Doomfist needs an emergency rework asap

Doom is fine and balanced

sprints away


“I don’t care if you have solutions to my problems. I just want to keep ranting and being ignorant.”


How is doom one shot any different from widow?

What about Rein charge? Hanzo headshots?



If you cant play around doom that’s a player problem

Usually indicates you were out of position away from your team and an easy pick

Or for some reason trying to challenge him 1v1

take it on the chin

Also this lmao

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Each ability is sustain+mobility+CC, he has a 1 shot and his ult is mobility+sustain.

Blizzard logic, I bet the wonder why we are so frustrated.

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I bet they don’t think anything of it because doomfist is fine and it’s just bad players complaining.


YOU* are so frustrated,

You do not speak for the majority.

Doom is a glass cannon, anyone with a decent amount of playtime on him knows this.

He preys upon singled out targets and badly coordinated teams and if you fit that bracket you deserve it.

Well said,


Play Sombra.

7 chars


When you complain about a Doomfist using his ult to go to his team, thats pretty much how trash his ultimate is.
Doomfists ultimate is well below F tier.
If you think Doomfists ult is impossible to dodge, then you have terrible positioning. His ultimate is probably one of the easiest things to dodge out of.
5 heroes depends on who they are. To counter Doomfist you need counter CC, like stun, hack, sleep, hook, halt and many more.
Doomfist isn’t OP, you just need to learn how to counter him.

Also, you look like you main Mei, just shift out of his ult if things get bad…


Remember last time things got this bad? he got nerfed into the ground.

You superimposed all of this, I was meaning the “frustrated” players.

But I guess that just shows what category you fall into.

Yes I am a bad player, whats your point? At least I don’t need heaps of CC to force enemies to be unable to play properly to be good.

I am sure they look at everything, public opinion is at an all time low, numbers are weakening, stocks are dropping, mass layoffs, exc. And I am sure they want this game to grow, not weaken.

Which sent him straight to dumpster tier for a while.
And what do you even mean by “this bad”? He hasn’t had any changes in a bit. No drastic increase in usage rates no nothing. Really seems like doomfist detractors are just starting to hate for no reason.

Doomfist isn’t an instant win character lol.
Neither does he stop enemies from actually aiming.


Doom is fine, and if you don’t want to play his counters, well that’s your problem.


We already know where you fall category wise.

Get better, the forums don’t care about your inability to adapt and improve they’ll only call you out for not wanting to do so.


Even seen a Lucio boop Doomfist while he tries to slam? Leaving him to dangle in midair stuck in his animation to get melted down by the enemy team.

I have :rofl:


Alright. Play Roadhog


This is unrelated to the topic at hand, but it’s so satisfying to hear Roadhog say “Grounded” or “Get Down” when you land a hook. I love his voice work.


Reduced CD’s, the CC control loss was undone by the world CC changes were the most recent, but these complaints came back as soon as these changes were made, they are not new.

I get you see it from your perspective, that is alright, people often turn a blind eye to what serves there purpose, just like I probably do with this i care about.

The thing is, people say what their problem is and you dismiss it so you see no reason.

Never said he did, you are just (I hate this phrase) building a strawman (with me anyway)…

What he does stop is movement and most of what he does takes that ability away. They easiest way to die in any shooter is to move predictably or stop, don’t you see a problem with the only answer to CC being more CC?


Who’s talking for everyone here now?

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Or play Junkrat. Trap him, then blow him up or just blow him up xD


I try,

I’d assume the majority of players/forum users have a shred of common sense

Something you struggle to comprehend clearly.

If you identify a problem and know the solution “switching to a counter” but refuse to do so you only have yourself to blame it’s just that simple.


Literally 3 months ago

Because 99% of the time it’s not even a problem. It’s just people complaining about things they don’t like.

You certainly implied it in your post. That you don’t need his attributes to be good and do well.
And if that wasn’t it then what was the point of even mentioning that? To prove how much superior you are by not playing Doom?

Except not anymore…

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