Doomfists dominating in literally every game. What's going on?

Your main damage ability is RP. Since it’s on such a low cooldown, it should be your primary way of dealing damage.

I don’t know what else to say here. Your comment leads to no insight on what I’m supposed to respond to.

That’s completely wrong.

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His hand cannon makes up most of his damage.

How, what?

That doesn’t make a lot of sense when RP does 250 damage if you use it correctly.

Handcannon is his primary weapon; you should be using it in all of his combos and to finish people off. Slam+handcannon+uppercut+handcannon is his primary attack in most situations. Rocket punch usually should be saved for mobility and escaping in most encounters, it’s an instant 25 meters when you jump punch.

Rocket punch does 250 damage but you have to charge it completely and actually land it on someone without them dodging, and by extent they have to hit a wall. The hitbox got buffed recently but it’s still nothing like it was before it got nerfed, it’s still fairly easy to dodge. Doomfist is usually dead or gets CC’d into oblivion before that complete sequence of events happens against any decent players. You should use rocket punch to help initiate a slam uppercut combo and to escape right after killing someone.

Just watch people like Chipsa or Brandito - they pull stuff off like this and do not use rocket punch as their primary means to kill, they use it mostly for mobility and stunning.


I try to play him every once in a while because he can be absolutely devastating but I’m having quite a bit of trouble with him. I’m having huge tracking/visibility issues with him in that I usually can’t find the targets for my abilities.

Often times when I go to Rocket Punch, it won’t connect or will zoom right past them. I’m not sure if there is a trick with him or not or if it’s a bug.

He can be super fun and rewarding to play, though. I sometimes imagine that this is what it feels like to play Street Fighter outside of 2D.

If you use it correctly, you’re using it mostly for mobility.

Charging up a full punch as your primary means of attack is asking to get CC’d and killed. You can absolutely use it to kill people if the right situation presents itself, but those situations don’t come up as often as those where your other abilities are more appropriate.

People are using barriers and supports alot, and he punches through barriers and one shots supports. He’s highly counter-meta if you can actually use his skills right.

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I was hoping for the He-Man version but yes.

You needed to weave it into combos…even a shot here and there with a Melee strike would be APPRECIATED if your cooldowns were still going. I understand it needed to not be his “primary” weapon but it needed to at least be less severe. Also…Rocket Punch being a primary way of killing? Did Doomfist just come out? We Doomfist’s Combo and every piece is important. Enviromental kills are nice…but they aren’t TOO often as most maps don’t have too many Hazards (unfortunately…)

Uppercut has always been Doomfist’s best ability. It’s just so consistent compared to everything else…(Which is why I didn’t mention it.) As for everything else you said…I don’t understand it at all. I think mostly cause it sounds like you don’t know about combo Doomfist but let me EXPLAIN!

How Doomfist worked before

Before Seismic Slam got the “49 damage when grounded” buff, Doomfist’s would have to hit 2 shots in a combo to take out a 200 HP target unless their aim was good. 1 was fine as well…but they’d HAVE to be headshots and all of this is assuming they’re just not getting healed. The issue with this is that these abilities don’t negate movement nor abilities so your TTK would be slower (Or non existent as it’d be easier for them to leave the combo.) than it is now if you were an average Doomfist like myself. So now we have to hit less as we get compensated through our Seismic Slam damage. Which allows us to do more if we need to finish off/duel other people. It also allows us to get ULT CHARGE off of ANYONE just in case we’re close to getting it. Just the fact that we didn’t have to constantly have our hand cannon filled cause we’d have to worry about it getting back is a blessing.

I hope this part got explained…essentially the less shots you need to hit as Doomfist the better and now we don’t have to hit nearly as many. The skill in Doomfist is utilizing his abilities…not his primary.

Enemies would escape easier with older Doomfist…so his spread wouldn’t help you when they escaped with low health, they’d get like medium range but you need just a bit of damage to take em out. (Also it’s 11 pellets now…Have you been out of the loop?) Also, all your abilities would be on cooldown as they were DEDICATED to trying to take them out in the first place. You literally sat there as they just…walked away.

I forgot something...

There’s a debate on whether or not the change to his gun was good. Technically it’s weaker against armor and worse in some cases at a range as if you DID hit the older cannon at a range it did 11 instead of 6 but it’d be MUCH harder to hit. I’m in the “It’s an alright change” camp…But this is something that can be debated for HOURS as neither side is technically wrong. It’s a preference thing I feel.

All characters get used when they’re first released and are touted as “META DEFINING!” (REMEMBER SOMBRA!?) Doomfist had an abnormally large hitbox on his Rocket Punch. He wasn’t actually as good as people were saying at that time. No one really knew how to use him like they do now or really how to fight him. It’s kinda funny seeing how BAD it was in comparison.

Literally everyone dimissed Seismic Slam/Rising Uppercut as damaging abilities and only used em as escapes (People still advocate for such a thing…Seismic Slam WAS that bad though. You can’t convince me otherwise,) limiting Doomfist’s potential. That’s probably one of the only things I liked about the RP nerf despite it being so severe. It taught people to adapt and created an interesting play style that’s amazing (yet SUPER difficult to master.)

Not seeing where Doomfist is very common.

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i see hanzos every game

Hanzo is the thing people should be complaining about if anything. Never thought Doomfist would start getting a bad rep again.

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it is a diversion

doom fist if anything is gimped

he dives >brigit stun+huehue arrows

And so it begins. Here come the next wave of character complaints after Brigitte

This is exactly why when people ask for a buff to doomfist, we should say no. He’s already unstoppable in high tiers. A buffed version would just destroy everyone.

And road hog, actually.

Hook > rocket punch

Torb turrets are better at shutting down Doomfist than Hog is.

Sure. But then torb sucks out loud against everybody else.

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No arguments there. My point was that hog on his own isn’t nearly as strong as a df counter as people make him out to be…