Doomfist , Mei and Echo need to be looked at

Imo, Doomfist is one of this game’s biggest noob tubes because of how little effort is required to get value out of his kit once you know what you’re doing, and the fact that it requires noticeably more effort to shut Doomfist down then it takes for Doomfist to be effective.

Allegedly. I’m not even gonna acknowledge this.

Uh…I’d classify those heroes as on par with Doomfist if anything? But each one of those heroes has wildly different playstyles and efficacy in various scenarios…


I agree that 76 is in a good spot, but he certainly does need resources invested in order to be super effective.

So few players actually check my stats lol… :confused::disappointed:

Those owl stats shouldn’t have a relevance and shouldn’t be brought up. They are playing a completely different game there.
After playing df i can actually feel he feels super bad but i have no idea how you can buff him without making him feel op for lower ranks or super obnoxious to fight against because he has cc + mobility + burst damage. maybe just try the uppercut revert for now.
As for Mei, maybe try a faster fire rate or give her more ammo

Both OWL and Ladder stats should be used, cherry picking stats just shows bias.
You are right on the other stuff.

they make characters like sym feel op there just because of team tp strats

Shes not though even with her teleport being so powerful. She’s only twice as much popular as doomfist in OWL. 0.7*2 isn’t that much because we are comparing garbage to garbage.

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Imagine owning 3 copies of Overwatch on each platform and still having 1 hour of playtime on a hero you so desperately hate across all, instead of trying to understand his kit. And I do hope your experience and critique comes from the PC version, seeing as how people think Pharah is still broken on console.

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Pharah isn’t broken on Xbox because our Hitscan is great above high plat (most of the “Pharah op” claims come from PS4 players who have worse reaction times when compared to Xbox players), and if you think I only have 1 hour of Doomfist on each platform you are sorely mistaken.

Unfortunately, stats and times in many modes such as QPC are not displayed on the website. Furthermore, if you think this is my only account…lol.

I have a firm understanding of Doomfist’s kit, but I have not pushed him to the extremes that sweats and GMs can display.

You have to play doomfist on PC if we want to talk on the same level.

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I can only speak from my perspective. Doomfist is very effective and borderline oppressive on console. It may be different on pc where players can aim and adjust their camera at least twice as fast, if not faster…something that is infeasible on consoles without a XIM.

That is understandable. Rocket punch must be very good on console. Players cant really adjust their aim as fast as mouse users.

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If what you’re saying about Pharah is true, how can console players even keep up with Doom? Of course he’d seem broken. He’s 3x times as fast as Pharah. Also just so we’re clear, are you mainly complaining from Doom as a console player or all platforms?

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Verticality is extremely good on console. Not only is rocket punch great, but so is the slam-m1-uppercut combo that the majority of high elo Xbox Doomfist’s will use in order to delete virtually anything with less than 300 hp :confused:

By and large, we can’t. The counterplay is Torb, Ball, Hog, and Sombra. That being said, flashbang followups, Pharah, and Hitscan all have their merits. Genji and tracer are also effective because they can somewhat keep pace while dodging DF.

Hitscan heroes can work but they usually die before they can put a dent in DF unless the Hitscan has perfect aim.

Do they spam voicelines as well?

What successful Doomfist doesn’t spam voice lines?

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.3 seconds minimum

Unless they revert the shotgun buff they just gave him

There’s are reason soldier has to wait .3 seconds after running before he can shoot and mccree also has to wait .3 seconds before shooting

I honestly wouldn’t mind a slight buff to it or a slight range increase to slam (15m to 16/17m) but that’s too much

as they also buffed his slam and uppercut recently aswell (people more reliably end up directly in front of you rather than the side)

An ability that does what it was supposed to is doing what is was supposed to. Right thats a buff.

Disrespecting and insulting my opinion “doesn’t make your point right nor it makes you to be taken serious”, needless to say… :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Ahahah, not even close

Not with the hardest CC in the game as her primary fire that just needs to be fired towards the general direction of the enemy, a secondary fire that arguably outclasses McCree as a whole, one of the best “get - out - of jail - for - free” cards in the entire game on cool down and an Ultimate that completely takes control off everyone that is found within its large radius.

Mei unfortunately isn’t the only one that suffers from this design problem, indeed…

Keep saying that to yourself pal…

This is just so factually wrong that it hurts, I’m sorry…

Of course you can. The identity of a hero can be changed to success and the Overwatch devs have shown that this is both probable and possible a few times in the past.

Lolol, theres no point arguing with you, you got a mindset of a 5y/o
First of all, Mei has no design problem. If you got frozen, you got outplayed so deal with it. Of course you have no idea, since you never played the character in the 1st place.
Secondly, you are more than delusional if you actually think a projectile is better than hitscan, like super delusional. Mccree’s stun is more reliable than freeze for securing double headshots for even less effort. And you confuse cryofreeze, an ability which makes you immobile and causes death as soon as you exit out of it, with: meteor strike, duplicate, speedboost or swift strike. Get out of jail cards are usually survival abilities which actuallly, you know, let you survive. The ultimate offers actually about 5 seconds if not even more for everyone to escape too, unlike other similar ults.
And no, you can’t. Maybe if you change freeze to scale with hp pools, as i said, otherwise not possible. And just because you can’t bait a wall or can’t keep a few meters of distance doesn’t mean the character has bad design (again).
Overall, bad attempt at trolling again, but I, for some reason, still make an effort to perhaps enlighten you a bit about the actual game.

For you to be frozen, you’re either playing dive heroes wrong and wasting all your mobility, playing hitscans in her effective freeze range for some reason or having insanely bad spacing problem as a tank. Yeah it’s no skill, but it’s a close range freeze on a hero with 0 mobility to speak of.