DPS is now for the rich and the kids only

Quickplay classic exists for your use case.

they have more leisure time?

Nice visual aid, seems you need it, now showcase, how my argument is not pointed at his saying “DPS is now for the rich and kids only”. Man NA education, seems meme worthy now a days.

i’m not rich neither a kid but I enable skirmish while queueing for a dps game and I end up having around 10-6 mins in queue and sometimes it goes up to 16 no problem, as long I have skirmish enabled time passes quickly.

Oh you mean like how before 222 there were people that didnt really want to support or tank but because theyre playing a team game, wanted to win, and werent selfish, played roles that the team needed other than dps? And then from that point forward were asked to play support or tank because they had the most time on those roles? Ok, nobody forced them to play support, but three dps rarely worked unless the other team ran the same 321 comp. You mean those kinda people? Yeah, dps players bought the game and should be able to play whatever they want but not at the expense of other peoples fun who bought the game too. To be clear Im not hating on dps players. Its not their fault imo. Its blizzards fault for making the game the way they did.

I just play deathmatch instead.

This should had been done as soon as QPC started. Not put “under study for later release”.

IMO, they should take the opportunity and turn it on for Mystery Heroes and No Limits as well. Those modes are similar enough to QP, that earning achievements on them isn’t harder than normal QP.

Meanwhile, it remain uninstalled. If I get disinterested enough until they implement it, this might not even be enough to pull me back.

I would typically say just play QP Classic. I have said it in numerous post. But what seems to be the norm in Classic now is, 6 DPS vs 6 DPS. It is, what it is.

It still is, and also you can play QPC if you don’t want to wait that long. Also average que’s for DPS are around 3 to 4 minutes long which is not much.

Many players are reporting dps queue times of 10 - 30 minutes. I see 10 mins or more fairly regularly myself

Rich people sit at home and collect a check, Kids live with mommy and daddy and have no life literally.

Normal people work for a living, and can’t devote 8-16 hours/day to be competitive.

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Im sure adding achievements would be easy its just that they are doing everything really slowly at the moment too lol.

Still no live patch from the ptr weeks ago.

So probably when they have the balance changes ready maybe they will add that in that patch or the one after. Its a long queue like we all waiting in ahaha

We need a dev update so see where there head is at too.

eh and lots are having fun in qpc because of low que times and it isnt just dps there only anyways.

good mix of roles

Because QP was not fun, it was generally lopsided and people who wanted to play the game as it is structured but not have the pressure of comp couldn’t. For more casual players like me, Bronze/Silver comp was a regular down-spiral disaster.

Want to play more often? Queue as a support or a tank. “But I’m a DPS!” is what got us here in the first place: players would pick their one DPS and play only that and get themselves and their team owned regularly rather than countering what the other team sent out.

Those who did that well are the folks who are losing out most, but players unwilling to play as a team to win the map cost everyone that freedom.

Enjoy your queue time, I’m enjoying the extra credits, loot boxes and short queue times.

Im going to assume your family is children and a partner.
In that case that family was your choice. You accepted full responsibility when you became a parent and that includes sacrificing your hobbies and alone time. You have a job, focus on that so you can become one of those rich folk who has all the time in the world to play games, otherwise you’re yelling into an echo chamber, the devs are not going to make balance changes because you chose to have kids.

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  1. If it’s THAT big of a deal, play in the morning or right before you go to bed.
  2. Quick Play Classic
  3. If it’s NOT that big of a deal, and you don’t want to play quick play classic or any other fun arcade game, then… do something else? Just play quick play classic, it’s that simple lmao
  4. Many others, including myself only have an hour or two a day to play. That’s why we either find alternatives or play QUICK PLAY CLASSIC! Jeez man, your post almost seems like a troll because of the lack of mentioning quick play classic.

So kids don’t have things like chores, school, homework, and regulations on how long they can play?
And rich people just sit around all day and let their business/job go to waste? I see.

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If you have work and family, maybe you should focus on them instead of playing a game? If you have the time to complain about waiting then im sure waiting for a game isnt that bad. You could make a custom game or play arcade with little to no queue times

The entire OP is based on a fallacious premise. Only the shut-in neets, living on disability and (((most importantly))) call others wagecucks, are the only one’s privileged enough to play dps in this day and age. Everyone else is sapped of time and energy.

I’m in your situation but I don’t see the queue times as being that long… what region are you in ? I’m in central Texas.