Doomfist , Mei and Echo need to be looked at

Doomfist is currently one of the worst characters in the game alongside Mei and stats say Echo too. While I do not know how to fix Mei or Echo but I do know how to somewhat help doomfist. Mei and Echo players with experience can also chime in and give their heroes some proper changes without anything too crazy as we all know Blizzard barely ever gives a rework.

3 of Doomfist’s counters are getting buffed too. With McCree also being able to roll in the air after Doomfist uppercuts him.

Doom just gets deleted or stunned to death before he can even finish his uppercut animation. So please Blizzard :

Rising Uppercut

  • Recovery time decreased from 0.35 to 0.2 seconds.

This isn’t gonna be that big of a change, he’ll still stay a niche but way more fluid at what he does.



Thats a rlly good doom idea and a mei buff would increase ammo size and for cryo make it last less but you get healing faster and you get reload if your in it for 50%


Honestly, Doom and Mei need reworks, and Echo doesn’t need touching for the time being.

Remember when Doomfist was first released, and he was considered the worst char in the game? Oh but then he became really good simply via meta changes and bug fixes? (He got 1 buff since his release onto live, which was later reverted; the shield gain buff from 30 to 35)

Echo would have the same. She’s insanely strong in the 1v1, and has the best ult in the game. If she was buffed any further, she’d tip over into being far too strong.

The reason her stats are so bad rn is because she’s too difficult to play at the moment, and the community isn’t well versed into her playstyle. A lot of people are still learning how she works after all this time, and when people start to master her, then she’ll be played more.


Echo is fine imo. Doom and Mei on the other hand are in a bad state. Especially Doomfist, Sombra could literally shut him down and he’s a free target


Expanding on this, post-experimental McCree would dumpster Doomfist. Anytime he’s played, McCree would be able to instakill him AND avoid the oneshot. It’s too much for him to deal with, considering how finnicky his kit is.

For example; if I was to hit a oneshot as Doomfist, I need to be about 5m away from the target post slam, doing at least 70+ damage with said slam. Then, I need to jump and land enough pellets on the headshot for their health to be reduced down to 50 or so, then hit the uppercut. I need to do all of this before the target has the ability to react, AND I have to do it without anybody else seeing and CC’ing me, or else I’m dead.

Doing all of this is so so finnicky, and yet… McCree can two tap any squishy, whilst Hanzo and Widow can oneshot them from any range.

Fine. Seems balanced.


yes doom buff pls


Well… for Mei there are a few options. Other ideas are also welcome, but I don’t want to suggest any major reworks for her as of this time. Not that I haven’t before.

Option 1: remove the freeze from her gun, but up the damage and slow a lot. along with boosting right click rate of fire

Option 2: return the 70-90 slow/freeze and up her ammo amount, along with the 1.5s freeze time.

Echo will be fine the very second Ashe falls out of meta.

What do you think about these changes for her?

  1. targeted by supports in cryo, eventually let her auto reload and shorten its duration to 3 seconds.
  2. ammo consumption on primary decreased by 5 rounds/sec
  3. fire rate decreased to 0.65 seconds, to compensate for the 1.5->1.3 freeze duration nerf
    and fall off starting at 25-35 meters
  4. nerf primary fire damage (i don’t know how much its needed to give a value), but i think nerfing it too much won’t allow to kill even frozen 200hp targets
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Honestly… that doesn’t sound all that great. Mostly that her primary already doesn’t do much damage, and nerfing it more isn’t great. Plus that would make Mei the only projectile with falloff… again.

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You are right. What if they added better fire rate but didnt touch the falloff at all then? Although, your options seem better than mine even if we try to get to the same result.

Well… the fire rate would go a decent way towards it. But with as long as it takes to freeze and as much ammo as it takes, that still wouldn’t change her freeze combo that much. She’s sort of in that reload simulator state.

EDIT: So it would help just by letting her shoot more. But the combo wouldn’t be all that much better.

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Mei doesn’t need a rework, they can experiment with reverts first. She’s so much fun to play, we don’t want a Sym 2.0 style deletion that ruins her.

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you are right, i wanted to fix her without adding back so much cc in her kit, but it seems like it’s not so possible.

Ah yes, of course…

Please don’t rework the hero only I and the minority (if not tiny minority) of the player base find fun…

Just net buff her!

(As if that even was the main problem with Mei’s terribly - designed kit in the first place)…

You don’t want such a thing happening. Huge difference, besides everything else…

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As a doom main I would say to just bring back the uppercut he had at launch that stopped people from moving while they’re in the air until they touch the ground.

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You are an idiot Mr Negotiator, please stop replying to me with your pretentious, patronising, pedantic and arrogant posts, I have made it clear I do not like you. I have met no end of people like you especially when I was at university. I have noticed you upset other board users, ask yourself what it is about your posting style that does that.


I’ve been obsessively playing Echo for about a month now, I really do think that she’s fine tbh

You are not the ambassador or voice of everyone else.

Despite the fact that I don’t personally main Mei, I still find her fun and engaging, and wish they would soft-revert some of the changes as some were excessive such as nerfing her damage, load up, ammo and also the freezing time. They needed to do some of these things but not all of them one after another.

That being said, someone else is allowed to express their opinion on this despite of their reasoning. Whilst fun is subjective, it’s been a used reason in the past to buff and nerf others.


Negotiator, you are a troll, stop screaming around against an overnerfed character, nobody takes you seriously. Not until you grow some respect, educate yourself and stop being a troll
Learn to bait a wall and keep distance from short ranged characters

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