Doomfists dominating in literally every game. What's going on?

I play alot of DF.
My efficiency gets cut in half if the opposite team has more than 1 stun, I.e, Hog-Mcree, Hog-Briggite , Mcree Briggitte, And if there’s 3 I’m down right a deadweight to the team.
With one stun you can easily bait it out and then combo. If it’s mcree If i get a slam/uppercut i can survive his stun and kill him.
The problem arises if there’s more than 1.
Okay I’ll dive briggitte bait her stun and get ready to kill her, but there’s a Hog ready to ruin that for me. Or A Mcree.
If there isn’t more than 1 stun I go ham.


I had a feeling DF would be making a come around, especially with the amount of CC setting him up for good scores recently.

Off topic, your title says “literally” and your first line says “almost.” Kinda contradictory.

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Doomfist + Brig armor + DF shields is pretty insane to stop.

I had my health at about 700 at one point…symmetra shield, torb armor, Brig ultimate and my own shields…I felt unstoppable

My max health and shield 400
symmetra shield 75
torb armor 75
brig ult armor 150

Doomfist with 700 hp…scary

I wouldnt go as far as saying “unkillable” but yeah, when your counters are not played that much (sombra) and you have enablers on your team, DF can be pretty hard to shake off.

Still better than seeing Dvas everywhere because of a lack of roadhogs/Zaryas. Im glad its not the case anymore.

He still has the bug where a character can use an ability while stunned to avoid wall damage. (I.e. a Moira fading after being punched but before hitting the wall. A tracer recalling, a reaper wraith, mei cryo, etc.)

This bug is an annoying one and has happened a lot from my experience. Sometimes it will even leave a crater in the wall as if they hit it, but they don’t take the damage (it’s not that the fist was’t charged enough, I have seen this happen even with a full charged punch on a tracer with no shields or armor)

Hitscan aren’t seeing much play with this triple support, hanzo and Rein/Zarya comp around.

Means some people are having fun with a new meta in play.

This shouldn’t happen. There should be a limit on how much you can stack per hero. I wonder if it’s intentional that they allow this.

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Don’t put mccree in the list since how much priority Doomfist’s abilities has on flashbang.
Rocket Punch hits you first and then he stunned afterwards.
Uppercut sometimes can nullify flashbang’s aoe effect.
Seismic slam stuns and lifts you first and then he gets stunned.

So, a lot of you guys are saying “in the higher tiers, Doomfist is crazy good” when really, it’s his players. Doomfist has consistently been one of the lowest picked heroes not because “he has a high skill floor” but because his skill floor requires you to play the game in an extremely buggy way, where you smack into a wall or hit a rock using rocket punch and the game doesn’t understand what’s happening so you go flying off into the distance.

You want to nerf a character that, unless you have dedicated hours upon hours upon hours of work to him, is generally a pretty poor hero. To the guy that said his shotgun isn’t his primary, have you ever even played Doomfist? It’s how he does the majority of damage in a game. RP does the most SINGLE HIT damage, yes, but you have to have a ton of factors contributing to that, i.e. not getting stunned during the ridiculous charge up or the mechanic with the wall ACTUALLY WORKING, especially since you can have teammates stop you from hitting a wall and therefore no damage done from environmental damage.

Why nerf a character because someone got good at him? Nerf Hanzo and his ability to headshot someone from across the map when they’re using a mobility ability, and that’s consistently from ALL skill ranges, low, med, and high. Doomfist is objectively the worst Hero unless you exploit broken physics to move around the map, and then he becomes a mediocre character unless absolutely mastered, which is the area that OP is starting to complain about.

For those of you who say he needs a nerf, no he doesn’t. He’s been nerfed since the beginning and people finally know how to use him. Get over it or get better. Doomfist killing you over and over? Swap to one of his MANY counters, shouldn’t be that hard considering there’s a plethora of them. If you don’t do that, then that’s on you.



(A: because dive isn’t a thing anymore)

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Mayby because the spike happened after that report? They implied it having started recently

I think it’s like eight right?

McCree, Hog, Tracer, Pharah, Possibly Reaper, Bastion, Sombra, Junkrat

He is one of the counters to the Brigitte meta, so yeah, no wonder he gets played.

They’re most likely seeing if they can make everything work as-is. You don’t pre-nerf. You’ll almost always over-nerf if you do (look at what happened to Sombra).

I’m also guessing they want to slow down gameplay. TTKs in Dive were waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too fast with many kills coming in from full to dead in less than a second without too much coordination required.

Overwatch is supposed to put decision making on par with mechanical skill, and low TTKs remove that impact since it doesn’t matter what kind of choice you make if you’re getting blown up in <1 second regardless, unless that decision allows you to blow them up in <1 second instead.

Since a “blow up enemy in <1 second” ability would be grossly OP it led to heroes like Tracer, Genji, and Widowmaker being the most run heroes in OWL, and turned the dive meta into constant mirror matches between the same 8 heroes over, and over again since those were the heroes who could all kill you in under a second.

But they don’t just want to correct the TTKs up from <1 to 2-3+ at the base level. They could just triple everyone’s health, armor, and shields if they wanted to and keep the damage and healing the same. But that’s no fun.

So they let us stack shields and armor instead without any kind of hard limit.

Though, with Symmetra losing her shield generator in the rework, I would not be surprised to see some kind of limiting factor get introduced to Torb in his as well.

We’ll just have to see if the Devs think armor/shield stacking is getting out of hand with Brigitte.

Corrected : Sombra WAS his counter.


Sombra still is his counter. any Decent Sombra can hack a Doomfist player before they realize it and make them a giant walking target.

The thing is he’s like tracer, a high skill cap hero, and a melee fighter for the most part. In a shooting-focused game playing melee is not ideal or appealing to a majority of player, and alot of people who try cant work his combos well. He’s basically DPS reinhardt and alot of people who dont like to play as reinhardt dont like him because they dont like how his only range is firestrike.

There’s a very small niche for “good” Doomfist players and the one who are just literally beat the crap outta everyone currently running the 3 support meta.

I’m not afraid of the Doomfist who can slam - uppercut - punch, i’m afraid of the doomfist who can slam - shoot - uppercut - shoot - shoot - punch - shoot and land every shot!!!

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Wait, I thought I was the only one playing Doomfist religiously these days…

because ppl dont know how to use bastion.