Doomfist , Mei and Echo need to be looked at

Half - correct, since there’s of course no player who would be able to have all their mobility abilities available at all times off - cool down.


Completely false. As a Tank and especially in an objective - based game like Overwatch, the main reason for your entire existence is to create space by being in the front lines almost at all times.

Mei used to negate this entire Tank “niche” just by existing, so that’s exactly where the main design problem with her kit pops up.

I believe that the advantages of her kit provided by her Wall and Ice Block more than cover up for her obvious lack of mobility.

Continuing with the aimless insults I see…

This truly is alarming, needless to say.


Ahh yes, the classic ignorant and ultimately invalid excuse… How surprising…

Objectively false assumption. I do actually have hours on Mei.

That’s exactly why I said arguably, Mr. “all opinions are stupid except mine” :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Flashbang and Freeze are pretty much the same when it comes to their effectiveness, but one is an ability on cool down and the other one is the hero’s actual primary fire.

End of argument.

Only fair point this far.

Make it 3.5 seconds max and I’ll agree.

I’ve already responded to these ““arguments”” that are based on baseless assumptions more than once at this point (that don’t even address the main reason why I consider Mei as a badly - designed hero by the way), so I’m not even going to bother this time…

Ahahah… Once again, please do keep telling all these lies to yourself… You may actually start believing in them.

I got out played by the character holding a single button. I mean… wow.

Yep guess I just gotta get better.

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Yea a buff can be bug fixes if they are impactful enough

Other small ones are just QoL

I do think mei needs slight buffs to her dps tho ur make her wall less oppressive and also make her less of a stally character (Reduce time in crypfreeze but buff hps)

exactly. you don’t play her so of course you wouldn’t know either :-1:

Her freeze used to be a little to strong tbh

But now it could use some slight love

Ie it’s a projectile not hitscan like zarya beam so they could increase its projectile speed to make her counter ball doom and genji more consistently but wouldn’t really effect anyone else to much

maybe. i guess you are right about projectile travel speed.
anyway, she needs changes in pretty much every aspect of her kit to make her feel better to play because right now everything on her is a joke and she gets destroyed by everyone.

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Could u go look at my change idea for her and tell me what u think

where? in this thread?
i mean there are many ways to buff her so she wouldn’t be worst dps.
you can do your first suggestion to increase her projectile travel time, this would make her a threat at close range again and compensate for the 30% movement freeze nerf. you can also buff her ult travel time too and shorten the AoE range.
you can give her back her 1.5s freeze duration time. alternatively give her better fire rate to make up for the freeze duration nerf and this would improve her overall dps as well.
you can also make her cryo last way less than it does now and give more healing in that amount of time and reload her ammo. or make so she is targeted by supports because this change made character a throwpick.
you could buff wall too to the cooldown it used to have but with less hp on each pillar so Mei could have some sort of mobility again.

I agree with most of those points but I don’t really want her cc to be too strong as she has multi freeze still but yea