DPS is now for the rich and the kids only

I’m literally in the same position you described, and it only takes 3-4 minutes for to find a DPS in QP. Not sure where you’re located, but I’m on the West coast, and have never waited 14 minutes for a match ever.

I believe they did explain

but a better counter argument would be

“there’s always arcade”

a large portion of the community has always taken QP to be a comp training ground

forcing people into arcade who just want to chill and have fun is a good thing imo


Then they have to wait because there is 5x as many of then as there are tanks. It’s not rocket science.
2-2-2 dps queue is better than 10 consecutive games with crappy comps.

Cheese comp is 222; Orisa Hog Mercy Baptiste Bastion Torb or Torb Sym.

But you also get players wwho can play the roles they sign up for. Add them to your friends list and weed out the bad ones yourself

Where currently, every DPS player is complaining of a 15ish min queue

OW is a team game, first and foremost. You can’t be unsocial in a team game.

Did you?

The point of LFG was to look for players to play with. To introduce you to other players so that you could make friends among them. YOu’ll get trash players in LFG, but you’ll get good players too. Friend the good players and play with them.

Then play arcade or the other modes? While I do sympathize to an extent, it seems more like your exaggerating when you say " For the Rich and Kids only"

I am not the one unaware of what a strawman argument is, throwing it around like it just fits.

Except that there are plenty of people in that nightclub who do like that music. Changing for you because you don’t is pretty self centered. Which makes this awkward since you are the one asking other people to look at themselves.

If life is so busy that 14 minutes puts a serious strain on you free time, then the problem isn’t OW or “rich kids.”

It sounds like you play in quick play. Well, I have good news for you then. In arcade, there is a new mode called quick play classic. Going there, you won’t have a 14 minute queue.

The issue your having has an easy fix. If you choose to continue to wait in queues, then you only have yourself to blame.

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Isn’t there a regular CLASSIC QP (without role que) in the arcade?

I was sitting in dps que as well, got tired, went to classic que, got in game and immediately regretted the decision and went back to role que.


Most people who make an above average amount also work an above average number of hours.

The research is very consistent on this across various career fields, such as doctors, nurses, lawyers, business owners, etc.

If someone is “rich” they probably have little to no time to play games in general.

Pssshhhh. Rich people just sit in front of their computers playing video games all day. That’s a fact. I mean most of the top players for overwatch are heart surgeons. Fact check me. I bet you wont.
Also petroleum engineers.

No, you’re the one throwing strawman arguments around though. Educate yourself. Look! I got a visual aid for you.

I may be broke and 30 years old, but I was still able to queue double DPS with my roommate yesterday.

A whole 5 minutes to queue. For 2 DPS.

join us in the Arcade, OP

we have all the dpsing you want and cookies

Not arguing about the change, arguing about people not understanding why one guy is not enjoying himself. And the fact “you can’t change your tastes to fit the current state”.

But yeah, like I told a bit before : my analogy is very bad.

i agree, i think 222 qp should replace qp classic, because I tired of having to get a friend just to play sym or any dps.

you guys get 14 mins? i only get 20+!

“It doesn’t happen to me, so nobody has this problem”


QP has Role Queue because the heroes will now be balanced around the 2-2-2 comp, and other than randomly assigning people roles, that is the only way to make that happen.

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You will be able to earn achievements in the future. As for the second claim, I kinda doubt that’s true.

Either way, does that mean QPC will be exactly like old QP was in a month or so? I don’ really see the problem if that’s the case. :man_shrugging: