with no effort or skill. B: I pick a dps that can through a shield. Zen ult, Lucio ult, bap ult, another dps solo Ults me to kill me during my ultimate.

Once again. Dps don’t need barriers. Besides mccree, Ashe, bastion. Supports and tanks need barriers.

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Yeah, supports in most games are too dependent on tanks/DPS. It really is silly to give you bad ones and expect you to carry.

If those people aren’t doing their jobs properly it makes your job 10x harder. Whereas as a DPS/Tank you have much more potential to do some solo carry. Especially DPS. Good Reapers come to mind.

Anyway, read Mox’s post on the matchmaking and you’ll see why you shouldn’t even bother with this game anymore.

I’ll use reaper as your example and tell you.

Two reapers one on each team.

Team A: roadhog, dva, zen, ana, reaper, Mei.

Team b: orisa, sigma, Lucio, Moira, reaper, Mei.

Team b. Will win easily over sixty percent of those games. Why? Lucio enables reaper and reaper can retreat back fairly easily. The other reaper without Lucio and two ult battery tanks. Will lose. He will try to go in even with a zen orb which he probably won’t get. The team will one v six him while his team stands around. The only time he will win a fight is if Mei ults with him for a team wipe.

came back after the disaster that was halloween…

going to finish my placement matches and i’m again ignoring this game… every season it gets worse!

placement as tank -> so much stupid crap (from feeding overextending moira’s to DPS solo yolo the whole damn enemy team)
me, POTG 3 times, allways behind cover, shielding where needed, won 2 out of 5 matches (all other where close except 1 where we obviously had an idiot lucio just faceplanting himself into the full enemy team…
placed lower then previous season…

support placement matches… tanks putting up bariers behind cover (or not at all) keep getting blasted of the map because poor awareness, DPS doing a bad job at everything…
place a bit higher then previous season…

now DPS placement… worst experience i’ve ever had in any game…
probably will get higher placement…

this game and it’s matchmaker is just trash…


and @Bukkit

Read Mox’s post on the patent for matchmaking where they put decent people with skins in with worse people who don’t have skins to make them think the skins will make them play better/people with the skins are good.

There’s no point in playing this game.


Indeed, the longer i play this game the worse it gets…

it’s like instead of learning, the player lose braincells :frowning:

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You can disagree but it means nothing. You are playing a different game. I can win if I go dps (because nobody get kills) and also heal, with Moira for example. I have to be on constantly on edge. Sure there are games that I can rely on others but those games are 1 of 10.
Yeh entirely possible that people are doing 100% all the time as support but I cant it is tiring and above all unfair that only this role must be always on top performance.
Check the forums and the general consensus is climbing at lower ranks is entirely (or mostly) dependant on the team. In Masters or Diamond can be different but still it is not a good system and nobody wants to play a role that is so little dependant on your performance. Nobody is saying that you cant get good and climb but in my humble opinion it is much harder than for other roles.
The climb factor (for lower levels is like this) Dps>Tank>=Support.
… there is always a shortage of support and tank players. One of the reasons (apart from popularity) is also that it is much faster to climb as a dps.

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I am flex player and I have experience with climbing on all roles. Its the same. Only difference is that some heroes can climb better than others in solo Q enviroment.

I am checking forum every day, its mostly crying topis how its impossible to climb, how team mates suck on every role, rigged matchmaker, forced loss streak, leavers and smurfs every game and other nonsense.

I would even say its harder to climb on dps as you have to be very mechanicaly skilled with most of the dps heroes. And a lot of dps hero picks have really hard life now.


I am checking forum every day, its mostly crying topis how its impossible to climb, how team mates suck on every role, rigged matchmaker, forced loss streak, leavers and smurfs every game and other nonsense.

It is all good and well to score virtue points but what you do here is a big fat straw man dude. I hope your decision making is better in game than on forums.

The anecdote of your climbing and not complaining and being a virtuous good grinding player means nothing and it has nothing to to with what i wrote. Yes. You can do everything with enough conviction and work but that is not my point.


I would even say its harder to climb on dps as you have to be very mechanicaly skilled with most of the dps heroes. And a lot of dps hero picks have really hard life now

Maybe. Your opinion which is as valid as mine so keep out of my hair and stop with your: I am a flex player and I climb and I am a good boy.