Doomfist needs an emergency rework asap

Doomfist needs to be reworked for the sake of every Overwatch player.
There is absolutely no way there should be a hero in the game that can:
Throw you in the air
Stun you
Punch you from literally every direction
One shot you
Oh, low on HP after successfully killing 2 enemies? No problem just Ult your way back to your team, get healed and voila! Youre ready to repeat the process!
Honestly how is that fair?
The community INCLUDING STREAMERS was so quick to beg the devs to nerf Brigitte but when it comes to Doomfist everyone keeps their mouth shut?
If you are against OP heroes then keep the same energy when talking about Doomfist!
You are safe no where when theres a good enemy Doomfist, his Ult is almost impossible to dodge and Doomfist himself can be attacked by 5 people and he still wont die and the second he is low on HP he uses his ability or ult to back away like how can you not see the problem?

I know the devs dont care about my opinion because im not a overwatch league player nor a streamer but i can still express my feelings towards the game.

P.S Dont tell me to play Sombra. Thanks


If the community is fine with Hammond because Sombra/Mei exist, the community should be fine with Doom. He has more counters on top of that. So while he is oppressive, he has a lot of counterplay. That is why nobody is complaining. A switch here or there and he can no longer carry the match.


Play Roadhog/Reaper/Orisa

We’re in the middle of a Bunker meta, and Doomfist is really weak to Bunker.


Ok, play Doomfist, use all that UNSTOPABLE OP-NESS!!!1ONE!!!1!!!™ and realize how wrong you are about everything you wrote.


I wouldn’t say he is overpowered but he is strong

probably the strongest character if the player has a decent amount of playtime on him, I usually pick him to climb quickly on ladder because he just destroys teams if you know how to not feed

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Torb also makes playing Doomfist hell. He’s got quite a few counters people don’t know aside from Sombra.


Doomfist is f tier .


Explains why Torb is played a lot in GM.


Doomfist was a major mistake to introduce as a hero. It’s incredibly discouraging to play against him, and about the least of fun you can have. Yes you can counter him and what not, but a lot of the times you get stun comboed instagibbed by someone who landed on you and you have about a nano second to react before you’re made into a wall ornament.

I bought Overwatch because of the promise of not being one shot like you were in other FPS games, to have a fighting chance. In that regard, Doomfist feels like a straight up lie from the developers. I can live with snipers, in an FPS it’s sort of expected. But Doomfist is a whole different chapter, it’s extremely frustrating trying to play around him. It’s at a point now where a Doomfist in the match makes me leave and turn off the game.


Sym and Torb can make Doomfist so unplayable that it’s not even fair.


If Doom were really that broken forum nerf-herders would be playing him instead of crying for nerfs. The take-away here is that you have tried Doom for awhile, realized that despite what people say, HE DOES take skill and that you suck with him. People who crush you with Doomfist have put tons of hours into honing their play and deserve to be rewarded in the same way a good Genji/Tracer/Widow deserve to be rewarded for their hard work. And why on earth would you say ‘don’t tell me to play Sombra’? She’s one of Doom’s hardest counters.


They didn’t even rework his Ult.
Fat chance they’ll do it on the hero entirely.

Also, Forum Doomfist strikes again but don’t worry, if the meme is still lurking around, He’ll come out and back you up.


Doomfist is broken and unfun


Or you can learn to play the game and counterpick


I have never had significant issues fighting Doomfist and appreciate him as a teammate, please no changes, Doom is good boy.


Woah , some one got killed by doom fist lately…


Play McCree then.


Dont jinx it dude! Thats his secret, hes always lurking, waiting, watching


Making DPS viable again was a mistake. You all can’t be trusted to not be at their throats for two minutes. If you had your way they’d all end up unviable anyway, except now nothing will be viable. Just great.

And when the dust settles, they will say it was the devs who ruined the game (which will only be partially true).

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Oh sorry bro. My bad ^^;

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