DPS is now for the rich and the kids only

He already did.

If you have to work, or have a family, you don’t have time to sit in queue.

The only people who don’t work are children, or those who have enough money and don’t need to work.

Most people only play an hour or two each day.

That depends on the person. They often have others paid to keep the money flowing. Many of them can sit on beaches in front of laptops all day. Shoot, Jeff Bezos can sit on a beach made
of money if he wanted to

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QP has been **** for a long time. Every 3rd match you join just to see the defete screen and the other 2 are ruined by leavers and trolls.

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My DPS queue times in QuickPlay last night were between 1 and 3 minutes. Your mileage may vary.

This post is so inaccurate
-A full time college student with a job

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I only have a few hours time after I come home from work, and I’m not really interested in spending most of them on a loading screen.

Blizzard just keeps alienating their playerbase.

yes ignore the fact that people cant play half the game


I have a job, definitely not rich and i have no family. Having a family is your choice and not everything has to be family friendly. With that being said i know nurses who go home and play WoW 2 hrs every night and raid for 6hrs on sunday every week and they have families.

Personally i like to read and benefit from my local head shop during dps queue. Excluding the big boost in playtime for me with the initial release of 2-2-2 i doubt i can do more than 2 or 3 dps q in a row. I cant just sit there like that, so know that i do sympathize. I just think you approached it wrong

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Why is that not a solution.
You want quick games as a dps.

What do you want them to change exactly?


QP is the game’s main mode, nothing more or less. People got the “it’s just QP” idea themselves.

I don’t disagree, and they seem to have plans. but in typical Blizz fashion they are taking years to do anything

You can’t earn achievements on QPC, and there is a lot of obnoxious people that are playing for the lulz on purpose to “prove” that QPC is trash.

The latter will fix itself over time, because this will stop being funny and those trolls will go back pestering the main mode. But the former is a big bummer, especially if you are not an achievement hunter, and just want to earn them naturally.

Looks like blizzard tries to add achievement to QPC as well.


You picked the most popular role. Waiting is the cost of admission.

In what game that has role que do people not have to wait for dps??

You put yourself in that que. Don’t cry because the line is longer.


Okay, so you as a person with a job, off work, family and more, somehow have higher priority, than people that got more time to spend ? It is exactly cause you both have equal priority, that you both have to wait.

Do you also get to jump in line at the store or bank as well, depending on how “Busy” your life is ?

In general i think this should suffice to see, just how beyond <70 IQ this post is…


meanwhile almost every moba player ever can, and they’re certainly not all rich or kids.

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If you’re desperate for fun and a quick win, then go to Quickplay Classic.
I mean that’s what Arcade is there for. I have my own priorities too; but I’m not gonna throw and force someone to lose a game because you can’t learn to play roles. I’m a casual player as well, but at least I try to take other’s play time into consideration. It was implemented for the Competitive-casual player in mind. But if you’re so into winning for fun as DPS, go to Quickplay Classic.

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Also, I’m poor as hell and I’m a full-grown adult.
I just wanna have fun but I can’t exactly have that solo Tanking or solo Support; having to babysit DPS or people like you when I’m having trying to learn a new playstyle and have fun.


I love how you both strawman and insult someones IQ (ironically, I might add) in the same post.

Forums in a nutshell, folks.

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Yeah I work and go to college I don’t have unlimited free time like some ppl lol. This update made me put the game down. I can’t wait 7 minutes (minimum) to get into each and every match for dps.

Where do people keep coming up with these 10+ minute queues for QP? The longest I’ve ever waited for a queue has been 5 minutes in QP. Sure, competitive can push 7-10 minutes sometimes if I’m playing during off hours but definitely not QP.