Doomfists dominating in literally every game. What's going on?

In Master-GM rank there are Doomfists in almost every game right now who dominate. I’ve faced atleast 10-15 unkillable Doomfists tonight.

I’ve been away for a while so i’m not sure what’s going on.

Did Doomfist get a massive buff recently or something?


the meta shift favors him actually, thats most likely why


No, it’s just people have come to their senses that he’s not a bad hero.


Bug fixes, buffs, and most importantly Brigitte, have enabled Doomfist quite a lot this season.

People not knowing how to play against him due to him being a joke for the past year also contribute to it. Doomfist players have evolved enough to where fighting them isn’t just about “dodging the punch”.


And a large amount of bug fixes apparently.

And I say, hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah
I said hey, what’s going on?


Doomfist has seen slight improvements overtime. Including much needed bugfixes.

Plus people who’ve haven’t faced him regularly seem to forget how to approach him. While those who are good with him thrive on that.

He’s supposed to be a unstoppable Juggernaut that can easily obliterate a team by himself when played well and carefully.

And you’re surprised he can do this?

How do you counter those Doomfists then? Some guy in the game who played Doomfist said it was close to impossible to kill a skilled Doomfist.


Distance, Patience, Strength in numbers, Stuns, Turrets and that’s just off the top of my head.

Bridgitte completely enables him with her Armor Pack and ultimate. His shields generate ontop of that as well. He’s a monster. But he’s balanced in himself and his playstyle requires him to completely commit or die trying.

Zaryas. Zaryas everywhere.

Sombra hack turns him into a sitting duck.

It’s because of the tux. It has motivated them to unleash his true power.


Brig buffed him, here’s why:

She stuns and then he punches them or ults on top of them. She has enabled him quite a lot.

Just like new Hanzo has caused Zarya play to spike (grav+dragon play.)

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He still has basically all of those bugs they lied about fixing them. The people who main him just dedicated themselves to the git gud with the character instead of crying about not having a broken rocket punch anymore and giving up. He has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game even if literally every aspect of the character is filled with bugs that get you killed.

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Me and my friends can counter top 500 Widows, Tracers, Genjis, you name it, but we have yet to find a way to counter Master Doomfists lol.

When we play against top 500 Doomfists we can’t even get out of spawn.


It is the opposite Zarya was the META before the rework came out for Hanzo. If Hanzo gets nerfed too hard the only thing that changes is Hanzo gets largely replaced with Pharah.

You’re just seeing more of them because he’s more viable right now. The other fast flankers like Genji, Tracer and Sombra, does slow/chip damage, Doomfist’s ability to reposition and do massive damage in one hit allows him to break through armor.

My two top mains are Orisa and Sombra, so i can still deal with him, but a Doomfist that can properly combo can actually go through Orisa’s fortify. Fortunately, those players are still pretty rare in my games.

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he’s a pretty freakin powerful character in the right hands, and paired with this slower meta he can get a lot done

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