Dps complaining about long Q times are the ones that made Role Q necessary

I love role queue as a dps player. But I wanna also complain. There I said it!!

You know somewhere out there, there is someone that thinks like that.

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Yes, so we good and brave support mains won’t ever find a game because they all left the game uwu

I swear this is how most of them sound and they don’t even realize it LMAO

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Yup. Absolutely correct.
This is why I don’t feel sorry even a bit.

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because the game makes it tedious to play tanks and heal

oh wait jeff said they made rq bcz a year ago they realised that 222 dive was the best way to play the game, so no you’re wrong offensive and out right have an immature opinion, blaming people for wanting to have fun.

I love it whem you get insulted for not playing the selfish tank or support roles.

I mean Srsly.

They are the ones picking the fast q heroes.
They are selfish

They expect the dps to kill stuff.

Will there ever be a not violent anti dps post?

I as a dps player wait 10min for a match to get pissed on by insta q leechers.

(take it with humor, its with reasons written in a bit triggering way :wink:)


The game store I work at just sold 1 million copies of Overwatch. /s

What is the return policy where you are from 3000 days, with a recipt?

Right, by the OP’s logic every DPS is part of the problem.

Are you at DPS main? You are part of the problem. Are you a support main, that plays DPS once in every 50 matches? You are part of the problem. If you are tank main that plays DPS every 30 matches, you are part of the problem. If you are a person that just enjoys all three roles, and you play DPS one in every ten matches, you are part of the problem.

Does the OP not realize that “selfish DPS Mains” aren’t the only ones queuing up for DPS and aren’t the only ones complaining about the Q times? Apparently not.

Actually, it’s more like having:

A Pizza Hut
A Subway

And, in the old days, each place used to be able to serve up to 12 people, at a time. And, now, they only can serve 4. And, well that isn’t such a problem for Pizza Hut and Subway (Tank and Support) (as statistically, less people ate there, anyway), it is a huge problem for Burger King (people are spilling out into the parking lot). But, as a customer, what do you do? If you want a Whopper, Burger King is the only place in town.

Now, some people like to say:

"Well, just go to Pizza Hut, instead."

And, personally, I always hated that “solution”. Because, while you still get to eat, a Whopper is nothing like a pepperoni pizza (for example). So, what ends up happening, is people will get sick of the wait (at BK) and just not eat out at all. Theyll just make food at home (play another game).

Now, while that sounds good, on the surface, since if less people are waiting, the line is faster. But, in the grand scheme of things, it’s bad for the business, because they’re losing out on the money of those staying at home.

But, there are things that could be done:

  1. BK could serve more people (we could make the game 232)
  2. Hut and Subway could offer better coupons (role incentives). It would help get those not obsessed with Burger King to go other places
  3. Pizza Hut, Subway, and BK, could start offering more variety/similar things like each other (make more Tanks and Supports and have them appeal more to those that like DPS)

To be fair, your initial sentence could have been a little more clear. You could have put “OP” at the end of it, or something.

but, in full context, yeah, it was pretty clear.

Maybe not, overall, but thats what im doing. Lol.


i know alot of my friend are comming back becuase of 2-2-2.

Not sure about supports, but tanks would stop playing, more then before role queue.

Incentives are meaningless to those who already have everything. Unless Blizzard went crazy. “Play a tank for 3 matches and get a free month of World of Warcraft.”

Most people want this, but I am unsure how you convince people to take on the responsibility of the tank or support role.

For 3 years tanks and support players, the ones who enjoyed those roles, found less and less enjoyment as the game was changed. We were all told to suck it up or move on. Most moved on. Now with role queue the tanks and supports, again those who enjoy those roles, are actually having good, fair, and fun matches. Now its the DPS’s turn to either nut up or shut up. For some reason though, it was okay when it was a problem for the tanks and supports, but how dare we not give DPS players a free pass. They had a free pass, for 3 years.


Absolutely, its the OW Team’s fault. At least, partly. They are the ones that made the roster imbalanced, they are the ones that Made/marketed this game so DPS heavy. And, then, they are surprised when a bunch of damage players showed up. then, they decide to make an equal (222) system, when the roster and player base didn’t reflect that equality

By making the 222 system, they alienated almost half of their player base. You realize that, right? I mean, think about this from more of a casual player perspective. One day, you were able to fire up OverWatch and get into a match within a minute or two. Then, all of a sudden, the next day, Q times Skyrocket to 10 or 20 mins (maybe even more). How long do you think people will put up with that?

