DPS is now for the rich and the kids only

Those of us who have work, family and an occasional hour to play, are completely left out. I can’t afford to wait 14 minutes (which is what it took yesterday), to sit in front of a loading screen. I really don’t mind playing 33% of each if I have to, but at this point it’s either tank or healer, period.

Honestly, I don’t understand why this system was even implemented in Quick Play. All of these gamers with extra time already had competitive play all to themselves, Quick Play was suppose to be for quick fun games, now it’s only in the name.


How is it only for “The Rich and Kids” explain please lmao.


I just played 3 games in 20 minutes as Tracer in QPC, I don’t see the problem.


If you have to ask, then you are probably one of the two. When you have an hour here and there to play a game, you can’t just wait around. But I doubt there are many people in my position on this board, and I wasn’t expecting much sympathy.


Play Quick Play Classic & Skirmish, can play DPS non stop, literally.


The shortest time I had since this started, was 6 minutes. Yesterday it was 14, mostly, I can’t even bother to wait and see how long it takes. Anyway, I guess it depends on time and region. Europe, sunday evening, was not a good time.

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Probably one of the 2? lmao I am very poor and I have no idea what you mean by “The rich and kids”

:slight_smile: unless you mean “time” nothing is stopping you playing another game while waiting in a queue?


Just 3 stack with 2 tanks/healers. It reduced the queue time a lot for me atleast


Classic mode exists in the arcade.


I just think he meant kids who don’t have responsibilites like a family or work and the rich for those who can live without working.

That was a bit clumsy to say it like that but I think that was the meaning behind it.

Just go QPC ._. it takes at most 2 minutes to find a game and there’s often at least a tank and a heal so it’s not unplayable ˆˆ


I personally don’t see how being rich correlates with having more time to play video games. The only truly rich person I know is very old and retired. I doubt he’d enjoy Overwatch though

As already mentioned, you can play Classic Quick Play in Arcade for the none role queue experience you miss and even win loot boxes this time around. However don’t complain if you land a team with no one playing a Tank or Support.


Yes, perhaps I should have chosen a different word. But you’d think that mentioning a family will clue people in.

A few suggested QP Classic, honestly I’ve never tried it, guess I will.

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For me it’s far better than 2/2/2 QP just because it is more fun, you don’t see people tryhard as much; I mean if I go QP I don’t want to face a pirate ship on junkertown -.-
And as I said most games still have at least 1 heal and 1 tank

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unfortunately, qp classic isnt equivalent to pre222 qp, and there is no such option for comp

I’d suggest Mystery Heroes, like 10-30 sec queues


Probably because if someone is rich, they don’t have to work as much, and they’ll have a lot of free time.

Unless it’s the kind of rich where a person is a workaholic, so they’re rich.



It really isn’t. QPC is still available in the arcade.


rich people have free time

Just play tank or support ffs. Y’all are some serious crybabies. Posts like This are why people hate on DPS players.