Doomfist needs an emergency rework asap

Just because someone is OP doesn’t mean you want to play as them, remember Mercy meta?

I am trying to dislike you, quit making me like you.

From every thread I have looked though, it seems to be split, neither side being a majority, or even close to one, normally the same 50 turds like us arguing back and forth.

I can as soldier, hog, to a lesser extent Orisa, Tracer, Mei.

Intermission look at my profile it’s public, though this view lacks the ability to look in depth.

The thing is as a tank/heals main, most of the time if i switch it opens up a plethora of other problems. I either solve 1 problem and create 2 more or stay as what I like to do.

No other hero (even though I have opinions of other heroes) force such an event.

Unless you’re approaching a year late to the scene… They complained for both, and they got both.

You don’t like the other team playing Doomfist? Swap to one of his counters or swap to a hero that makes his job more difficult.

Are you a Zen or Ana main? Change over to Lucio or Brig if you’re the off-healer, or swap to Moira or Mercy if you’re main healer.

Maybe you’re an off-tank? Hog and Zarya do just fine against him.

DPS? There are way too many options there.

An oppressive Doomfist is the result of a team refusing to swap to one of many soft to hard counters the character has.

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I wonder if any of the Doom haters have actually played the hero… As a hitscan main I fully respect the amount of skill it takes to play Doomfist


Doomfist is fine. End of story.


Yeah there have been complaints the entire time since then.

No you just don’t see it as a problem.

I never even came close to implying he was an instant win lol, or whatever you said.

No I don’t play him because I don’t enjoy his play style

Tell me, why would someone need to take away someone else’s control to be viable or be able to do their job? I would argue it’s because of poor design or an inability to fight someone in control.


By people that want him nerfed to oblivion or deleted from the game.

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I think they are meaning his uppercut CC getting heavily nerfed. It used to stop movement for much longer, now it’s rather quick to get movement back.

I don’t want that, I just want to control my hero.

Remember when his CC got nerfed so people had more control so they could at least semi control themselves? that is all I want back.

(more in next reply, feeling popular today, makin me work for it, haha)

I was happy with that, but it was basically undone when the world CC changes happened since momentum is different. Though I don’t feel its quick at all.

I should clarify to everyone, all I want back is the control-ish while CC’ed

EDIT; and to be snarky about it

He has to be in melee range to do anything. Giant hitbox. Literally just shoot him he dies so fast.


Eh, he’s fine. CC him. McCree, Ashe, Ana, Brigitte, Sombra, Lucio. Throw his momentum off.

I find Widow and Hanzo far more frustrating than Doomfist. At least Doomfist has to be in your face.


Mei needs to be reworked for the sake of every Overwatch player.

There is absolutely no way there should be a hero in the game that can:

Slow you

Freeze You

Icicle from literally every direction

One shot once youre frozen and helpless


Oh, low on HP after successfully killing 2 enemies? No problem just cryo-freeze yourself way back to full HP and voila! Youre ready to repeat the process! All while stalling on the point completely invulnerable to boot!

Honestly how is that fair?


Along with the fact that torb is just a really solid pick right now (Something I never thought I’d say)

As a Doomfist player and a person who plays against him, the uppercut nerf was fine (his slam reduction and meteor strike change hurt him much much more)

I’m just saying this is probably his most balanced state. He just needs a few of his many bug fixes and he’d be perfectly fine.

He can be rather feast or famine like a lot of the roster. However the situations he strives in are when lack of communication or people not playing smart with what they have.

Oh a lot of us know that pain. Heck it’s one of the reasons I dropped competitive


Stuns Doom

He only has 1 stun which doesn’t even last that long.

Odd, that Pharah above me seems pretty safe from getting punched

It’s a situational 2 shot. Doomfist has no one shots(Except his worthless ult that good dooms use as an escape tool)

*DPS with tank size hitbox who has to be IN the enemh team to get value has a small shield gain
Enemies who don’t know what stuns are: DoOm Op PLeZ nErFZ


Just play lucio, he counters everything in his kit


Then nobody here can help you. Have fun hating doomfist.


So, by your own words, it should be easy as HELL to kill Doomfist because all of hos kit either: Locks him into predictable motions or STOPS him in place.

You have quiet the double standards there.


Can confirm this big time.

Players who didnt play doomfist thought that the old uppercut was some ezpz button, uppercut them and shoot them, no tracking involved at all! Literally just lined them up in his cross hairs for them

Problem is a billion things could and would send either doomfist, his target, or often both, in random directions. Requiring doomfist to observe that this was happening, adjust, and, y’know, track the target with the projectile shotgun.

The uppercut change came out… and this remained exactly the same. But it makes the target “Feel better” by returning agency to them- So I was absolutely all for it. As was basically any other doomfist player who had decent experience on him


Get McCree/Sombra/Ana/Hog/Orisa, etc… any hero with some decent CC and he will struggle. You can also go Pharah / Mercy.

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