The competitive players? Yeah, they might not be too upset about it. Because, longer queue times were a thing before the new system, for some of them. And, also they are more “serious”, so they might be more willing to have quality over quantity, in the terms of matches.

But, the more casual players? I doubt it. And, instead of just “playing a different role”, they are going to quit and play a different game, entirely. And, while that may seem good, on the surface, because there will be less people in the DPS “line”, it will not be good for OverWatch’s Bottom Dollar. You need player retention, in a PVP based game. Otherwise, you have no game. And, the last people playing, overall, means longer queue times for everyone


/looks at queue times

Really? Does this need to be explained again?

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Also not all dps are selfish there are plenty that play all 3 roles.
I queue for all 3 roles. I usually get Tank then healer.
Later when I have had my fill of other roles, I queue for dps only and expect to wait.

I don’t complain about the queue times, I complain about the people who queue for dps and can’t play it worth a squat. These are the cloggers in my opinion. Bad and can’t won’t queue for anything else.

Dps healers are everywhere now. Thanks to 222


I had 54 elims in a game with Moira last night.

we lost a real close one.

wait for it…


29K heals :stuck_out_tongue:
about 19-20 minute game. (I forgot the time but it was around there)

You contradict yourself, if you enjoyed the role why do you also say you were “punished” into it? How does that make sense at all? So all that talk about “free pass” is nothing but a way to make yourself feel special. You also had a “free pass” and you chose to tank, no one forced you to play an unenjoyable role.

But now even if we pick another role, we get a whole other SR some might not even care about, which is byproduct of having 3 SRs (which in itself has many flaws and is overall a worse SR system than the old one). Not to mention the increase in leavers and throwers, or people straight up refusing to play their role as it’s intended to.

Bolded: Again why discriminate against dps players? Are you implying we can’t enjoy the game? As for having good and fair matches I’d argue it’s the opposite (gave you some examples above, but I can go more in detail if needed), as for fun it’s individual so I’ll give you that.


I gotta agree with OP on this one. They made their bed now time to lie in it.

I enjoy tanking and healing. Though my play time diminished month after month due to how many games were swamped with unreasonable team compositions. I remain, while many others who I knew and are friends of mine, left the game, as far as I can tell forever (they are still grey in my friends list).

It felt real damn special to solo tank or solo heal. So special I stopped playing the game regularly. My tolerance for idiocy was becoming strained to its maximum capacity.

How is creating an equal statement discrimination?

I was told play the game the way it is or leave.
Now I am saying play the game the way it is or leave.

Before role queue it was okay to tell a tank or support player this. Now it sacrilege to say the same thing to a DPS player.

That isn’t unique to role queue. It happened since the inception of the game.


Just make tanks/supports actual bots then bam you’ve got plenty of extra dps spots for humans

What exactly you deem an unreasonable team comp? Because in my opinion having at least 1 tank and 1 healer is as reasonable comp as 2/2/2 that can win you the game, but I’m not saying it should be the only comp available. Flexing is also being punished now, while one tricking is being encouraged.

I still don’t understand this, being a solo healer has it’s benefits (like faster ult charge, also I know a ton of healers that love solo healing), and being a solo tank isn’t as bad as you guys make it out to be, I’ve solo tanked and won a ton of matches too, it’s not about being the solo healer/tank it’s about how much synergy and teamwork there is.

First off, the discrimination part is targeted towards you saying tanks and healers only. I personally never had any issue with tanks/supports before, I always thank my heals whenever they heal me. In my opinion it was never ok to tell them anything, since you were free to choose, if a person keeps spamming we need a tank, they could grab one themselves. But now that this is no longer possible toxicity is way up simply because of it.

While leavers always existed, the issue is steadily increasing and not only is nothing done about it, you now also have the luxury to do so. Having 3 SRs (2 of which most people won’t even care about) means if they get a bad match as any of the 2 off roles, they can just leave and requeue for a new one, with little to no punishment, since their main SR is safe and sound. Whereas before, if you left your comp matches you lose SR on the one and only SR, so if you kept doing that, you’ll keep dropping.

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